Showing posts with label animator. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animator. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2025

Born on this day – Joseph Barbera:

Joseph Barbera





March 24, 1911 – December 18, 2006

Born on this day – Ub Iwerks:

Ub Iwerks




Special effects technician

March 24, 1901 – July 7, 1971


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954); A Busy Day (1940); Africa Before Dark (1928); Africa Squeaks (1931); Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1934); Aladdin's Vamp (1926); Alaskan Sled Dog (1957); Ali Baba (1936); Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924); Alice and the Three Bears (1924); Alice at the Carnival (1927); Alice at the Rodeo (1927); Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925); Alice Charms the Fish (1926); Alice Chops the Suey (1925); Alice Cuts the Ice (1926); Alice Foils the Pirates (1927); Alice Gets in Dutch (1924); Alice Gets Stung (1925); Alice Helps the Romance (1926); Alice Hunting in Africa (1924); Alice in Slumberland (1926); Alice in the Alps (1927); Alice in the Big League (1927); Alice in the Jungle (1925); Alice in the Klondike (1927); Alice in the Wooly West (1926); Alice in Wonderland (1951); Alice Is Stage Struck (1925); Alice Loses Out (1925); Alice on the Farm (1926); Alice Picks the Champ (1925); Alice Plays Cupid (1925); Alice Rattled by Rats (1925); Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925); Alice the Beach Nut (1927); Alice the Collegiate (1927); Alice the Fire Fighter (1926); Alice the Golf Bug (1927); Alice the Lumberjack (1926); Alice the Peacemaker (1924); Alice the Piper (1924); Alice the Toreador (1925); Alice the Whaler (1927); Alice Wins the Derby (1925); Alice's Auto Race (1927); Alice's Balloon Race (1926); Alice's Brown Derby (1926); Alice's Channel Swim (1927); Alice's Circus Daze (1927); Alice's Day at Sea (1924); Alice's Egg Plant (1925); Alice's Fishy Story (1924); Alice's Knaughty Knight (1927); Alice's Little Parade (1926); Alice's Medicine Show (1927); Alice's Monkey Business (1926); Alice's Mysterious Mystery (1926); Alice's Picnic (1927); Alice's Spanish Guitar (1926); Alice's Spooky Adventure (1924); Alice's Three Bad Eggs (1927); Alice's Tin Pony (1925); Alice's Wild West Show (1924); Alice's Wonderland (1923); All Together (1942); All Wet (1927); Arctic Antics (1930); Autumn (1930); Baby Checkers (1940); Balloon Land (1935); Bear Country (1953); Beauty Shoppe (1940); Beaver Valley (1950); Behind the Tunes: Bosko, Buddy and the Best of Black and White (2005); Blackboard Revue (1940); Bright Lights (1928); Bulloney (1933); Bye, Bye Bluebeard (1949); Cave Man (1934); Cinderella (1922); Cinderella (1950); Circus (1932); Coo Coo the Magician (1933); Crop Chasers (1939); Cuckoo Murder Case (1933); Davy Crockett and the River Pirates (1956); Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955); Davy Jones' Locker (1934); Dick Whittington's Cat (1936); Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956); Don Quixote (1934); El terrible toreador (1929); Empty Socks (1927); Fiddlesticks (1930); Fiddling Around (1930); Fire! Fire! (1932); Flip's Lunch Room (1933); Flying Fists (1930); Fun and Fancy Free (1947); Funny Face (1932); Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (1922); Goliath II (1960); Great Guns (1927); Happy Days (1936); Harem Scarem (1928); Hell's Bells (1929); Hell's Fire (1934); High Up (1928); Hot Dogs (1928); Humpty Dumpty (1935); Hungry Hoboes (1928); Jack and the Beanstalk (1933); Jack Frost (1934); Jack the Giant Killer (1922); Jail Birds (1931); Johnny Tremain (1957); Jungle Cat (1960); Jungle Jitters (1934); Jungle Rhythm (1929); Lady and the Tramp (1955); Laughing Gas (1931); Little Boy Blue (1936); Little Orphan Willie (1930); Little Red Riding Hood (1922); Make Mine Music (1946); Mary Poppins (1964); Mary's Little Lamb (1935); Melodious Zach: O! Melodious Song (2014); Melody Time (1948); Men Against the Arctic (1955); Merry Mannequins (1937); Midnight Frolics (1938); Minnie's Yoo Hoo (1930); Movie Mad (1931); Nature's Half Acre (1951); Nell's Yells (1939); Nurse Maid (1932); Oh Teacher (1927); Oh What a Knight (1928); Old Mother Hubbard (1935); One Hour in Wonderland (1950); One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961); Ozzie of the Mounted (1928); Pale-Face (1933); Perri (1957); Peter Pan (1953); Phoney Express (1932); Plane Crazy (1928); Play Ball (1933); Pollyanna (1960); Poor Papa (1927); Porky and Gabby (1937); Porky's Badtime Story (1937); Porky's Super Service (1937); Prowlers of the Everglades (1953); Puddle Pranks (1930); Puppy Love (1932); Puss in Boots (1922); Puss in Boots (1934); Ragtime Romeo (1931); Rasslin' Round (1934); Reducing Crème (1934); Rickety Gin (1927); Ride 'Em Plowboy (1928); Rival Romeos (1928); Robin Hood, Jr. (1934); Room Runners (1932); Sagebrush Sadie (1928); Sardinia (1956); School Days (1932); Scrappy's Trip to Mars (1937); Secrets of Life (1956); See How They Won (1935); Simple Simon (1935); Sinbad the Sailor (1935); Skeleton Frolic (1937); Sky Scrappers (1928); Sleeping Beauty (1959); Sleigh Bells (1928); Snowtime (1938); So Dear to My Heart (1948); Soda Squirt (1933); Song of the South (1946); Spite Flight (1933); Spooks (1931); Springtime (1929); Steamboat Willie (1928); Stop That Tank! (1942); Stormy Seas (1932); Stratos-Fear (1933); Summer (1930); Summertime (1935); Tall Timber (1928); Techno-Cracked (1933); Ten Who Dared (1960); The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949); The African Lion (1955); The Air Race (1933); The Banker's Daughter (1927); The Barn Dance (1929); The Barnyard Battle (1929); The Big Fisherman (1959); The Birds (1963); The Blue Men of Morocco (1956); The Boston Tea Party (1966); The Brave Tin Soldier (1934); The Brementown Musicians (1935); The Bully (1932); The Cactus Kid (1930); The Carpenters (1941); The Egg Hunt (1940); The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922); The Fox Chase (1928); The Foxy Pup (1937); The Frog Pond (1938); The Gallopin' Gaucho (1928); The Goal Rush (1932); The Good Scout (1934); The Gorilla Hunt (1939); The Great Locomotive Chase (1956); The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure (1956); The Haunted House (1929); The Headless Horseman (1934); The Horse on the Merry-Go-Round (1938); The Jazz Fool (1929); The Jungle Book (1967); The Karnival Kid (1929); The King's Tailor (1934); The Little Red Hen (1934); The Living Desert (1953); The Magical World of Disney (1954–1971); The Mechanical Cow (1927); The Merry Dwarfs (1929); The Mickey Mouse Club (1955); The Microbe Army (1935); The Milkman (1932); The Music Lesson (1932); The New Car (1931); The Ocean Hop (1927); The Office Boy (1932); The Ol' Swimmin' Hole (1928); The Olympic Elk (1952); The Opry House (1929); The Parent Trap (1961); The Plowboy (1929); The Queen of Hearts (1934); The Reluctant Dragon (1941); The Skeleton Dance (1929); The Soup Song (1931); The Sword in the Stone (1963); The Three Bears (1935); The Three Caballeros (1944); The Three Lives of Thomasina (1963); The Vanishing of S.S. Willie (2024); The Vanishing Prairie (1954); The Village Barber (1930); The Village Smitty (1931); The Village Specialist (1931); The Wise Owl (1940); Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks with a Circus (1960); Tom Thumb (1936); ToonHeads (2003); Trolley Troubles (1927); Two Lazy Crows (1936); Viva Willie (1934); Water Birds (1952); Westward Ho, the Wagons! (1956); What a Life (1932); When the Cat's Away (1929); White Wilderness (1958); Wild Waves (1929); Willie Whopper (1933); Ye Olde Swap Shoppe (1940).

