Showing posts with label 1901. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1901. Show all posts

Monday, March 24, 2025

Born on this day – Ub Iwerks:

Ub Iwerks




Special effects technician

March 24, 1901 – July 7, 1971


20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954); A Busy Day (1940); Africa Before Dark (1928); Africa Squeaks (1931); Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp (1934); Aladdin's Vamp (1926); Alaskan Sled Dog (1957); Ali Baba (1936); Alice and the Dog Catcher (1924); Alice and the Three Bears (1924); Alice at the Carnival (1927); Alice at the Rodeo (1927); Alice Cans the Cannibals (1925); Alice Charms the Fish (1926); Alice Chops the Suey (1925); Alice Cuts the Ice (1926); Alice Foils the Pirates (1927); Alice Gets in Dutch (1924); Alice Gets Stung (1925); Alice Helps the Romance (1926); Alice Hunting in Africa (1924); Alice in Slumberland (1926); Alice in the Alps (1927); Alice in the Big League (1927); Alice in the Jungle (1925); Alice in the Klondike (1927); Alice in the Wooly West (1926); Alice in Wonderland (1951); Alice Is Stage Struck (1925); Alice Loses Out (1925); Alice on the Farm (1926); Alice Picks the Champ (1925); Alice Plays Cupid (1925); Alice Rattled by Rats (1925); Alice Solves the Puzzle (1925); Alice the Beach Nut (1927); Alice the Collegiate (1927); Alice the Fire Fighter (1926); Alice the Golf Bug (1927); Alice the Lumberjack (1926); Alice the Peacemaker (1924); Alice the Piper (1924); Alice the Toreador (1925); Alice the Whaler (1927); Alice Wins the Derby (1925); Alice's Auto Race (1927); Alice's Balloon Race (1926); Alice's Brown Derby (1926); Alice's Channel Swim (1927); Alice's Circus Daze (1927); Alice's Day at Sea (1924); Alice's Egg Plant (1925); Alice's Fishy Story (1924); Alice's Knaughty Knight (1927); Alice's Little Parade (1926); Alice's Medicine Show (1927); Alice's Monkey Business (1926); Alice's Mysterious Mystery (1926); Alice's Picnic (1927); Alice's Spanish Guitar (1926); Alice's Spooky Adventure (1924); Alice's Three Bad Eggs (1927); Alice's Tin Pony (1925); Alice's Wild West Show (1924); Alice's Wonderland (1923); All Together (1942); All Wet (1927); Arctic Antics (1930); Autumn (1930); Baby Checkers (1940); Balloon Land (1935); Bear Country (1953); Beauty Shoppe (1940); Beaver Valley (1950); Behind the Tunes: Bosko, Buddy and the Best of Black and White (2005); Blackboard Revue (1940); Bright Lights (1928); Bulloney (1933); Bye, Bye Bluebeard (1949); Cave Man (1934); Cinderella (1922); Cinderella (1950); Circus (1932); Coo Coo the Magician (1933); Crop Chasers (1939); Cuckoo Murder Case (1933); Davy Crockett and the River Pirates (1956); Davy Crockett: King of the Wild Frontier (1955); Davy Jones' Locker (1934); Dick Whittington's Cat (1936); Disneyland, U.S.A. (1956); Don Quixote (1934); El terrible toreador (1929); Empty Socks (1927); Fiddlesticks (1930); Fiddling Around (1930); Fire! Fire! (1932); Flip's Lunch Room (1933); Flying Fists (1930); Fun and Fancy Free (1947); Funny Face (1932); Goldie Locks and the Three Bears (1922); Goliath II (1960); Great Guns (1927); Happy Days (1936); Harem Scarem (1928); Hell's Bells (1929); Hell's Fire (1934); High Up (1928); Hot Dogs (1928); Humpty Dumpty (1935); Hungry Hoboes (1928); Jack and the Beanstalk (1933); Jack Frost (1934); Jack the Giant Killer (1922); Jail Birds (1931); Johnny Tremain (1957); Jungle Cat (1960); Jungle Jitters (1934); Jungle Rhythm (1929); Lady and the Tramp (1955); Laughing Gas (1931); Little Boy Blue (1936); Little Orphan Willie (1930); Little Red Riding Hood (1922); Make Mine Music (1946); Mary Poppins (1964); Mary's Little Lamb (1935); Melodious Zach: O! Melodious Song (2014); Melody Time (1948); Men Against the Arctic (1955); Merry Mannequins (1937); Midnight Frolics (1938); Minnie's Yoo Hoo (1930); Movie Mad (1931); Nature's Half Acre (1951); Nell's Yells (1939); Nurse Maid (1932); Oh Teacher (1927); Oh What a Knight (1928); Old Mother Hubbard (1935); One Hour in Wonderland (1950); One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961); Ozzie of the Mounted (1928); Pale-Face (1933); Perri (1957); Peter Pan (1953); Phoney Express (1932); Plane Crazy (1928); Play Ball (1933); Pollyanna (1960); Poor Papa (1927); Porky and Gabby (1937); Porky's Badtime Story (1937); Porky's Super Service (1937); Prowlers of the Everglades (1953); Puddle Pranks (1930); Puppy Love (1932); Puss in Boots (1922); Puss in Boots (1934); Ragtime Romeo (1931); Rasslin' Round (1934); Reducing Crème (1934); Rickety Gin (1927); Ride 'Em Plowboy (1928); Rival Romeos (1928); Robin Hood, Jr. (1934); Room Runners (1932); Sagebrush Sadie (1928); Sardinia (1956); School Days (1932); Scrappy's Trip to Mars (1937); Secrets of Life (1956); See How They Won (1935); Simple Simon (1935); Sinbad the Sailor (1935); Skeleton Frolic (1937); Sky Scrappers (1928); Sleeping Beauty (1959); Sleigh Bells (1928); Snowtime (1938); So Dear to My Heart (1948); Soda Squirt (1933); Song of the South (1946); Spite Flight (1933); Spooks (1931); Springtime (1929); Steamboat Willie (1928); Stop That Tank! (1942); Stormy Seas (1932); Stratos-Fear (1933); Summer (1930); Summertime (1935); Tall Timber (1928); Techno-Cracked (1933); Ten Who Dared (1960); The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad (1949); The African Lion (1955); The Air Race (1933); The Banker's Daughter (1927); The Barn Dance (1929); The Barnyard Battle (1929); The Big Fisherman (1959); The Birds (1963); The Blue Men of Morocco (1956); The Boston Tea Party (1966); The Brave Tin Soldier (1934); The Brementown Musicians (1935); The Bully (1932); The Cactus Kid (1930); The Carpenters (1941); The Egg Hunt (1940); The Four Musicians of Bremen (1922); The Fox Chase (1928); The Foxy Pup (1937); The Frog Pond (1938); The Gallopin' Gaucho (1928); The Goal Rush (1932); The Good Scout (1934); The Gorilla Hunt (1939); The Great Locomotive Chase (1956); The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Applegate Treasure (1956); The Haunted House (1929); The Headless Horseman (1934); The Horse on the Merry-Go-Round (1938); The Jazz Fool (1929); The Jungle Book (1967); The Karnival Kid (1929); The King's Tailor (1934); The Little Red Hen (1934); The Living Desert (1953); The Magical World of Disney (1954–1971); The Mechanical Cow (1927); The Merry Dwarfs (1929); The Mickey Mouse Club (1955); The Microbe Army (1935); The Milkman (1932); The Music Lesson (1932); The New Car (1931); The Ocean Hop (1927); The Office Boy (1932); The Ol' Swimmin' Hole (1928); The Olympic Elk (1952); The Opry House (1929); The Parent Trap (1961); The Plowboy (1929); The Queen of Hearts (1934); The Reluctant Dragon (1941); The Skeleton Dance (1929); The Soup Song (1931); The Sword in the Stone (1963); The Three Bears (1935); The Three Caballeros (1944); The Three Lives of Thomasina (1963); The Vanishing of S.S. Willie (2024); The Vanishing Prairie (1954); The Village Barber (1930); The Village Smitty (1931); The Village Specialist (1931); The Wise Owl (1940); Toby Tyler or Ten Weeks with a Circus (1960); Tom Thumb (1936); ToonHeads (2003); Trolley Troubles (1927); Two Lazy Crows (1936); Viva Willie (1934); Water Birds (1952); Westward Ho, the Wagons! (1956); What a Life (1932); When the Cat's Away (1929); White Wilderness (1958); Wild Waves (1929); Willie Whopper (1933); Ye Olde Swap Shoppe (1940).

