Showing posts with label first draft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label first draft. Show all posts

Monday, November 6, 2017

Writing Journal Entry # 12:

Now … where was I?
I completed the first draft of my novel: Slipped Masks.

It’s a milestone moment for a writer to reach this stage.
I hit the print icon and the 186–page manuscript streamed from the printer.
It was a great moment to shuffle the pages together in a neat pile and hand it to my wife.
Now to settle in a comfy chair with a large coffee and a red pen.
Let reading and revision commence for draft # 2 …

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Writing Journal Entry # 11:

In anticipation of watching Stanley Kubrick’s 1980 movie: The Shining, on Halloween, this blog is peppered with stills and animated gifs from that movie.
As many times as I’ve seen The Shining – and Lord only knows how many times I’ve seen it so far – that movie never gets old.
An in-depth blog on The Shining is to follow.

For now, this is about my need to focus on my own work in progress: Slipped Masks.

I’m getting antsy with the first draft …

I need to get this draft done, printed, and be in an armchair reading it through, scribbling and making notations with a red pen.
It’s great to share this writing process with my wife and I can’t wait for her to see the completed, printed version.

I don’t want any distractions…

… no reasons for procrastination …

… I wake up …

… focus ...

… and it’s down to work!

Writing can be frustrating at times …

… even nightmarish!

Sometimes writing gets you …

My wife’s been reading the work I’ve finished so far …

… and says she understands …

… so when the first draft is done, we’ll be celebrating!

See you when I emerge from the dark side of writing …


Blogging / tweeting / pinning, et al, will resume when the first draft is complete.
More to come.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Work! Work! Work!

The holiday season is over.
My wife and I took a break from all things work-related and enjoyed the time together.
I have a pile to read through, so I’m taking a break from blogging, posting and tweeting, for the rest of this month.
More in February.
Be inspired!

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Respect for all librarians:

To all my librarian friends, champions of books, true magicians in the House of Life.
Without you, this writer would be lost in the Dust.

- Rick Riordan.