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Born on this day – Paul J. Smith:

Paul J. Smith



March 15, 1906 – November 17, 1980


A Cartoonist's Nightmare (1935); A Day at the Zoo (1939); A Feud There Was (1938); A Fish Story (1972); A Gander at Mother Goose (1940); A Gooney Is Born (1970); A Great Big Bunch of You (1932); A Horse's Tale (1954); A Sunbonnet Blue (1937); A Wild Hare (1940); Abou Ben Boogie (1944); Adventures of Tom Thumb Jr. (1940); Africa Before Dark (1928); After the Ball (1956); Ain't Nature Grand! (1930); Air Raid Warden (1942); Airlift a la Carte (1971); Ali Baba and the Thieves (1953); Alice in the Big League (1927); Alice in the Klondike (1927); Alice the Beach Nut (1927); Alice the Whaler (1927); Alice's Auto Race (1927); Alice's Channel Swim (1927); Alice's Circus Daze (1927); Alice's Knaughty Knight (1927); Alice's Medicine Show (1927); Alice's Picnic (1927); Alice's Three Bad Eggs (1927); All Wet (1927); Along Flirtation Walk (1935); Alpine Antics (1936); Andy Panda's Pop (1941); Andy Panda's Victory Garden (1943); Apple Andy (1946); Arts and Flowers (1956); At Your Service Madame (1936); Bacall to Arms (1946); Bathing Buddies (1946); Battling Bosko (1932); Beau Bosko (1933); Beauty and the Beast (1934); Bedtime Bedlam (1955); Bee Bopped (1959); Believe It or Else (1939); Big Man from the North (1930); Big-Hearted Bosko (1932); Billboard Frolics (1935); Bingo Crosbyana (1936); Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company 'B' (1941); Boogie Woogie Man Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out (1943); Boogie Woogie Sioux (1942); Boom Boom (1936); Born to Peck (1952); Bosko and Bruno (1932); Bosko at the Beach (1932); Bosko at the Zoo (1932); Bosko in Dutch (1933); Bosko in Person (1933); Bosko Shipwrecked! (1931); Bosko the Doughboy (1931); Bosko the Drawback (1932); Bosko the Lumberjack (1932); Bosko the Musketeer (1933); Bosko the Sheep-Herder (1933); Bosko the Speed King (1933); Bosko the Talk-Ink Kid (1929); Bosko's Dizzy Date (1932); Bosko's Dog Race (1932); Bosko's Fox Hunt (1931); Bosko's Holiday (1931); Bosko's Knight-Mare (1933); Bosko's Mechanical Man (1933); Bosko's Party (1932); Bosko's Picture Show (1933); Bosko's Soda Fountain (1931); Bosko's Store (1932); Bosko's Woodland Daze (1932); Boulevardier from the Bronx (1936); Box Car Blues (1930); Bright Lights (1928); Buddy and Towser (1934); Buddy of the Apes (1934); Buddy Steps Out (1935); Buddy's Bearcats (1934); Buddy's Beer Garden (1933); Buddy's Garage (1934); Buddy's Trolley Troubles (1934); Bugged in a Rug (1968); Bunco Busters (1955); Canine Commandos (1943); Careless Caretaker (1962); Case of the Cold Storage Yegg (1963); Case of the Elephant's Trunk (1965); Case of the Red-Eyed Ruby (1961); Ceiling Hero (1940); Charlie in Hot Water (1970); Charlie the Rainmaker (1971); Charlie's Campout (1969); Charlie's Golf Classic (1970); Charlie's Mother-in-Law (1963); Chew-Chew Baby (1945); Chief Charlie Horse (1956); Chili Con Corny (1972); Chiller Dillers (1967); Chilly and the Looney Gooney (1969); Chilly and the Woodchopper (1967); Chilly Chums / A Peck of Trouble (1968); Chilly Chums / Astronut Woody (1966); Chilly Chums / Buster's Last Stand (1970); Chilly Chums / Bye, Bye, Blackboard (1972); Chilly Chums / Canned Dog Feud (1965); Chilly Chums / Chilly Chums (1967); Chilly Chums / Chilly's Cold War (1970); Chilly Chums / Coo Coo Nuts (1970); Chilly Chums / Fat in the Saddle (1968); Chilly Chums / Feudin Fightin-N-Fussin (1968); Chilly Chums / Flim Flam Fountain (1971); Chilly Chums / For the Love of Pizza (1972); Chilly Chums / Gold Diggin' Woodpecker (1972); Chilly Chums / Hassle in a Castle (1966); Chilly Chums / Have Gun - Can't Travel (1967); Chilly Chums / Hi-Rise Wise Guys (1970); Chilly Chums / Hook, Line, and Stinker (1968); Chilly Chums / Horse Play (1967); Chilly Chums / Hot Diggity Dog (1967); Chilly Chums / How to Trap a Woodpecker (1971); Chilly Chums / Indian Corn (1972); Chilly Chums / Janie Get Your Gun (1965); Chilly Chums / Kitty from the City (1971); Chilly Chums / Little Skeeter (1969); Chilly Chums / Lonesome Ranger (1966); Chilly Chums / Lotsa Luck (1968); Chilly Chums / Pecking Holes in Poles (1972); Chilly Chums / Phoney Pony (1969); Chilly Chums / Pistol Packin' Woodpecker (1960); Chilly Chums / Robin Hoody Woody (1962); Chilly Chums / Seal on the Loose (1970); Chilly Chums / Secret Agent Woody Woodpecker (1967); Chilly Chums / Ship a-Hoy Woody (1969); Chilly Chums / Sissy Sheriff (1967); Chilly Chums / Sleepy Time Chimes (1971); Chilly Chums / The Big Bite (1966); Chilly Chums / The Reluctant Recruit (1971); Chilly Chums / Tumble Weed Greed (1969); Chilly Chums / What's Peckin' (1965); Chilly Chums / Wild Bill Hiccup (1970); Chilly Chums / Woodpecker Wanted (1965); Chilly Chums / Woody and the Beanstalk (1966); Chilly Chums / Woody the Free-Loader (1968); Chilly Chums / Woody's Knightmare (1969); Chilly Chums / Woody's Magic Touch (1971); Chilly Willy (1953); Chilly's Hide-a-Way (1971); Chilly's Ice Folly (1970); Cinderella Meets Fella (1938); Circus Today (1940); Clean Pastures (1937); Coming Out Party (1963); Congo Jazz (1930); Cool It, Charlie (1969); Country Boy (1935); Cow-Cow Boogie (1943); Crosby, Columbo, and Vallee (1932); Cross Country Detours (1940); Crow Crazy (1945); Cubby's World Flight (1933); Daffy Duck & Egghead (1938); Daffy Duck in Hollywood (1938); Dangerous Dan McFoo (1939); Davey Cricket (1965); Destination Meat Ball (1951); Destination Moon (1950); Detouring America (1939); Dizzy Kitty (1941); Dopey Dick, the Pink Whale (1957); Egghead Rides Again (1937); Empty Socks (1927); Everglade Raid (1958); Fair Today (1941); Fair Weather Fiends (1946); Fish Fry (1944); Fish Hooked (1960); Fish Tales (1936); Flowers for Madame (1935); Fodder and Son (1957); Foot Brawl (1966); Fowled Up Falcon (1960); Freddy the Freshman (1932); Fresh Fish (1939); Get Lost (1956); Giddyap (1950); Good-Bye Mr. Moth (1942); Gooney's Goofy Landings (1970); Goopy Geer (1932); Goose in the Rough (1963); Goose Is Wild (1963); Gopher Broke (1969); Great Guns (1927); Guest Who? (1965); Half Empty Saddles (1958); Hamateur Night (1939); Harem Scarem (1928); Hay Rube (1954); He Was Her Man (1937); High Up (1928); Highway Hecklers (1968); His Better Elf (1958); Hi-Seas Hi-Jacker (1963); Hittin' the Trail for Hallelujah Land (1931); Hold Anything (1930); Hold That Ghost (1941); Hollywood Capers (1935); Honesty Is the Best Policy (1946); Hot Dogs (1928); Hot Time on Ice (1967); Hungry Hoboes (1928); Hyde and Sneak (1962); Hypnotic Hick (1953); Hysterical High Spots in American History (1941); I Haven't Got a Hat (1935); I Like Mountain Music (1933); I Love a Parade (1932); I Wanna Be a Sailor (1937); I Wanna Play House (1936); I Wish I Had Wings (1932); It's a Grand Old Nag (1947); It's Got Me Again! (1932); Jerky Turkey (1968); Jittery Jester (1958); Johnny Smith and Poker-Huntas (1938); Juke Box Jamboree (1942); Jungle Jive (1944); Lady, Play Your Mandolin! (1931); Land of the Midnight Fun (1939); Let Charlie Do It (1972); Let It Be Me (1936); Little Dutch Plate (1935); Little Red Riding Hood (1953); Little Red Walking Hood (1937); Man's Best Friend (1941); Maw and Paw (1953); Meatless Tuesday (1943); Mischievous Mice (1934); Misguided Missile (1958); Mississippi Slow Boat (1961); Monster of Ceremonies (1966); Moochin' Pooch (1971); Moonlight for Two (1932); Mother Goose on the Loose (1942); Mouse in the House (1967); Mouse Trappers (1941); Mousie Come Home (1946); Musical Moments from Chopin (1946); My Green Fedora (1935); Neck 'n' Neck (1928); Niagara Fools (1956); Nutty Pine Cabin (1942); Oh Teacher (1927); Oh What a Knight (1928); One Horse Town (1968); One More Time (1931); One Step Ahead of My Shadow (1933); Ozzie of the Mounted (1928); Pagan Moon (1932); Page Miss Glory (1936); Pantry Panic (1941); Papoose on the Loose (1961); Pass the Biscuits Mirandy! (1943); Paste Makes Waste (1968); Phoney Express (1962); Pig in a Pickle (1954); Pigeon Patrol (1942); Piggy's Dizzy Night (1954); Pigs Is Pigs (1937); Plywood Panic (1953); Polar Fright (1966); Poor Papa (1927); Pop Goes My Heart (1934); Porky's Hare Hunt (1938); Porky's Moving Day (1936); Porky's Pet (1936); Practical Yolk (1966); Prehistoric Super Salesman (1969); Project Reject (1969); Rah Rah Ruckus (1964); Rain Rain, Go Away (1972); Reddy Made Magic (1946); Red-Headed Baby (1931); Rickety Gin (1927); Ride 'Em Plowboy (1928); Ride Him, Bosko! (1932); Rival Romeos (1928); Roof-Top Razzle Dazzle (1964); Room and Bored (1962); Rough and Tumbleweed (1961); Sagebrush Sadie (1928); Salmon Yeggs (1958); Salt Water Daffy (1941); Scalp Treatment (1952); Screwball Football (1939); Scrub Me Mama with a Boogie Beat (1941); Shake Your Powder Puff (1934); Shanghai Woody (1971); Shanghaied Shipmates (1936); She Was an Acrobat's Daughter (1937); Short in the Saddle (1962); Show Biz Beagle (1972); Shuffle Off to Buffalo (1933); Sinkin' in the Bathtub (1930); Ski for Two (1944); Sky Scrappers (1928); Sleepy Time Bear (1969); Sleigh Bells (1928); Slingshot 6 7/8 (1951); Sliphorn King of Polaroo (1945); Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! (1931); Smoked Hams (1947); Snow Place Like Home (1966); South Pole Pals (1966); Spook-A-Nanny (1964); Square Shootin' Square (1955); St. Moritz Blitz (1961); Stage Hoax (1952); Sunday Go to Meetin' Time (1936); Swing Your Partner (1943); Symphony Night (1953); Syncopated Sioux (1940); Take Heed Mr. Tojo (1943); Tall Timber (1928); The Banker's Daughter (1927); The Barber of Seville (1944); The Beach