Friday, March 21, 2025

Born on this day – Carmelita Geraghty:

Carmelita Geraghty



March 21, 1901 – July 7, 1966


50 Million Frenchmen (1931); A Close Shave (1929); A Jim Jam Janitor (1928); After the Fog (1930); All's Swell on the Ocean (1924); Bag and Baggage (1923); Black Oxen (1923); Brand of Cowardice (1925); Broadway Bad (1933); Brothers (1930); Button My Back (1929); Calling Hubby's Bluff (1929); Clunked on the Corner (1929); Courageous Fool (1925); Cyclone Cavalier (1925); Daybreak (1931); Discontented Husbands (1924); Don't Get Jealous (1929); Escapade (1932); Fight and Win (1924); Fighting Thru; or, California in 1878 (1930); Foolish Husbands (1929); Forgotten Women (1931); Geared to Go (1924); Graft (1931); High Speed (1924); His Unlucky Night (1928); Hubby's Weekend Trip (1928); Jealous Husbands (1923); Josselyn's Wife (1926); Jungle Mystery (1932); Life in Hollywood No. 4 (1927); Malay Nights (1932); Manhattan Butterfly (1935); Meet the Stars #2: Baby Stars (1941); Men Without Law (1930); Millie (1931); Motorboat Mamas (1928); My Best Girl (1927); My Lady of Whims (1925); Night Life in Reno (1931); Object: Alimony (1928); Paris Bound (1929); Passionate Youth (1925); Pick 'Em Young (1930); Prestige (1931); Rogue of the Rio Grande (1930); Smith's Uncle (1926); South of Panama (1928); The Bargain Hunt (1928); The Campus Carmen (1928); The Canyon of Light (1926); The Devil Plays (1931); The Flaming Signal (1932); The Flying Mail (1926); The Girl from Everywhere (1927); The Gold Digger (1924); The Good-Bye Kiss (1928); The Great Gatsby (1926); The Hawk (1931); The Last Trail (1927); The Lily (1926); The Mississippi Gambler (1929); The Mysterious Stranger (1925); The Pleasure Garden (1925); The Slaver (1927); The Small Bachelor (1927); The Texas Ranger (1931); The Title Holder (1924); This Thing Called Love (1929); Through the Dark (1924); Trouble Brewing (1924); Uncle Tom (1929); Under the Rouge (1925); Venus of Venice (1927); What Every Girl Should Know (1927); What Men Want (1930); Winning His Way (1924).

