Saturday, March 15, 2025

Go Pens!

Saturday, March 15, 2025.

Pittsburgh Penguins: 7. New Jersey Devils: 3.



On this day in movie history - The Highwaymen (2019):

The Highwaymen

directed by John Lee Hancock,
written by John Fusco,
was released in the United States on March 15, 2019.
Based on the true Bonnie and Clyde case (1931–1934).
Music by Thomas Newman.


Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, Kathy Bates, John Carroll Lynch, Thomas Mann, Dean Denton, Kim Dickens, William Sadler, W. Earl Brown, David Furr, Jason Davis, Josh Caras, David Born, Brian F. Durkin, Kaley Wheless, Alex Elder, Emily Brobst, Edward Bossert, Jake Dashnaw, Jane McNeill, Karson Kern, Jesse C. Boyd, Kevin Sangston, Robert Bryan Davis, Luray Cooper, Johnny McPhail, Silas Cooper, Jeff Pope, Arvin Combs, Joe Knezevich, Billy Slaughter, Brandon O'Dell, Dean J. West, Don Stallings, David Dwyer, Steve Vernon, Carter Maharrey, Justin Smith, Cullen Moss, Alan Wells, Josh Ventura, Michael Draper, Timothy McKinney, Luke Loveless, Allen Lopez, Ian Pitre, Billy  Johnston, Izzy G., Savanna Renee, Mitch Eakins, Matthew Paul Martinez, Todd Barnett, Troy Anthony Hogan, Taj Marqui Paul, Russell L. Welch III, Nicolas J. Lefebvre, Stephen L. Kelly, Robert Streeck, Donald Robert Mohr, Brad Napp, Sophia Silver, Lynden Orr, Makani Ravello, Samantha Hunter Ogan, Mikey Kelley, Leigh Anne Tuohy, Collins Tuohy, Teddy Orr, Skip Stellrecht, Jon Briddell, David Zyler, Lexi Elizabeth Audler, Tony Beard, William Buster Benefield, Brett Beoubay, Rusty Bourg, James Breaux, Matthew Rush Campbell, Rebecca Chulew, Kyle Clements, Sheenan Cole, Jay Conlin, Karen Dalferes, Daniel B. Davis, Michael Patrick Fogarty, Gregory Fountain, Karla Garcia, Johnny Ray Gibbs, Chad Governale, Gene Kevin Hames Jr., Christopher Hart, Timothy Hinrichs, Jackie Jenkins Jr., Andreanna L Jenson, Steve Kish, John C. Klein, Darrel J Lee, Lamar Lott, Tonya Maldonado, Aaron Mitchell, Zach Mooney, Destry Mushtare, Bryan Regan, Lester Savoie, William Schaff, Natalie Sibille, Steven Skipper, Lindsay Small Barrios, Toney Chapman Steele, Cameron Washington, Michael Wozniak, Mike A. Young.

On this day in television history - M Squad (1960):

M Squad

Season 3. Episode 26.
Episode entitled: Anything for Joe.
Released March 15, 1960.
Directed by Paul Stewart.
Written by Maxwell Shane and Harold Swanton.
Music by Benny Carter.


Lee Marvin, Paul Newlan, Ann Morrison, John Herman Shaner, Joseph Corey, Jody Warner, Charles Tannen, Herbert Lytton, Jack Harris.

Born on this day – Lawrence Sanders:

Lawrence Sanders


March 15, 1920 – February 7, 1998



Caper (1980); Capital Crimes (1989); Dark Summer (1980); Guilty Pleasures (1998); Lawrence Sanders: Four Complete Novels (1984); Love Songs (1972); McNally's Alibi (2002); McNally's Bluff (2004); McNally's Caper (1994); McNally's Chance (2001); McNally's Dare (2003); McNally's Dilemma (1999); McNally's Folly (2000); McNally's Gamble (1997); McNally's Luck (1992); McNally's Puzzle (1996); McNally's Risk (1993); McNally's Secret (1991); McNally's Trial (1995); Private Pleasures (1992); Stolen Blessings (1989); Sullivan's Sting (1990); Tales of the Wolf (1988); The Adventures of Chaucey Alcock (1997); The Anderson Tapes (1970); The Case of Lucy Bending / The Case of Lucy B. (1982); The Dream Lover (1986); The Eighth Commandment (1986); The First Deadly Sin (1973); The Fourth Deadly Sin (1985); The Loves of Harry Dancer / The Loves of Harry D. (1985); The Marlow Chronicles (1977); The Passion of Molly T. (1984); The Pleasures of Helen (1971); The Second Deadly Sin (1977); The Seduction of Peter S. (1983); The Seventh Commandment (1991); The Sixth Commandment (1978); The Tangent Factor (1978); The Tangent Objective (1976); The Tenth Commandment (1980); The Third Deadly Sin (1981); The Timothy Files (1987); The Timothy Files / Timothy's Game / Sullivan's Sting (1999); The Tomorrow File (1975); The Tomorrow File / The Tangent Objective / The Tangent Factor (2000); Timothy's Game (1988).