Nut (1944); The Bear's Tale (1940); The Bird Who Came to Dinner Re-Animated (2017); The Blow Out (1936); The Booze Hangs High (1930); The Bungling Builder (1971); The Case of the Maltese Chicken (1964); The CooCoo Nut Grove (1936); The Dippy Diplomat (1945); The Dish Ran Away with the Spoon (1933); The Dizzy Acrobat (1943); The Dog That Cried Wolf (1953); The Dumb Patrol (1931); The Early Worm Gets the Bird (1940); The Egg Cracker Suite (1943); The Fella with the Fiddle (1937); The Fire Alarm (1935); The Flying Turtle (1953); The Fox and the Grapes (1953); The Fox Chase (1928); The Gay Gaucho (1933); The Genie with the Light Touch (1972); The Grasshopper and the Ants (1953); The Great Who-Dood-It (1952); The Greatest Man in Siam (1944); The Hams That Couldn't Be Cured (1942); The Hollywood Matador / Ace in the Hole (1942); The Hollywood Matador / Bats in the Belfry (1960); The Hollywood Matador / Box Car Bandit (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Busman's Holiday (1961); The Hollywood Matador / Calling All Cuckoos (1956); The Hollywood Matador / Calling Dr. Woodpecker (1963); The Hollywood Matador / Crowin' Pains (1962); The Hollywood Matador / Freeway Fracas (1964); The Hollywood Matador / Heap Big Hepcat (1960); The Hollywood Matador / Home Sweet Home Wrecker (1962); The Hollywood Matador / Hot Noon or 12 O'Clock for Sure (1953); The Hollywood Matador / How to Stuff a Woodpecker (1960); The Hollywood Matador / International Woodpecker (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Kiddie League (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Little Woody Riding Hood (1962); The Hollywood Matador / Log Jammed (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Ozark Lark (1960); The Hollywood Matador / Phantom of the Horse Opera (1961); The Hollywood Matador / Private Eye Pooch (1955); The Hollywood Matador / Ration Bored (1943); The Hollywood Matador / Real Gone Woody (1954); The Hollywood Matador / Red Riding Hoodlum (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Roamin' Roman (1964); The Hollywood Matador / Romp in a Swamp (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Round Trip to Mars (1957); The Hollywood Matador / Saddle-Sore Woody (1964); The Hollywood Matador / Shutter Bug (1963); The Hollywood Matador / Sufferin' Cats (1961); The Hollywood Matador / Termites from Mars (1952); The Hollywood Matador / The Bird Who Came to Dinner (1961); The Hollywood Matador / The Hollywood Matador (1942); The Hollywood Matador / The Loan Stranger (1942); The Hollywood Matador / The Screwball (1943); The Hollywood Matador / The Screwdriver (1941); The Hollywood Matador / The Tee Bird (1959); The Hollywood Matador / The Woody Woodpecker Polka (1951); The Hollywood Matador / Tomcat Combat (1959); The Hollywood Matador / Tragic Magic (1962); The Hollywood Matador / What's Sweepin' (1953); The Hollywood Matador / Woodpecker in the Rough (1952); The Hollywood Matador / Woody Woodpecker (1941); The Hound and the Rabbit (1953); The Isle of Pingo Pongo (1938); The King of Ads (1991); The Lady in Red (1935); The Lion and the Mouse (1953); The Loose Nut (1945); The Mechanical Cow (1927); The Mice Will Play (1938); The Miller's Daughter (1934); The Miner's Daughter (1950); The Mouse and the Lion (1953); The Nautical Nut (1967); The Ocean Hop (1927); The Ol' Swimmin' Hole (1928); The Organ Grinder (1933); The Painter and the Pointer (1944); The Penguin Parade (1938); The Phantom Ship (1936); The Pied Piper of Basin Street (1945); The Poet & Peasant (1945); The Queen Was in the Parlor (1932); The Reckless Driver (1946); The Redwood Sap (1951); The Rude Intruder (1972); The Shanty Where Santy Claus Lives (1933); The Sneezing Weasel (1938); The Snoozin' Bruin' (1971); The Tortoise and the Hare (1953); The Tree's Knees (1931); The Unbearable Salesman (1957); The Unhandy Man (1970); The Wacky Weed (1946); The Woody Woodpecker Show (1957); Those Beautiful Dames (1934); Those Were Wonderful Days (1934); Three-Ring Fling (1958); Three's a Crowd (1932); Thugs with Dirty Mugs (1939); Toy Town Hall (1936); Tree's a Crowd (1958); Trolley Troubles (1927); Truant Student (1959); $21 a Day - (Once a Month) (1941); Under Sea Dogs (1968); Under the Spreading Blacksmith Shop (1942); Unlucky Potluck (1972); Ups 'n Downs (1931); Vicious Viking (1967); Wake Up the Gypsy in Me (1933); Walter, Woody and the World of Animation (1982); We're in the Money (1933); Westward Whoa (1936); When I Yoo Hoo (1936); Who's Cookin Who? (1946); Wicket Wacky (1951); Window Pains (1967); Witch Crafty (1955); Woodpecker from Mars (1956); Woody Dines Out (1945); Yankee Doodle Swing Shift (1942); Yodeling Yokels (1931); You Don't Know What You're Doin'! (1931); Young and Healthy (1933); You're Too Careless with Your Kisses! (1932).