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Born on this day – Alec Seward:

Alec Seward

Blues singer



March 16, 1901 – May 11, 1972



Creepin’ Blues (1965); Late One Saturday Evening (1996); The Back Porch Boys (2002).


Be Kind Blues; Big Hip Mama; Big Hip Mamma; Blues All Around My Head; Blues All Around My Head #2; C.C. Rider; Cousin John; Creepin’ Blues; Early Morning Blues; Evil Woman Blues; Feel So Good; Feels so Good; Friday the Thirteenth Blues; Goin’ Back Home; Goin’ Down Slow; Her Ways Are so Sweet; Hide Me In Thy Bosom; I Made A Mistake In Life; I Wish I’d Listened; It’s My Desire; Late Evening Blues; Late One Saturday Evening; Let A Good Thing Do; Little Annie Blues; Me and My Baby; Piney Woods; Risin’ Sun Shine On; Rock Me Darlin’; Sorry Woman Blues; Sweet Woman; Trouble in Mind; What Has Annie Got.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Born on this day – Catherine Bennett:

Catherine Bennett


January 17, 1901 – October 11, 1978


A Wild Goose Chase (1924); Always Late (1923); Control Yourself (1925); Dangerous Hour (1923); Lawless Men (1924); Paging Love (1923); Soul Mates (1925); Taxi Please (1923); The Devil's Bowl (1923); The Southbound Limited (1923); The Wild Bull's Lair (1925); When Knights Were Cold (1923).

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Born on this day – Bebe Daniels:

Bebe Daniels






January 14, 1901 – March 16, 1971


Hollywood Singing and Dancing: A Musical History - The 1920s: The Dawn of the Hollywood Musical (2008); The Adventures of Timothy Telescope (1956); The Lyons Abroad (1955); Life with the Lyons (1955–1960); Family Affair (1954); The Hal Roach Comedy Carnival (1947); The Fabulous Joe (1947); Hi Gang! (1941); The Return of Carol Deane (1938); Treachery on the High Seas (1936); Music Is Magic (1935); Registered Nurse (1934); A Southern Maid (1934); The Song You Gave Me (1934); Hollywood on Parade No. B-7 (1934); Counsellor at Law (1933); Cocktail Hour (1933); 42nd Street (1933); Silver Dollar (1932); Honor of the Family (1931); The Maltese Falcon (1931); My Past (1931); The Stolen Jools (1931); Reaching for the Moon (1930); Lawful Larceny (1930); Dixiana (1930); Alias French Gertie (1930); Love Comes Along (1930); Rio Rita (1929); What a Night! (1928); Take Me Home (1928); Hot News (1928); The Fifty-Fifty Girl (1928); Feel My Pulse (1928); Life in Hollywood No. 4 (1927); She's a Sheik (1927); Swim Girl, Swim (1927); Señorita (1927); A Kiss in a Taxi (1927); Stranded in Paris (1926); The Campus Flirt (1926); Volcano (1926); The Palm Beach Girl (1926); Miss Brewster's Millions (1926); The Splendid Crime (1925); Lovers in Quarantine (1925); Wild, Wild Susan (1925); The Manicure Girl (1925); The Crowded Hour (1925); Miss Bluebeard (1925); Argentine Love (1924); Dangerous Money (1924); Sinners in Heaven (1924); Monsieur Beaucaire (1924); Unguarded Women (1924); Daring Youth (1924); The Heritage of the Desert (1924); His Children's Children (1923); Hollywood (1923); The Exciters (1923); The Glimpses of the Moon (1923); The World's Applause (1923); Singed Wings (1922); Pink Gods (1922); Nice People (1922); North of the Rio Grande (1922); A Game Chicken (1922); Nancy from Nowhere (1922); The Speed Girl (1921); One Wild Week (1921); The Affairs of Anatol (1921); The March Hare (1921); Two Weeks with Pay (1921); Ducks and Drakes (1921); She Couldn't Help It (1920); Oh, Lady, Lady (1920); The Fourteenth Man (1920); You Never Can Tell (1920); Sick Abed (1920); The Dancin' Fool (1920); Why Change Your Wife? (1920); Everywoman (1919); Captain Kidd's Kids (1919); Male and Female (1919); Bumping Into Broadway (1919); His Only Father (1919); Luke's Movie Muddle (1916–1919); Count the Votes (1919); Soft Money (1919); He Leads, Others Follow (1919); The Rajah (1919); Be My Wife (1919); Don't Shove (1919); Heap Big Chief (1919); A Jazzed Honeymoon (1919); At the Old Stage Door (1919); Just Neighbors (1919); Billy Blazes, Esq. (1919); Off the Trolley (1919); Swat the Crook (1919); Pistols for Breakfast (1919); Back to the Woods (1919); The Marathon (1919); Before Breakfast (1919); Si, Senor (1919); Ring Up the Curtain (1919); Young Mr. Jazz (1919); Crack Your Heels (1919); Just Dropped In (1919); A Sammy in Siberia (1919); Next Aisle Over (1919); The Dutiful Dub (1919); Look Out Below (1919); I'm on My Way (1919); On the Fire (1919); Going! Going! Gone! (1919); Ask Father (1919); Love's Young Scream (1919); Wanted - $5,000 (1919); She Loves Me Not (1918); Take a Chance (1918); Nothing But Trouble (1918); Swing Your Partners (1918); Bees in His Bonnet (1918); Two Scrambled (1918); Bride and Gloom (1918); That's Him (1918); Kicking the Germ Out of Germany (1918); An Ozark Romance (1918); Are Crooks Dishonest? (1918); Somewhere in Turkey (1918); Sic 'Em, Towser (1918); The City Slicker (1918); Fireman Save My Child (1918); Two-Gun Gussie (1918); The Non-Stop Kid (1918); Kicked Out (1918); Hey There (1918); It's a Wild Life (1918); Pipe the Whiskers (1918); Follow the Crowd (1918); On the Jump (1918); Let's Go (1918); Here Come the Girls (1918); Look Pleasant, Please (1918); A Gasoline Wedding (1918); Beat It (1918); Hit Him Again (1918); Hello Teacher (1918); The Lamb (1918); The Tip (1918); Lonesome Luke's Lovely Rifle (1917); The Big Idea (1917); Step Lively (1917); Bashful (1917); Move On (1917); We Never Sleep (1917); Clubs Are Trump (1917); The Flirt (1917); Love, Laughs and Lather (1917); Rainbow Island (1917); From Laramie to London (1917); Bliss (1917); Birds of a Feather (1917); By the Sad Sea Waves (1917); Pinched (1917); Lonesome Luke Loses Patients (1917); Over the Fence (1917); Lonesome Luke's Wild Women (1917); Lonesome Luke, Mechanic (1917); Lonesome Luke, Messenger (1917); Stop! Luke! Listen! (1917); Lonesome Luke, Plumber (1917); Lonesome Luke's Honeymoon (1917); Lonesome Luke on Tin Can Alley (1917); Lonesome Luke's Lively Life (1917); Luke Wins Ye Ladye Faire (1917); Lonesome Luke, Lawyer (1917); Luke's Trolley Troubles (1917); Drama's Dreadful Deal (1917); Luke's Busy Day (1917); Luke's Lost Liberty (1917); Luke's Shattered Sleep (1916); Luke Locates the Loot (1916); Luke's Fireworks Fizzle (1916); Luke, Rank Impersonator (1916); Luke's Newsie Knockout (1916); Luke, Patient Provider (1916); Luke, the Gladiator (1916); Luke's Preparedness Preparations (1916); Luke, the Chauffeur (1916); Luke and the Bang-Tails (1916); Luke's Speedy Club Life (1916); Luke and the Mermaids (1916); Luke Joins the Navy (1916); Luke Does the Midway (1916); Luke's Lost Lamb (1916); Luke, Crystal Gazer (1916); Luke Rides Roughshod (1916); Luke's Washful Waiting (1916); Luke's Society Mixup (1916); Luke's Fatal Flivver (1916); Luke Laughs Last (1916); Luke's Late Lunchers (1916); Luke and the Bomb Throwers (1916); Them Was the Happy Days! (1916); Luke's Double (1916); Lonesome Luke, Circus King (1916); Luke Pipes the Pippins (1916); Luke and the Rural Roughnecks (1916); Luke Foils the Villain (1916); Luke, the Candy Cut-Up (1916); Lonesome Luke Lolls in Luxury (1916); Luke Lugs Luggage (1916); Lonesome Luke Leans to the Literary (1916); Lonesome Luke, Social Gangster (1915); Peculiar Patients' Pranks (1915); Ruses, Rhymes and Roughnecks (1915); A Foozle at the Tee Party (1915); Ragtime Snap Shots (1915); Great While It Lasted (1915); Tinkering with Trouble (1915); Bughouse Bellhops (1915); Giving Them Fits (1915); Fresh from the Farm (1915); Anne of the Golden Heart (1914); The Savage (1913); A Counterfeit Santa Claus (1911); Justinian and Theodora (1910); The Common Enemy (1910); The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1910); The Courtship of Miles Standish (1910).