The First Deadly Sin (1980); The Anderson Tapes (1971); Fornicon (1971).

Born on this day – Paul J. Smith:

Paul J. Smith



March 15, 1906 – November 17, 1980


A Cartoonist's Nightmare (1935); A Day at the Zoo (1939); A Feud There Was (1938); A Fish Story (1972); A Gander at Mother Goose (1940); A Gooney Is Born (1970); A Great Big Bunch of You (1932); A Horse's Tale (1954); A Sunbonnet Blue (1937); A Wild Hare (1940); Abou Ben Boogie (1944); Adventures of Tom Thumb Jr. (1940); Africa Before Dark (1928); After the Ball (1956); Ain't Nature Grand! (1930); Air Raid Warden (1942); Airlift a la Carte (1971); Ali Baba and the Thieves (1953); Alice in the Big League (1927); Alice in the Klondike (1927); Alice the Beach Nut (1927); Alice the Whaler (1927); Alice's Auto Race (1927); Alice's Channel Swim (1927); Alice's Circus Daze (1927); Alice's Knaughty Knight (1927); Alice's Medicine Show (1927); Alice's Picnic (1927); Alice's Three Bad Eggs (1927); All Wet (1927); Along Flirtation Walk (1935); Alpine Antics (1936); Andy Panda's Pop (1941); Andy Panda's Victory Garden (1943); Apple Andy (1946); Arts and Flowers (1956); At Your Service Madame (1936); Bacall to Arms (1946); Bathing Buddies (1946); Battling Bosko (1932); Beau Bosko (1933); Beauty and the Beast (1934); Bedtime Bedlam (1955); Bee Bopped (1959); Believe It or Else (1939); Big Man from the North (1930); Big-Hearted Bosko (1932); Billboard Frolics (1935); Bingo Crosbyana (1936); Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company 'B' (1941); Boogie Woogie Man Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out (1943); Boogie Woogie Sioux (1942); Boom Boom (1936); Born to Peck (1952); Bosko and Bruno (1932); Bosko at the Beach (1932); Bosko at the Zoo (1932); Bosko in Dutch (1933); Bosko in Person (1933); Bosko Shipwrecked! (1931); Bosko the Doughboy (1931); Bosko the Drawback (1932); Bosko the Lumberjack (1932); Bosko the Musketeer (1933); Bosko the Sheep-Herder (1933); Bosko the Speed King (1933); Bosko the Talk-Ink Kid (1929); Bosko's Dizzy Date (1932); Bosko's Dog Race (1932); Bosko's Fox Hunt (1931); Bosko's Holiday (1931); Bosko's Knight-Mare (1933); Bosko's Mechanical Man (1933); Bosko's Party (1932); Bosko's Picture Show (1933); Bosko's Soda Fountain (1931); Bosko's Store (1932); Bosko's Woodland Daze (1932); Boulevardier from the Bronx (1936); Box Car Blues (1930); Bright Lights (1928); Buddy and Towser (1934); Buddy of the Apes (1934); Buddy Steps Out (1935); Buddy's Bearcats (1934); Buddy's Beer Garden (1933); Buddy's Garage (1934); Buddy's Trolley Troubles (1934); Bugged in a Rug (1968); Bunco Busters (1955); Canine Commandos (1943); Careless Caretaker (1962); Case of the Cold Storage Yegg (1963); Case of the Elephant's Trunk (1965); Case of the Red-Eyed Ruby (1961); Ceiling Hero (1940); Charlie in Hot Water (1970); Charlie the Rainmaker (1971); Charlie's Campout (1969); Charlie's Golf Classic (1970); Charlie's Mother-in-Law (1963); Chew-Chew Baby (1945); Chief Charlie Horse (1956); Chili Con Corny (1972); Chiller Dillers (1967); Chilly and the Looney Gooney (1969); Chilly and the Woodchopper (1967); Chilly Chums / A Peck of Trouble (1968); Chilly Chums / Astronut Woody (1966); Chilly Chums / Buster's Last Stand (1970); Chilly Chums / Bye, Bye, Blackboard (1972); Chilly Chums / Canned Dog Feud (1965); Chilly Chums / Chilly Chums (1967); Chilly Chums / Chilly's Cold War (1970); Chilly Chums / Coo Coo Nuts (1970); Chilly Chums / Fat in the Saddle (1968); Chilly Chums / Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin (1968); Chilly Chums / Flim Flam Fountain (1971); Chilly Chums / For the Love of Pizza (1972); Chilly Chums / Gold