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Born on this day – Dr. Seuss:

Dr. Seuss





March 2, 1904 – September 24, 1991


Horton Hatches the Egg (1940); Horton Hears a Who! (1954); The Cat in the Hat (1957); The Cat in the Hat Comes Back (1958); The Cat in the Hat Songbook (1967); The Cat's Quizzer (1976); I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! (1978); And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street (1937); The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins (1938); The Seven Lady Godivas (1939); The King's Stilts (1939); McElligot's Pool (1947); Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose (1948); Bartholomew and the Oobleck (1949); If I Ran the Zoo (1950); Scrambled Eggs Super! (1953); On Beyond Zebra! (1955); If I Ran the Circus (1956); How the Grinch Stole Christmas! (1957); Happy Birthday to You! (1959); Green Eggs and Ham (1960); One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish (1960); Ten Apples Up on Top! (1961); Dr. Seuss's Sleep Book (1962); Hop on Pop (1963); Dr. Seuss's ABC (1963); Fox in Socks (1965); I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew (1965); I Wish That I Had Duck Feet (1965); Come over to My House (1966); The Foot Book (1968); The Eye Book (1968); My Book about Me (1969); Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You? (1970); The Lorax (1971); I Can Write! (1971); In a People House (1972); Marvin K. Mooney Will You Please Go Now! (1972); The Shape of Me and Other Stuff (1973); Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are? (1973); There's a Wocket in my Pocket! (1974); Great Day for Up (1974); The Many Mice of Mr. Brice (1974); Wacky Wednesday (1974); Would You Rather Be a Bullfrog? (1975); Because a Little Bug Went Ka-CHOO! (1975); Oh, the Thinks You Can Think! (1975); Hooper Humperdink...? Not Him! (1976); Please Try to Remember the First of Octember! (1977); Oh Say Can You Say? (1979); Maybe You Should Fly a Jet! (1980); Hunches in Bunches (1982); The Butter Battle Book (1984); The Tooth Book (1984); You're Only Old Once! (1986); I Am Not Going to Get up Today! (1987); Oh, the Places You'll Go! (1990); Daisy-Head Mayzie (1994); My Many Colored Days (1996); Seuss-isms (1997); Hooray for Diffendoofer Day! (1998); Dr. Seuss's Clever Creatures (2008); What Was I Scared Of? (2009); Fox in Socks, Bricks and Blocks (2011); Sneetches on Beaches (2012); Dr. Seuss's Sleep Softly Book (2012); My, Oh My--A Butterfly! (2014); The Grinch's Great Big Flap Book (2014); What Pet Should I Get? (2015); Oh, the Places I'll Go! (2016); My Book About Christmas (2016); Happy Birthday to Me! by Me, Myself (2017); Gerald McBoing Boing (2017); Dr. Seuss's 1 2 3 (2019); Dr. Seuss's I Love Pop! (2019); Dr. Seuss's People, Places, and Things (2019); Dr. Seuss's Oh, What I've Learned: Thanks to My Teachers! (2022); I Can Draw It Myself, By Me, Myself (1970); Yertle the Turtle and Other Stories (1958); The Sneetches and Other Stories (1961); A Hatful of Seuss (1967); I Can Lick 30 Tigers Today! and Other Stories (1969); The Tough Coughs As He Ploughs the Dough (1987); The Bippolo Seed and Other Lost Stories (2011); Dr. Seuss on the Loose (2011); A Who's Who of the Dr. Seuss Crew (2013); Horton and the Kwuggerbug and more Lost Stories (2014).

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Born on this day – Frank Tashlin:

Frank Tashlin






February 19, 1913 – May 5, 1972


5 Against the House (1955); A Battle for a Bottle (1942); A Corny Concerto (1943); A Hollywood Detour (1942); A Night in Casablanca (1946); A Southern Yankee (1948); A Woman of Distinction (1950); Artists and Models (1955); AzUrArInG's YouTube Poops (2018); Bachelor Flat (1961); Beginner's Luck (1935); Behind the Meat-Ball (1945); Behind the Tunes: Bosko, Buddy and the Best of Black and White (2005); Behind the Tunes: Hard Luck Duck (2003); Behind the Tunes: Looney Tunes - A Cast of Thousands (2006); Behind the Tunes: Looney Tunes Go Hollywood (2004); Behind the Tunes: Porky Pig Roast - A Tribute to the World's Most Famous Ham (2003); Behind the Tunes: Tish Tash - The Animated World of Frank Tashlin (2005); Booby Hatched (1944); Brave Little Tailor (1938); Brother Brat (1944); Bugs & Daffy: The Wartime Cartoons (1989); Bugs Bunny Birthday Blowout (1990); Bugs Bunny Superstar (1975); Bugs vs. Daffy: Battle of the Music Video Stars (1988); Bye, Bye Bluebeard (1949); Caprice (1967); Cartoon Alley (2005); Censored (1944); Choo Choo Amigo (1946); Cinderella (1950); Cinderella Goes to a Party (1942); Cinderfella (1960); Concerto in B Flat Minor (1942); Cracked Ice (1938); Delightfully Dangerous (1945); Disney Cartoon Classics: Starring Mickey and Minnie (1987); Disney's Halloween Treat (1984); Dog Meets Dog (1942); Donald Duck and his Companions (1960); Donald Duck and the Gorilla (1944); Donald's Vacation (1940); Double Rhythm (1946); DTV Monster Hits (1987); Fun and Fancy Free (1947); General Electric Theater (1954–1957); Gigot (1962); Good Will to Men (1955); Hare Remover (1946); Have You Got Any Castles? (1938); Hollywood or Bust (1956); Hook & Ladder Hokum (1933); I Got Plenty of Mutton (1944); Irreverent Imagination: The Golden Age of the Looney Tunes (2003); It's Only Money (1962); Kill the Umpire (1950); Ladies' Man (1947); Lady and the Tramp (1955); Little Beau Porky (1936); Little Pancho Vanilla (1938); Looney Tunes 50th Anniversary (1986); Love Happy (1949); Malice in Slumberland (1942); Marry Me Again (1953); Mickey and the Beanstalk (1947); Monsieur Beaucaire (1946); Mother Goose Goes Hollywood (1938); Mr. Duck Steps Out (1940); Mr. Mouse Takes a Trip (1940); My Favorite Spy (1951); Nasty Quacks (1945); Natural Vision 3-Dimension (1952); Now That Summer Is Gone (1938); Of Thee I Sting (1946); Old Blackout Joe (1942); One Chance (1966); One Touch of Venus (1948); Peace on Earth (1939); Pepito's Serenade (1946); Pinocchio (1940); Plane Daffy (1944); Pluto's Dream House (1940); Porky at the Crocadero (1938); Porky in the North Woods (1936); Porky Pig's Feat (1943); Porky the Fireman (1938); Porky's Building (1937); Porky's Double Trouble (1937); Porky's Poultry Plant (1936); Porky's Railroad (1937); Porky's Road Race (1937); Porky's Romance (1937); Porky's Spring Planting (1938); Puss n' Booty (1943); Red Garters (1954); Red Riding Hood Rides Again (1941); Red, Hot and Blue (1949); Rock-a-Bye Baby (1958); Say One for Me (1959); Scrap Happy Daffy (1943); Snow White and the Three Stooges (1961); Something's Got to Give (1962); Son of Paleface (1952); Song of Victory (1942); Speaking of the Weather (1937); Susan Slept Here (1954); Swooner Crooner (1944); Tale of Two Mice (1945); Target Snafu (1944); That's Warner Bros.! (1995); The Alphabet Murders (1965); The Bear That Wasn't (1967); The Best Things in Life Are Free (1956); The Bugs n' Daffy Show (1996); The Bulldog and the Baby (1942); The Case of the Stuttering Pig (1937); The Chow Hound (1944); The Disorderly Orderly (1964); The Drew Bromley Show (2019); The Dumbconscious Mind (1942); The First Time (1952); The Fixer Uppers (1935); The Fox and the Grapes (1941); The Frances Langford Show (1960); The Fuller Brush Man (1948); The Geisha Boy (1958); The Girl Can't Help It (1956); The Glass Bottom Boat (1966); The Goldbrick (1943); The Good Humor Man (1950); The Great Cheese Mystery (1941); The Great Gildersleeve (1954); The Gullible Canary (1942); The Home Front (1943); The Jerry Lewis Show: From This Moment On (1962); The Lady Said No (1946); The Lemon Drop Kid (1951); The Lieutenant Wore Skirts (1956); The Major Lied 'Til Dawn (1938); The Man from the Diners' Club (1963); The Paleface (1948); The Possum That Didn't (1972); The Private Navy of Sgt. O'Farrell (1968); The Scarlet Hour (1956); The Shakiest Gun in the West (1968); The Stupid Cupid (1944); The Tangled Angler (1941); The Unruly Hare (1945); The Way of Peace (1947); The Wild and Woozy West (1942); The Woods Are Full of Cuckoos (1937); Thicker Than Water (1935); Three Stooges (1961); Timber (1941); Tit for Tat (1935); Tito's Guitar (1942); Toll Bridge Troubles (1942); ToonHeads (1992–2003); Two Guys from Texas (1948); Under the Shedding Chestnut Tree (1942); Variety Girl (1947); Wacky Wigwams (1942); Walt Disney Cartoon Classics Limited Gold Edition: Daisy (1984); Wholly Smoke (1938); Who's Minding the Store? (1963); Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957); Wolf Chases Pigs (1942); Woodman, Spare That Tree (1942); You're an Education (1938).

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Born on this day – Adam Beckett:

Adam Beckett




Special effects artist


February 1, 1950 – March 1979


The Cell (2000); Piranha (1978); Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977); Kitsch in Synch (1975); Sausage City (1974); Flesh Flows (1974); Evolution of the Red Star (1973); Heavy-Light (1973); Dear Janice (1972).

Friday, January 31, 2025

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Born on this day – Greg Hildebrandt:

Greg Hildebrandt



January 23, 1939 – October 31, 2024


Amsel: Illustrator of the Lost Art (2024); Animal Crackers (2017); Art of the Fantastic: A Journey Into Creation (2020); Clash of the Titans (1981); Cleavage (2002); Drew Struzan Congratulatory Video (2020); Drew: The Man Behind the Poster (2013); J.R.R. Tolkien: Master of the Rings - The Definitive Guide to the World of the Rings (2004); Little Orphan Annie's A Very Animated Christmas (1995); Motion Portrait Film (2006); Secrets of Middle-Earth: Inside Tolkien's 'Lord of the Rings' (2003); Secrets of Middle-Earth: Inside Tolkien's 'The Fellowship of the Ring' (2003); Secrets of Middle-Earth: Inside Tolkien's 'the Hobbit' (2003); Secrets of Middle-Earth: Inside Tolkien's 'The Return of the King' (2003); The Legends Behind the Comic Books (2007); The Old Farts Of (2016); Ultima Online (1997).