Monday, January 13, 2025

Born on this day – A. B. Guthrie Jr.:

A. B. Guthrie Jr.



January 13, 1901 – April 26, 1991


Wild Pitch (1973); The Genuine Article (1977); No Second Wind (1980); Playing Catch-Up (1985); Murder in the Cotswolds (1989); The Big Sky (1947); The Way West (1949); Fair Land, Fair Land (1982); Murders at Moon Dance (1943); Twenty-Six Years After (1949); Kentucky (1951); These Thousand Hills (1956); The West Is Our Great Adventure of the Spirit (1959); Arfive (1970); Once Upon a Pond (1973); The Last Valley (1975); Four Miles From Ear Mountain (1987); The Big It and Other Stories (1972); The Blue Hen's Chick (1965); Big Sky, Fair Land (1974); Images from the Great West (1990); A Field Guide to Writing Fiction (1991).

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Born on this day – Lew Landers:

Lew Landers



January 2, 1901 – December 16, 1962


Terrified (1962); Bat Masterson (1959–1961); Sugarfoot (1960–1961); The Case of the Dangerous Robin (1961); Maverick (1959–1960); Bronco (1960); The Alaskans (1960); Colt .45 (1960); Cheyenne (1960); Tombstone Territory (1959–1960); Highway Patrol (1955–1959); Mackenzie's Raiders (1958–1959); The Adventures of Rin Tin Tin (1956–1959); Rescue 8 (1959); Hot Rod Gang (1958); Harbor Command (1957–1958); Casey Jones (1957–1958); Adventures of Superman (1958); Tales of the Texas Rangers (1955–1957); Dr. Christian (1957); Circus Boy (1957); Whirlybirds (1957); I Led 3 Lives (1953–1956); Savage Fury (1956); The Cruel Tower (1956); Tales of the 77th Bengal Lancers (1956); Passport to Danger (1956); Scattergood Baines (1955); Science Fiction Theatre (1955); Topper (1954–1955); Meet Corliss Archer (1954); Mr. & Mrs. North (1952–1954); Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl (1954); The Cisco Kid (1953–1954); Your Favorite Story (1953–1954); Terry and the Pirates (1952–1953); Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953); Your Jeweler's Showcase (1953); Run for the Hills (1953); The Files of Jeffrey Jones (1952–1953); Man in the Dark (1953); The Ford Television Theatre (1953); Tangier Incident (1953); The Adventures of Kit Carson (1951–1953); Torpedo Alley (1952); Arctic Flight (1952); Schlitz Playhouse (1952); California Conquest (1952); Jungle Jim in the Forbidden Land (1952); Aladdin and His Lamp (1952); The Bogus Green (1951); The Magic Carpet (1951); Jungle Manhunt (1951); Hurricane Island (1951); The Big Gusher (1951); When the Redskins Rode (1951); A Yank in Korea (1951); Blue Blood (1951); Revenue Agent (1950); Last of the Buccaneers (1950); Chain Gang (1950); State Penitentiary (1950); Beauty on Parade (1950); Dynamite Pass (1950); Tyrant of the Sea (1950); Girls' School (1950); Davy Crockett, Indian Scout (1950); Barbary Pirate (1949); Air Hostess (1949); Stagecoach Kid (1949); I Found a Dog (1949); Law of the Barbary Coast (1949); Public Prosecutor (1947–1948); Adventures of Gallant Bess (1948); Inner Sanctum (1948); My Dog Rusty (1948); Doctor Jim (1947); Devil Ship (1947); My Pal (1947); The Son of Rusty (1947); Under the Tonto Rim (1947); Thunder Mountain (1947); Seven Keys to Baldpate (1947); Danger Street (1947); Death Valley (1946); Harry Cording, William Gargan, Phillip Reed, and Jean Rogers in Hot Cargo (1946); The Truth About Murder (1946); The Mask of Diijon (1946); Tokyo Rose (1946); A Close Call for Boston Blackie (1946); Follow That Woman (1945); The Enchanted Forest (1945); The Windjammer (1945); Shadow of Terror (1945); Arson Squad (1945); Secrets of a Sorority Girl (1945); Trouble Chasers (1945); The Power of the Whistler (1945); Crime, Inc. (1945); I'm from Arkansas (1944); Black Arrow (1944); Swing in the Saddle (1944); U-Boat Prisoner (1944); Stars on Parade (1944); The Black Parachute (1944); Two-Man Submarine (1944); The Ghost That Walks Alone (1944); Cowboy Canteen (1944); The Deerslayer (1943); The Return of the Vampire (1943); Doughboys in Ireland (1943); Redhead from Manhattan (1943); Murder in Times Square (1943); After Midnight with Boston Blackie (1943); Power of the Press (1943); Junior Army (1942); Stand by All Networks (1942); The Boogie Man Will Get You (1942); Smith of Minnesota (1942); Sabotage Squad (1942); Atlantic Convoy (1942); Submarine Raider (1942); Not a Ladies' Man (1942); Alias Boston Blackie (1942); Canal Zone (1942); The Man Who Returned to Life (1942); Cadets on Parade (1942); Harvard, Here I Come! (1941); The Stork Pays Off (1941); Mystery Ship (1941); I Was a Prisoner on Devil's Island (1941); The Singing Hill (1941); Back in the Saddle (1941); Ridin' on a Rainbow (1941); Lucky Devils (1941); Slightly Tempted (1940); Girl from Havana (1940); Sing, Dance, Plenty Hot (1940); Wagons Westward (1940); La Conga Nights (1940); Ski Patrol (1940); Enemy Agent (1940); Honeymoon Deferred (1940); Bad Lands (1939); Conspiracy (1939); The Girl and the Gambler (1939); Fixer Dugan (1939); Twelve Crowded Hours (1939); Pacific Liner (1939); Annabel Takes a Tour (1938); The Affairs of Annabel (1938); Smashing the Rackets (1938); Sky Giant (1938); Blind Alibi (1938); Law of the Underworld (1938); Condemned Women (1938); Double Danger (1938); Crashing Hollywood (1938); Danger Patrol (1937); Living on Love (1937); Flight from Glory (1937); Border Cafe (1937); You Can't Buy Luck (1937); The Man Who Found Himself (1937); They Wanted to Marry (1937); Night Waitress (1936); Without Orders (1936); Parole! (1936); The Adventures of Frank Merriwell (1936); Stormy (1935); The Raven (1935); The Call of the Savage (1935); Rustlers of Red Dog (1935); Tailspin Tommy (1934); The Red Rider (1934); The Vanishing Shadow (1934); The Escape (1914); Admission -- Two Pins (1914); The Escape (1913).