Diggin' Woodpecker (1972); Chilly Chums / Hassle in a Castle (1966); Chilly Chums / Have Gun - Can't Travel (1967); Chilly Chums / Hi-Rise Wise Guys (1970); Chilly Chums / Hook, Line, and Stinker (1968); Chilly Chums / Horse Play (1967); Chilly Chums / Hot Diggity Dog (1967); Chilly Chums / How to Trap a Woodpecker (1971); Chilly Chums / Indian Corn (1972); Chilly Chums / Janie Get Your Gun (1965); Chilly Chums / Kitty from the City (1971); Chilly Chums / Little Skeeter (1969); Chilly Chums / Lonesome Ranger (1966); Chilly Chums / Lotsa Luck (1968); Chilly Chums / Pecking Holes in Poles (1972); Chilly Chums / Phoney Pony (1969); Chilly Chums / Pistol Packin' Woodpecker (1960); Chilly Chums / Robin Hoody Woody (1962); Chilly Chums / Seal on the Loose (1970); Chilly Chums / Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker (1967); Chilly Chums / Ship a-Hoy Woody (1969); Chilly Chums / Sissy Sheriff (1967); Chilly Chums / Sleepy Time Chimes (1971); Chilly Chums / The Big Bite (1966); Chilly Chums / The Reluctant Recruit (1971); Chilly Chums / Tumble Weed Greed (1969); Chilly Chums / What's Peckin' (1965); Chilly Chums / Wild Bill Hiccup (1970); Chilly Chums / Woodpecker Wanted (1965); Chilly Chums / Woody and the Beanstalk (1966); Chilly Chums / Woody the Free-Loader (1968); Chilly Chums / Woody's Knightmare (1969); Chilly Chums / Woody's Magic Touch (1971); Chilly Willy (1953); Chilly's Hide-a-Way (1971); Chilly's Ice Folly (1970); Cinderella Meets Fella (1938); Circus Today (1940); Clean Pastures (1937); Coming Out Party (1963); Congo Jazz (1930); Cool It, Charlie (1969); Country Boy (1935); Cow-Cow Boogie (1943); Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee (1932); Cross Country Detours (1940); Crow Crazy (1945); Cubby's World Flight (1933); Daffy Duck & Egghead (1938); Daffy Duck in Hollywood (1938); Dangerous Dan McFoo (1939); Davey Cricket (1965); Destination Meat Ball (1951); Destination Moon (1950); Detouring America (1939); Dizzy Kitty (1941); Dopey Dick, the Pink Whale (1957); Egghead Rides Again (1937); Empty Socks (1927); Everglade Raid (1958); Fair Today (1941); Fair Weather Fiends (1946); Fish Fry (1944); Fish Hooked (1960); Fish Tales (1936); Flowers for Madame (1935); Fodder and Son (1957); Foot Brawl (1966); Fowled Up Falcon (1960); Freddy the Freshman (1932); Fresh Fish (1939); Get Lost (1956); Giddyap (1950); Good-Bye Mr. Moth (1942); Gooney's Goofy Landings (1970); Goopy Geer (1932); Goose in the Rough (1963); Goose Is Wild (1963); Gopher Broke (1969); Great Guns (1927); Guest Who? (1965); Half Empty Saddles (1958); Hamateur Night (1939); Harem Scarem (1928); Hay Rube (1954); He Was Her Man (1937); High Up (1928); Highway Hecklers (1968); His Better Elf (1958); Hi-Seas Hi-Jacker (1963); Hittin' the Trail for Hallelujah Land (1931); Hold Anything (1930); Hold That Ghost (1941); Hollywood Capers (1935); Honesty Is the Best Policy (1946); Hot Dogs (1928); Hot Time on Ice (1967); Hungry Hoboes (1928); Hyde and Sneak (1962); Hypnotic Hick (1953); Hysterical High Spots in American History (1941); I Haven't Got a Hat (1935); I Like Mountain Music (1933); I Love a Parade (1932); I Wanna Be a Sailor (1937); I Wanna Play House (1936); I Wish I Had Wings (1932); It's a Grand Old Nag (1947); It's Got Me Again! (1932); Jerky Turkey (1968); Jittery Jester (1958); Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (1938); Juke Box Jamboree (1942); Jungle Jive (1944); Lady, Play Your Mandolin! (1931); Land of the Midnight Fun (1939); Let Charlie Do It (1972); Let It Be Me (1936); Little Dutch Plate (1935); Little Red Riding Hood (1953); Little Red Walking Hood (1937); Man's Best Friend (1941); Maw and Paw (1953); Meatless Tuesday (1943); Mischievous Mice (1934); Misguided Missile (1958); Mississippi Slow Boat (1961); Monster of Ceremonies (1966); Moochin' Pooch (1971); Moonlight for Two (1932); Mother Goose on the Loose (1942); Mouse in the House (1967); Mouse Trappers (1941); Mousie Come Home (1946); Musical Moments from Chopin (1946); My Green Fedora (1935); Neck 'n' Neck (1928); Niagara Fools (1956); Nutty Pine Cabin (1942); Oh Teacher (1927); Oh What a Knight (1928); One Horse Town (1968); One More Time (1931); One Step Ahead of My Shadow (1933); Ozzie of the Mounted (1928); Pagan Moon (1932); Page Miss Glory (1936); Pantry Panic (1941); Papoose on the Loose (1961); Pass the Biscuits Mirandy! (1943); Paste Makes Waste (1968); Phoney Express (1962); Pig in a Pickle (1954); Pigeon Patrol (1942); Piggy's Dizzy Night (1954); Pigs Is Pigs (1937); Plywood Panic (1953); Polar Fright (1966); Poor Papa (1927); Pop Goes My Heart (1934); Porky's Hare Hunt (1938); Porky's Moving Day (1936); Porky's Pet (1936); Practical Yolk (1966); Prehistoric Super Salesman (1969); Project Reject (1969); Rah Rah Ruckus (1964); Rain Rain, Go Away (1972); Reddy Made Magic (1946); Red-Headed Baby (1931); Rickety Gin (1927); Ride 'Em Plowboy (1928); Ride Him, Bosko! (1932); Rival Romeos (1928); Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle (1964); Room and Bored (1962); Rough and Tumbleweed (1961); Sagebrush Sadie (1928); Salmon Yeggs (1958); Salt Water Daffy (1941); Scalp Treatment (1952); Screwball Football (1939); Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (1941); Shake Your Powder Puff (1934); Shanghai Woody (1971); Shanghaied Shipmates (1936); She Was an Acrobat's Daughter (1937); Short in the Saddle (1962); Show Biz Beagle (1972); Shuffle Off to Buffalo (1933); Sinkin' in the Bathtub (1930); Ski for Two (1944); Sky Scrappers (1928); Sleepy Time Bear (1969); Sleigh Bells (1928); Slingshot 6 7/8 (1951); Sliphorn King of Polaroo (1945); Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (1931); Smoked Hams (1947); Snow Place Like Home (1966); South Pole Pals (1966); Spook-A-Nanny (1964); Square Shootin' Square (1955); St. Moritz Blitz (1961); Stage Hoax (1952); Sunday Go to Meetin' Time (1936); Swing Your Partner (1943); Symphony Night (1953); Syncopated Sioux (1940); Take Heed Mr. Tojo (1943); Tall Timber (1928); The Banker's Daughter (1927); The Barber of Seville (1944); The Beach Nut (1944); The Bear's Tale (1940); The Bird Who Came to Dinner Re-Animated (2017); The Blow Out (1936); The Booze Hangs High (1930); The Bungling Builder (1971); The Case of the Maltese Chicken (1964); The CooCoo Nut Grove (1936); The Dippy Diplomat (1945); The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (1933); The Dizzy Acrobat (1943); The Dog That Cried Wolf (1953); The Dumb Patrol (1931); The Early Worm Gets the Bird (1940); The Egg Cracker Suite (1943); The Fella with the Fiddle (1937); The Fire Alarm (1935); The Flying Turtle (1953); The Fox and the Grapes (1953); The Fox Chase (1928); The Gay Gaucho (1933); The Genie with the Light Touch (1972); The Grasshopper and the Ants (1953); The Great Who-Dood-It (1952); The Greatest Man in Siam (1944); The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured (1942); The Hollywood Matador / Ace in the Hole (1942); The Hollywood Matador / Bats in the Belfry (1960); The Hollywood Matador / Box Car Bandit (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Busman's Holiday (1961); The Hollywood Matador / Calling All Cuckoos (1956); The Hollywood Matador / Calling Dr. Woodpecker (1963); The Hollywood Matador / Crowin' Pains (1962); The Hollywood Matador / Freeway Fracas (1964); The Hollywood