Born on this day – David Hand:

David Hand




January 23, 1900 – October 11, 1986


100 Years of Disney Animation: A Shorts Celebration (2023); Lifestyles of the Rich and Animated (1991); DTV Monster Hits (1987); DTV Valentine (1986); Walt Disney Cartoon Classics Limited Gold Edition II: Life with Mickey (1985); DTV: Rock, Rhythm & Blues (1984); DTV: Golden Oldies (1984); DTV: Pop & Rock (1984); Disney's Halloween Treat (1984); The Fox and the Hound (1981); Mickey Mouse Disco (1980); Robin Hood (1973); Walt Disney's 50th Anniversary Show (1973); Mickey Mouse Happy Birthday Show (1968); The Sword in the Stone (1963); Goliath II (1960); The New Neighbor (1953); Californy er Bust (1945); The Grain That Built a Hemisphere (1943); Bambi (1942); All Together (1942); 7 Wise Dwarfs (1941); Donald's Camera (1941); Fantasia (1940); The Standard Parade (1939); The Whalers (1938); Moth and the Flame (1938); Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937); Little Hiawatha (1937); Magician Mickey (1937); More Kittens (1936); Mother Pluto (1936); The Country Cousin (1936); Mickey's Elephant (1936); Three Blind Mouseketeers (1936); Alpine Climbers (1936); Thru the Mirror (1936); Three Little Wolves (1936); Mickey's Polo Team (1936); Three Orphan Kittens (1935); Pluto's Judgement Day (1935); Who Killed Cock Robin? (1935); The Robber Kitten (1935); Mickey's Kangaroo (1935); Mickey's Man Friday (1935); The Dognapper (1934); The Flying Mouse (1934); Mickey's Steam Roller (1934); Camping Out (1934); Old King Cole (1933); The Mail Pilot (1933); Birds in the Spring (1933); The Mad Doctor (1933); Building a Building (1933); Trader Mickey (1932); The Tail of the Monkey (1926); The Cat's Nine Lives (1926); Victory Through Air Power (1943); The Wayward Canary (1932); Bugs in Love (1932); The Whoopee Party (1932); King Neptune (1932); Trader Mickey (1932); Mickey's Nightmare (1932); Just Dogs (1932); Flowers and Trees (1932); Mickey in Arabia (1932); The Bears and Bees (1932); The Mad Dog (1932); The Gorilla Mystery (1930); The Gorilla Mystery (1930); The Bird Store (1932); The Ugly Duckling (1931); Mickey's Orphans (1931); Mickey Cuts Up (1931); The Gorilla Mystery (1930); The Fox Hunt (1931); The Barnyard Broadcast (1931); Fishin' Around (1931); Egyptian Melodies (1931); The Cat's Out (1931); Mickey Steps Out (1931); The Gorilla Mystery (1930); The China Plate (1931); The Moose Hunt (1931); Mother Goose Melodies (1931); The Gorilla Mystery (1930); Traffic Troubles (1931); Birds of a Feather (1931); Playful Pan (1930); Winter (1930); Monkey Melodies (1930); The Chain Gang (1930); Night (1930); Midnight in a Toy Shop (1930); Arctic Antics (1930); The Fire Fighters (1930); Frolicking Fish (1930); The Cactus Kid (1930); Dinky Doodle in the Army (1926); Just Spooks (1925); The Magic Lamp (1919); Out of the Inkwell (1919).

Friday, December 20, 2024

Born on this day – Carl Urbano:

Carl Urbano



December 20, 1910 – October 16, 2003


Mid-Century Modern Animation: Volume 1 (segment: Destination Earth) (2012); Droopy: Master Detective (1993–1994); A Flintstones Christmas Carol (1994); Captain Planet and the Planeteers (1993–1994); The Addams Family (1992); Tom & Jerry Kids Show (1990–1993); Yo Yogi! (1991–1992); A Pup Named Scooby-Doo (1991); The Adventures of Don Coyote and Sancho Panda (1990–1991); Timeless Tales from Hallmark (1990–1991); Jetsons: The Movie (1990); Gravedale High (1990); Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventures (1990); The Flintstone Kids' Just Say No Special (1988); Fantastic Max (1988); Yogi's Treasure Hunt (1987); Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers (1987); The Flintstone Kids (1986–1987); Pound Puppies (1986); Foofur (1986); Wildfire (1986); Paw Paws (1985–1986); The Jetsons (1985); Pink Panther and Sons (1984–1985); Challenge of the GoBots (1984); Snorks (1984); Monchhichis (1983); The Biskitts (1983); The New Scooby and Scrappy-Doo Show (1983); Shirt Tales (1982–1983); Pac-Man (1982–1983); The Dukes (1983); Super Friends (1978–1983); Mork & Mindy/Laverne & Shirley/Fonz Hour (1982); The Gary Coleman Show (1982); Ri¢hie Ri¢h (1982); Laverne & Shirley with Special Guest Star the Fonz (1982); The Little Rascals (1982); Laverne & Shirley in the Army (1981–1982); The Kwicky Koala Show (1981); Trollkins (1981); The Fonz and the Happy Days Gang (1981); The Ri¢hie Ri¢h/Scooby-Doo Show (1981); The Flintstones: Wind-Up Wilma (1981); The Smurfs (1981–1988); The All-New Popeye Hour (1981); Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo (1979–1980); The Flintstones' New Neighbors (1980); Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels (1980); Casper's First Christmas (1979); Casper and the Angels (1979); The Super Globetrotters (1979); Godzilla (1978–1979); The New Shmoo (1979); Casper the Friendly Ghost: He Ain't Scary, He's Our Brother (1979); Dinky Dog (1978); Jana of the Jungle (1978); Galaxy Goof-Ups (1978); Yogi's Space Race (1978); Buford and the Galloping Ghost (1978); Scooby's Laff-A Lympics (1977); Energy: A National Issue (1977); C B Bears (1977); Freedom 2000 (1974); The Addams Family (1973); The Flintstone Comedy Hour (1972–1973; The General with the Cockeyed Id (1964); A Missile Named Mac (1962); The Far Sound (1961); Fill 'Er Up (1959); Rhapsody of Steel (1959); The Story of Creative Capital (1957); Working Dollars (1956); Destination Earth (1956); Man-Made Miracles (1954); Of Men and Molecules (1954); It's Everybody's Business (1954); Horizons of Hope (1954); The Far Sound (1961); It's Everybody's Business (1954); Dangerous When Wet (1953); Dear Uncle (1953); A Is for Atom (1953); The Devil and John Q (1952); What Makes Us Tick (1952); The Devil and John Q (1952); Fresh Laid Plans (1951); Inside Cackle Corners (1951); Albert in Blunderland (1950); Easy Does It (1946); Winky the Watchman (1945); The Stork's Holiday (1943); The Uninvited Pest (1943); The Boy and the Wolf (1943); Bah Wilderness (1943); Barney Bear's Victory Garden (1942); Wild Honey, or, How to Get Along Without a Ration Book (1942); Fine Feathered Friend (1942); Chips Off the Old Block (1942); The Bear and the Beavers (1942); Fraidy Cat (1942); The Night Before Christmas (1941); The Rookie Bear (1941); The Flying Bear (1941); Officer Pooch (1941); The Flying Bear (1941); The Midnight Snack (1941); The Alley Cat (1941); Dance of the Weed (1941); The Goose Goes South (1941); Mrs. Ladybug (1940); Gallopin' Gals (1940); The Bookworm Turns (1940); The Milky Way (1940); Swing Social (1940); Home on the Range (1940); Puss Gets the Boot (1940); The Fishing Bear (1940); Peace on Earth (1939); One Mother's Family (1939); The Bear That Couldn't Sleep (1939); Art Gallery (1939); Jitterbug Follies (1939); Merbabies (1938); The Little Bantamweight (1938); Pipe Dreams (1938); Little Ol' Bosko in Bagdad (1938); Little Buck Cheeser (1937); Little Ol' Bosko and the Cannibals (1937); The Wayward Pups (1937); The Hound and the Rabbit (1937); Little Ol' Bosko and the Pirates (1937); Bosko's Easter Eggs (1937); Swing Wedding (1937); Circus Daze (1937); The Pups' Christmas (1936); Little Cheeser (1936); To Spring (1936); The Pups' Picnic (1936); The Old House (1936); Two Little Pups (1936); The Old Mill Pond (1936); The Early Bird and the Worm (1936); Bottles (1936); Run Sheep, Run! (1935); Alias St. Nick (1935); Honeyland (1935); The Old Plantation (1935); Barnyard Babies (1935); Poor Little Me (1935); The Chinese Nightingale (1935); Good Little Monkeys (1935); The Calico Dragon (1935); The Lost Chick (1935); When the Cat's Away (1935); Hey-Hey Fever (1935); Toyland Broadcast (1934); The Grasshopper and the Ants (1934).