Friday, December 27, 2024

Born on this day – Marlene Dietrich:

Marlene Dietrich



December 27, 1901 – May 6, 1992


Just a Gigolo (1978); Paris When It Sizzles (1964); Judgment at Nuremberg (1961); Touch of Evil (1958); Witness for the Prosecution (1957); The Montecarlo Story (1956); Around the World in 80 Days (1956); Rancho Notorious (1952); No Highway in the Sky (1951); Stage Fright (1950); Jigsaw (1949); A Foreign Affair (1948); Golden Earrings (1947); The Room Upstairs (1946); Kismet (1944); Follow the Boys (1944); Pittsburgh (1942); The Spoilers (1942); The Lady Is Willing (1942); Manpower (1941); The Flame of New Orleans (1941); Seven Sinners (1940); Destry Rides Again (1939); Angel (1937); Knight Without Armor (1937); I Loved a Soldier (1936); The Garden of Allah (1936); Desire (1936); The Devil Is a Woman (1935); The Scarlet Empress (1934); The Song of Songs (1933); Blonde Venus (1932); Shanghai Express (1932); Dishonored (1931); Morocco (1930); The Blue Angel (1930); Nights of Love (1930); The Ship of Lost Men (1929); Three Loves (1929); I Kiss Your Hand Madame (1929); The Art of Love (1928); Café Elektric (1927); Sein größter Bluff (1927); Kopf hoch, Charly! (1927); Der Juxbaron (1927); A Modern Du Barry (1926); Madame Doesn't Want Children (1926); Manon Lescaut (1926); Dance Fever (1925); Der Sprung ins Leben (1924); The Countess of Paris (1923); The Tragedy of Love (1923); Man by the Roadside (1923); So sind die Männer (1923); Im Schatten des Glücks (1919).

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Born on this day – Lil Green:

Lil Green

Blues singer


December 22, 1901 – April 14, 1954



1940-1941 (2008); 1942-1946 (2008); 1947-1951 (2008); Blues & Rhythm Series: The Chronological Lil Green 1940-1941 (2003); Give Your Mama One Smile (2023); Greens Got The Blues (2020); Instinctively the Blues - Lil Green (2020); Lil Green (2016); Love In The Dark (2023); No Stranger to Trouble (2015); Romance In The Dark (1971); Romance In The Dark (Original Recordings 1940 - 1944) (2015); The Blues Collective - Lil Green (2023); The Blues Mama (2019); The Very Best Of (2010); Why Don't You Do Right? 1940-1942 (Remastered Historical Recordings) (2006).


Aggravatin' Papa; Because I Love My Daddy So; Cherry Tree Blues; Country Boy Blues; Give your mama one smile; Hello Babe; How Can I Go On?; How Come You Do Me Like You Do; I Gotta Have It; I Have a Place to Go; I Want A Man; I Won't Sell My Love; If I'm a Fool; If You Want to Share Your Love; I'm going to start a racket; I'm Wasting My Time on You; Just Rockin'; Keep Your Hand on Your Heart; Knockin' Myself Out; Last Go Round Blues; Let's Be Friends; My Mellow Man; No, Baby, Nobody but You; Outside Of That; Romance in the Dark; Take Me Back To Little Rock; What Have I Done; What's The Matter With Love?; Why Don't You Do Right; Why Don'y You Do It Right; You're Just Full of Jive; You've Been A Good Old Wagon.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Born on this day – Gail Bonney:

Gail Bonney


December 15, 1901 – December 7, 1984


Delta House (1979); Project U.F.O. (1978); The Six Million Dollar Man (1977); Quincy M.E. (1977); Kingston: Confidential (1976); Marcus Welby, M.D. (1969–1976); Death Scream (1975); Lincoln (1975); Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1975); Lucas Tanner (1974); Planet of the Apes (1974); Barnaby Jones (1974); Herbie Rides Again (1974); Doc Elliot (1974); Emergency! (1973); My Darling Daughters' Anniversary (1973); Gunsmoke (1962–1973); he Devil's Daughter (1973); The Bold Ones: The New Doctors (1972–1973); Get to Know Your Rabbit (1972); Night Gallery (1971); The Smith Family (1971); The Late Liz (1971); Ironside (1967–1971); The Young Lawyers (1971); The Bold Ones: The Senator (1970); That Girl (1970); Pieces of Dreams (1970); R.P.M. (1970); The Name of the Game (1968–1970); My Three Sons (1965–1970); Blondie (1969); The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes (1969); Mannix (1968); Something for a Lonely Man (1968); Mod Squad (1968); Here's Lucy (1968); Rosemary's Baby (1968); It Takes a Thief (1968); The Virginian (1964–1968); I Spy (1968); Dragnet 1967 (1967–1968); The Beverly Hillbillies (1967); The Big Valley (1967); Star Trek (1967); Tammy and the Millionaire (1967); The Road West (1966); Petticoat Junction (1965–1966); Pistols 'n' Petticoats (1966);  Fine Madness (1966); Run for Your Life (1966); My Brother the Angel (1965); Convoy (1965); Green Acres (1965); Tammy (1965); Cat Ballou (1965); The Addams Family (1965); The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1962–1965); The Lucy Show (1965); Wagon Train (1959–1965); Burke's Law (1964); Bonanza (1960–1964); The Jack Benny Program (1957–1964); Arrest and Trial (1963); Mary, Mary (1963); Glynis (1963); Going My Way (1963); The Dakotas (1963); Days of Wine and Roses (1962); Ben Casey (1962); Gypsy (1962); Tales of Wells Fargo (1958–1962); Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1959–1962); General Electric Theater (1956–1962); Rome Adventure (1962); Lawman (1961–1962); Rawhide (1962); Checkmate (1962); Maverick (1960–1961); 87th Precinct (1961); Leave It to Beaver (1961); The Untouchables (1961); Pete and Gladys (1961); Whispering Smith (1961); Angel (1961); Hawaiian Eye (1961); Bronco (1961); Lock Up (1961); Dante (1960); Bachelor Father (1960); Markham (1959–1960); Tate (1960); Inherit the Wind (1960); Bells Are Ringing (1960); Perry Mason (1957–1960); One Step Beyond (1960); Johnny Midnight (1960); The DuPont Show with June Allyson (1959–1960); Death Valley Days (1954–1960); Please Don't Eat the Daisies (1960); Laramie (1960); Riverboat (1959); Westinghouse Desilu Playhouse (1959); M Squad (1959); The Deputy (1959); The Tingler (1959); Richard Diamond, Private Detective (1959); The Perfect Furlough (1958); Home Before Dark (1958); Bell Book and Candle (1958); The Last Hurrah (1958); Shirley Temple's Storybook (1958); 77 Sunset Strip (1958); Flying Saucer Daffy (1958); Too Much, Too Soon (1958); Highway Patrol (1958); The Restless Gun (1958); Sky King (1958); Going Steady (1958); The World Was His Jury (1958); The Female Animal (1958); Studio 57 (1957); Pal Joey (1957); The Mickey Mouse Club (1957); The Hardy Boys: The Mystery of the Ghost Farm (1957); The Careless Years (1957); The Loretta Young Show (1953–1957); Lux Video Theatre (1957); Dragnet (1957); Crime of Passion (1956); The 20th Century-Fox Hour (1955); The Opposite Sex (1956); Written on the Wind (1956); The Best Things in Life Are Free (1956); Bigger Than Life (1956); Red Sundown (1956); December Bride (1955–1956); The Killer Is Loose (1956); The People's Choice (1956); Come Next Spring (1956); Climax! (1955); The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show (1953–1955); The Millionaire (1955); Our Miss Brooks (1955); Not as a Stranger (1955); Ain't Misbehavin' (1955); The Mickey Rooney Show (1955); The Glass Slipper (1955); It's a Great Life (1955); I Led 3 Lives (1954); Space Patrol (1954); Deep in My Heart (1954); The Donald O'Connor Show (1954); Magnificent Obsession (1954); The Red Skelton Hour (1954); Tooting Tooters (1954); Dream Wife (1953); So You Want a Television Set (1953); It Happens Every Thursday (1953); The Ford Television Theatre (1953); The Lady Wants Mink (1953); The Blue Gardenia (1953); Schlitz Playhouse (1953); Biff Baker, U.S.A. (1953); The Cisco Kid (1953); The Member of the Wedding (1952); Million Dollar Mermaid (1952); Because of You (1952); Bonzo Goes to College (1952); Assignment: Paris (1952); Carrie (1952); Gobs and Gals (1952); My Son John (1952); Singin' in the Rain (1952); The Colgate Comedy Hour (1952); The Sniper (1952); Flesh and Fury (1952); Love Is Better Than Ever (1952); I Love Lucy (1952); Boston Blackie (1951); Death of a Salesman (1951); Here Comes the Groom (1951); Orangey in Rhubarb (1951); People Will Talk (1951); The Stu Erwin Show (1951); The Company She Keeps (1951); The Killer That Stalked New York (1950); Sunset in the West (1950); The Fuller Brush Girl (1950); 11 Ocean Drive (1950); Love That Brute (1950); Caged (1950); A Woman of Distinction (1950); The Secret Fury (1950); Whirlpool (1950); Side Street (1949); Beyond the Forest (1949); Prison Warden (1949); Alias the Champ (1949); The Reckless Moment (1949); The Doctor and the Girl (1949); Bud Abbott Lou Costello Meet the Killer Boris Karloff (1949); The Red Menace (1949); The Fountainhead (1949); Baltimore (1949); One Sunday Afternoon (1948); Slippy McGee (1948).