Matador / Heap Big Hepcat (1960); The Hollywood Matador / Home Sweet Home Wrecker (1962); The Hollywood Matador / Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure (1953); The Hollywood Matador / How to Stuff a Woodpecker (1960); The Hollywood Matador / International Woodpecker (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Kiddie League (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Little Woody Riding Hood (1962); The Hollywood Matador / Log Jammed (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Ozark Lark (1960); The Hollywood Matador / Phantom of the Horse Opera (1961); The Hollywood Matador / Private Eye Pooch (1955); The Hollywood Matador / Ration Bored (1943); The Hollywood Matador / Real Gone Woody (1954); The Hollywood Matador / Red Riding Hoodlum (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Roamin' Roman (1964); The Hollywood Matador / Romp in a Swamp (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Round Trip to Mars (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Saddle-Sore Woody (1964); The Hollywood Matador / Shutter Bug (1963); The Hollywood Matador / Sufferin' Cats (1961); The Hollywood Matador / Termites from Mars (1952); The Hollywood Matador / The Bird Who Came to Dinner (1961); The Hollywood Matador / The Hollywood Matador (1942); The Hollywood Matador / The Loan Stranger (1942); The Hollywood Matador / The Screwball (1943); The Hollywood Matador / The Screwdriver (1941); The Hollywood Matador / The Tee Bird (1959); The Hollywood Matador / The Woody Woodpecker Polka (1951); The Hollywood Matador / Tomcat Combat (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Tragic Magic (1962); The Hollywood Matador / What's Sweepin' (1953); The Hollywood Matador / Woodpecker in the Rough (1952); The Hollywood Matador / Woody Woodpecker (1941); The Hound and the Rabbit (1953); The Isle of Pingo Pongo (1938); The King of Ads (1991); The Lady in Red (1935); The Lion and the Mouse (1953); The Loose Nut (1945); The Mechanical Cow (1927); The Mice Will Play (1938); The Miller's Daughter (1934); The Miner's Daughter (1950); The Mouse and the Lion (1953); The Nautical Nut (1967); The Ocean Hop (1927); The Ol' Swimmin' Hole (1928); The Organ Grinder (1933); The Painter and the Pointer (1944); The Penguin Parade (1938); The Phantom Ship (1936); The Pied Piper of Basin Street (1945); The Poet & Peasant (1945); The Queen Was in the Parlor (1932); The Reckless Driver (1946); The Redwood Sap (1951); The Rude Intruder (1972); The Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives (1933); The Sneezing Weasel (1938); The Snoozin' Bruin' (1971); The Tortoise and the Hare (1953); The Tree's Knees (1931); The Unbearable Salesman (1957); The Unhandy Man (1970); The Wacky Weed (1946); The Woody Woodpecker Show (1957); Those Beautiful Dames (1934); Those Were Wonderful Days (1934); Three-Ring Fling (1958); Three's a Crowd (1932); Thugs with Dirty Mugs (1939); Toy Town Hall (1936); Tree's a Crowd (1958); Trolley Troubles (1927); Truant Student (1959); $21 a Day - (Once a Month) (1941); Under Sea Dogs (1968); Under the Spreading Blacksmith Shop (1942); Unlucky Potluck (1972); Ups 'n Downs (1931); Vicious Viking (1967); Wake Up the Gypsy in Me (1933); Walter, Woody and the World of Animation (1982); We're in the Money (1933); Westward Whoa (1936); When I Yoo Hoo (1936); Who's Cookin Who? (1946); Wicket Wacky (1951); Window Pains (1967); Witch Crafty (1955); Woodpecker from Mars (1956); Woody Dines Out (1945); Yankee Doodle Swing Shift (1942); Yodeling Yokels (1931); You Don't Know What You're Doin'! (1931); Young and Healthy (1933); You're Too Careless with Your Kisses! (1932).