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Born on this day – Mary Ellen Bute:

Ted Nemeth (left) and Mary Ellen Bute (right), photographed in their New York studio (circa 1936).

Mary Ellen Bute




November 21, 1906 – October 17, 1983


Passages from James Joyce's Finnegans Wake (1966); RCA: New Sensations in Sound (1959); Imaginations (1958); Mood Contrasts (1953); Abstronic (1952); Pastoral (1950); Color Rhapsodie (1948); Polka Graph (1947); Tarantella (1940); Spook Sport (1940); Parábola (1937); Escape (1937); Dada (1936); Synchromy No. 2 (1936); Rhythm in Light (1935); Synchromy No. 1 (1934).

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Monday, October 28, 2024

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Born on this day – Preston Blair:

Preston Blair





October 24, 1908 – April 19, 1995


Cartoon Alley (2005); Fantasia 2000 (1999); The Pink Panther (1995); ToonHeads (1992); Lifestyles of the Rich and Animated (1991); Freakies (1974); Journey Back to Oz (1972); Alice in Wonderland or What's a Nice Kid Like You Doing in a Place Like This? (1966); The Flintstones (1961); Donald Duck and his Companions (1960); Rodney (1956); Sleepy-Time Squirrel (1954); Why Play Leap Frog? (1950); Señor Droopy (1949); Meet King Joe (1949); Goggle Fishing Bear (1949); Bad Luck Blackie (1949); Pueblo Pluto (1949); The Bear and the Hare (1948); The Bear and the Bean (1948); Going Places (1948); Lucky Ducky (1948); Make Mine Freedom (1948); Fun and Fancy Free (1947); Uncle Tom's Cabaña (1947); Red Hot Rangers (1947); Hound Hunters (1947); Henpecked Hoboes (1946); Northwest Hounded Police (1946); The Hick Chick (1946); Lonesome Lenny (1946); Wild and Woolfy (1945); Swing Shift Cinderella (1945); The Shooting of Dan McGoo (1945); Jerky Turkey (1945); The Screwy Truant (1945); Big Heel-Watha (1944); Happy-Go-Nutty (1944); Batty Baseball (1944); Screwball Squirrel (1944); What's Buzzin' Buzzard? (1943); One Ham's Family (1943); Who Killed Who? (1943); Red Hot Riding Hood (1943); Dumb-Hounded (1943); Pluto at the Zoo (1942); The Early Bird Dood It! (1942); Blitz Wolf (1942); T-Bone for Two (1942); Bambi (1942); Holiday Inn (1942); The Sleep Walker (1942); Dumbo (1941); The Alley Cat (1941); Fantasia (1940); Bone Trouble (1940); Donald's Dog Laundry (1940); The Riveter (1940); Pinocchio (1940); Officer Duck (1939); The Pointer (1939); Sea Scouts (1939); Beach Picnic (1939); The Practical Pig (1939); Donald's Golf Game (1938); The Whalers (1938); Mickey's Polo Team (1936); Catnips of 1940 (1934); Masquerade Party (1934); Busy Bus (1934); Bowery Daze (1934); Cinder Alley (1934); Tom Thumb (1934); The Autograph Hunter (1934); The Curio Shop (1933); The Bill Poster (1933); Stage Krazy (1933); Krazy Spooks (1933); Whacks Museum (1933); Out of the Ether (1933); Antique Antics (1933); House Cleaning (1933); Bunnies and Bonnets (1933); Wooden Shoes (1933); Medicine Show (1933); Wedding Bells (1933); Snow Time (1932); The Minstrel Show (1932); The Crystal Gazebo (1932); Prosperity Blues (1932); Apache Kid (1932); Seeing Stars (1932); Light House Keeping (1932); Binko the Toreador (1931); Sand Witches (1931); Hot-Toe Mollie (1930); Arabian Nightmare (1930).

Friday, October 18, 2024

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Born on this day – Burt Gillett:

Burt Gillett (left) and Walt Disney (right)

Burt Gillett




October 15, 1891 – December 28, 1971