Monday, December 9, 2024

Born on this day – Carol Dempster:

Carol Dempster


December 9, 1901 – February 1, 1991


A Romance of Happy Valley (1919); America (1924); Dream Street (1921); Intolerance (1916); Isn't Life Wonderful (1924); Liberty Loan Appeal (1918); One Exciting Night (1922); Sally of the Sawdust (1925); Scarlet Days (1919); Sherlock Holmes (1922); That Royle Girl (1925); The Girl Who Stayed at Home (1919); The Greatest Thing in Life (1918); The Hope Chest (1918); The Love Flower (1920); The Sorrows of Satan (1926); The White Rose (1923); True Heart Susie (1919); Way Down East (1920).

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Friday, November 22, 2024

Born on this day – Lee Patrick:

Lee Patrick


November 22, 1901 – November 21, 1982


7 Faces of Dr. Lao (1964); 77 Sunset Strip (1961); A Girl Named Tamiko (1962); A Night to Remember (1942); Adventures in Paradise (1962); Auntie Mame (1958); Big Sister Blues (1948); Border Cafe (1937); Boss Lady (1952); Caged (1950); Circus Boy (1957); City for Conquest (1940); Condemned Women (1938); Crashing Hollywood (1938); Danger Patrol (1937); Dangerously They Live (1941); Faces in the Fog (1944); Father Is a Prince (1940); Fisherman's Wharf (1939); Follow the Sun (1962); Footsteps in the Dark (1941); Gambler's Choice (1944); General Electric Theater (1953); George Washington Slept Here (1942); Goodbye Again (1961); Harrigan and Son (1961); Hawaiian Eye (1959); Hazel (1965); Hello Out There (1949); Honeymoon for Three (1941); I Married Joan (1953); Inner Sanctum (1948); Invisible Stripes (1939); Jitterbugs (1943); Joan of Arkansas (1958); Keep Your Powder Dry (1945); Kings Row (1955); Kisses for Breakfast (1941); Ladies Must Live (1940); Larceny with Music (1943); Law of the Underworld (1938); Lawman (1959–1960); Maid's Night Out (1938); Mark Saber (1952); Matinee Theatre (1957); Mildred Pierce (1945); Million Dollar Baby (1941); Money and the Woman (1940); Moon Over Las Vegas (1944); Mother Wore Tights (1947); Mr. & Mrs. North (1953); Mr. Adams and Eve (1957); Mrs. Parkington (1944); Music for Madame (1937); Night Spot (1938); Nobody's Darling (1943); Now, Voyager (1942); Over 21 (1945); Pillow Talk (1959); Public Prosecutor (1948); Racket Squad (1951); Saturday's Children (1940); See My Lawyer (1945); Singin' Spurs (1948); Somewhere I'll Find You (1942); South of Suez (1940); Stage Door (1939); Strange Cargo (1929); Strange Journey (1946); Studio One (1958); Summer and Smoke (1961); Summer Playhouse (1964); Take Me to Town (1953); The 20th Century-Fox Hour (1957); The Abbott and Costello Show (1953); The Adventures of Hiram Holliday (1957); The Alvin Show (1961); The Backbone of America (1953); The Black Bird (1975); The Chevy Mystery Show (1960); The Dennis O'Keefe Show (1960); The Donna Reed Show (1965); The Doolins of Oklahoma (1949); The Far Out West (1967); The Farmer's Daughter (1964); The Fuller Brush Girl (1950); The Lawless (1950); The Lineup (1956–1957); The Maltese Falcon (1941); The Naked Archaeologist (2010); The New Interns (1964); The Nurse's Secret (1941); The Real McCoys (1961–1963); The Rifleman (1962); The Sisters (1938); The Smiling Ghost (1941); The Snake Pit (1948); The Thin Man (1958); The Untouchables (1960); The Walls Came Tumbling Down (1946); There's No Business Like Show Business (1954); This Our Life (1942); Those Whiting Girls (1957); Tomorrow Is Another Day (1951); Topper (1953–1955); Vertigo (1958); Visit to a Small Planet (1960); Wagon Train (1959); Wake Up and Dream (1946); Wives and Lovers (1963); You Can't Beat Love (1937); Your Show Time (1949).