Born on this day – Verree Teasdale:

Verree Teasdale


March 15, 1903 – February 17, 1987



Buy, Buy, Baby (1926); By Request (1928); Experience Unnecessary (1931 / 1932); Marriage for Three (1931); Nice Women (1929); Precious (1929); Soldiers and Women (1929); The Constant Wife (1926 / 1927); The Greeks Had a Word for It (1930 / 1931); The Master of the Inn (1925 / 1926); The Morning After (1925); The Royal Virgin (1930); The Youngest (1924 / 1925).

Movies and television:

A Dream Comes True (1935); A Midsummer Night's Dream (1935); A Modern Hero (1934); Breakdowns of 1938 (1938); Busby Berkeley and the Gold Diggers (1969); Come Live with Me (1941); Desirable (1934); Dr. Monica (1934); Fashions of 1934 (1934); Fifth Avenue Girl (1939); First Lady (1937); Good-bye Love (1933); Her New Chauffeur (1929); Hunt the Tiger (1929); I Take This Woman (1940); Love Thy Neighbor (1940); Love, Honor and Oh, Baby! (1933); Luxury Liner (1933); Madame Du Barry (1934); Mr. Intruder (1930); Payment Deferred (1932); Roman Scandals (1933); Skyscraper Souls (1932); Syncopation (1929); Terror Aboard (1933); The Firebird (1934); The Milky Way (1936); The Ninety-Ninth Amendment (1929); The Sap from Syracuse (1930); They Just Had to Get Married (1932); Topper Takes a Trip (1938); Turnabout (1940).

Recommended reading - The Goodbye Look, by Ross Macdonald (1969):

The Goodbye Look

By Ross Macdonald.

Published by Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group.
First published 1969.
ISBN-10: 0375708650
ISBN-13: 978-0375708657


"The American private eye, immortalized by Hammett, refined by Chandler, brought to its zenith by Macdonald." – The New York Times Book Review.

In The Goodbye Look, Lew Archer is hired to investigate a burglary at the mission-style mansion of Irene and Larry Chalmers. The prime suspect, their son Nick, has a talent for disappearing, and the Chalmerses are a family with money and memories to burn. As Archer zeros in on Nick, he discovers a troubled blonde, a stash of wartime letters, a mysterious hobo. Then a stiff turns up in a car on an empty beach. And Nick turns up with a Colt .45. In The Goodbye Look, Ross Macdonald delves into the world of the rich and the troubled and reveals that the past has a deadly way of catching up to the present.

If any writer can be said to have inherited the mantle of Dashiell Hammett and Raymond Chandler, it is Ross Macdonald. Between the late 1940s and his death in 1983, he gave the American crime novel a psychological depth and moral complexity that his pre-decessors had only hinted at. And in the character of Lew Archer, Macdonald redefined the private eye as a roving conscience who walks the treacherous frontier between criminal guilt and human sin.

Author humor:

4,000 years later and we’re back to the same language…

Introvert insight:

I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself, than be crowded on a velvet cushion.

– Henry David Thoreau.
Don’t think of introversion as something that needs to be cured.

– Susan Cain.
I don’t have time for superficial friends.
I suppose, if you’re really lonely, you can call a superficial friend, but otherwise, what’s the point?

– Courtney Cox.
Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing.

– William S. Burroughs.

Farley Mowat, on writing:

I write every day.
I'm always in the process of writing my last book, until the next one.

- Farley Mowat.