Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label awareness. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSHope #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OverMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay #EndMS


Friday, October 1, 2021

Friday, August 7, 2020

Hidden and Invisible Problems with Multiple Sclerosis:

Posted on July 20, 2020 by MSAA
Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

By Penelope Conway

How do you explain the hidden and invisible problems with multiple sclerosis?

Every week when the nurse comes to my house, I’m always asked the same questions. Am I experiencing any pain? What kind of pain? How does it feel? How’s my appetite? Bowel movements? Swallowing troubles? Breathing? It takes the entire visit to explain everything. Pain shifts moment by moment from burning pain, to stabbing pain, muscle spasms, aching bones, tooth pain, and migraines.

I once asked her if she believes me or even remembers from week to week the answers I gave previously. How do you explain the hidden and invisible problems of multiple sclerosis to someone without MS? The intense itching is already hard enough to explain when there is no visible reason for it. All I have left to prove it happens is the remains of over-scratching my skin…arms, legs, face and neck.

I’m allergic to the normal meds prescribed for nerve pain so I am on a high dosage of opioids. It’s the only affordable med I can take that controls the pain. All of the meds I take cause me to need a daily laxative to help manage the constipation they create.
The destruction MS causes in my life takes place inside my body. The effects are seen as I move, talk and go throughout my day with disabling symptoms. If you were to see inside my body you wouldn’t judge me so quickly. My insides are a wreck and filled with chaos.

My trouble with balance, cognitive difficulties, dizziness, fatigue and weakness, blurred vision…they are all hidden from view.  In a perfect world, MS wouldn’t exist. There would be no pain, fears, difficulties or struggles. But we live in a world filled with brokenness. It’s okay to cry, fall apart and actually feel afraid. That’s part of being human. It’s part of living.

Allow yourself to feel, get angry if you need to, cry if you must, then wipe your tears, hold your head high and conquer the day. You are a warrior that may be weary in the fight, but even on your worst days you are still fighting.

Never doubt, even for a minute, that you are special. You are incredibly special. Hold your head high today. You got this!

*Penelope Conway was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in November 2011. She is the author and founder of Positive Living with MS ( where she uses humor and her own life experiences with MS to help others navigate this unpredictable journey. She believes that staying positive and holding onto hope is the key to waking up each morning with the strength to get through the day.

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSHope #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OverMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #Vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay #WorldMultipleSclerosisDay #EndMS


Friday, June 5, 2020

I Don’t Have Problems Keeping Busy, I have Problems Staying Focused:

By Penelope Conway

Posted on May 27, 2020 by MSAA

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

I don’t seem to have problems keeping busy. There is always something that needs to get done around the house. It’s trying to find the energy to get things done that seems to hinder me. Having physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy appointments each week at home has this way of messing up any kind of schedule I’d like to put together. Most of the time a nap is required after the appointments. Although it’s wonderful to have conversations with different people than normal, it really wears me out.

Maybe one more month and I can get my schedule freed up and have an opportunity to get things done that I need done. Just last month I was out in my yard working when a guy walked past my house. He paused to chat and say hi. I found out he was a PT therapist with another home health group in town. He said he was impressed that I do my own yard work from my power chair. I got a new chair several months ago and named my old chair my yard chair. I am not so concerned with keeping it clean like my new chair.

I mow my own grass with a riding mower that I rigged with hand controls like you would add to a car so I just need to steer and brake with my hands. It wears me out and my day is done for about 2 days after I cut the grass but I always feel so accomplished when I’m done. I like that feeling.

My main problem is that if I don’t properly plan the things I need to do and line up help to make the load easier, it doesn’t get done. Between that and my lack of energy, increased weakness and the inability to hold onto my thoughts without constant reminder alerts…things just don’t get done.

I’m glad to have technology to help me out with all the alerts I set. Even when an alert sounds off and I disregard it, I have things set up to keep reminding me. Years ago, that would have annoyed me, but I find it necessary just to get through a day.

In the coming months I have a new mailbox to be add at the curb that will replace an old rotting mailbox. My brother has promised to set aside a day to dig the hole for the new post. He’s so good to me and always works hard to do things the way I like them. I never stress knowing that my family has my back.

I try hard to let people know how important they are to me. I think sometimes they get left out of the thanks they deserve. Sometimes we don’t have but a few trustworthy friends/family members. Send them a note or email to let them know how much they mean to you. It will make their day!

*Penelope Conway was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in November 2013. She is the author and founder of Positive Living with MS ( where she uses humor and her own life experiences with MS to help others navigate this unpredictable journey. She believes that staying positive and holding onto hope is the key to waking up each morning with the strength to get through the day.

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSHope #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OverMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #Vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay #EndMS


Friday, March 6, 2020

A Life with Multiple Sclerosis Has Taught Me the Importance of Letting Go of Yesterday:

By Penelope Conway

Posted on February 24, 2020 by MSAA

Multiple Sclerosis Association of America

I have a problem with expecting too much from myself which in turn hurts me more than helps. This year I have made it my purpose to evaluate my life and simplify everything I’m doing as much as I can. Is that even possible? There are things I want to do, things I need to do, and things I need to let go of. Multiple sclerosis has definitely changed my perspective about everything in life.

Some of the top priorities for me are following a reasonable exercise routine, eating as healthy as possible and resting as much as possible to keep from overexerting myself. That’s not so difficult, right? Well, It’s not as easy as it may seem.

I have made my spare bedroom my exercise room. A place where I can stay focused on doing routines just for me. I have a recumbent bike to help me get my legs moving, stretch bands to help me with my upper arm strength and movement, a table to work on brain puzzles to keep my brain focused and challenged, and a set of parallel bars to help me walk again. Someday I’m believing to get to a place where I will walk on my own. I’m not ruling out any possibility but I’m not going to overdo it either.

I’m hoping to one day complete an MS walk and am still hoping that it can happen, I am just making my plan as reachable as possible. I have prepared myself mentally for failure. The old me would have over-planned and made goals unreachable, the me today is just hoping for progress day by day. If my body won’t cooperate, that’s okay. There’s always another day. It’s an ongoing process…just no quitting is allowed.

I had to learn to let go of yesterday and the failures I’ve already made. To let go of the hurts that come from not being able to do the things I used to do. To let go of the pain multiple sclerosis brings along with it. To let go of the fears. To just let it all go.

Sometimes we have to let go of the person we once were in order to see the amazing person we are becoming. You get to choose who that person is. I know I see greatness in you. I see someone who is brave, strong and courageous. Someone who has been dealt a terrible hand in life yet is still trying to make the best of it. Someone who isn’t perfect, but then again who is? Someone who is weak in their body, but oh so strong on the inside. I hope you can see it too.

You are not a failure. You are not insignificant, useless, a burden or a disappointment. You are a beautiful, valued, remarkable person, and you have an incredible future ahead of you. You are amazing. Yes, YOU!

Living with MS is tough…but you are tougher. You are braver, you are stronger even when you are at your weakest, and you are doing it. I believe in you and know that you have a lot of amazingness to share with the world and to be a part of!

How do I know that? Because you are AMAZING!!!! So, get out there and conquer.

*Penelope Conway was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in November 2011. She is the author and founder of Positive Living with MS ( where she uses humor and her own life experiences with MS to help others navigate this unpredictable journey. She believes that staying positive and holding onto hope is the key to waking up each morning with the strength to get through the day.

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSHope #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OverMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay #EndMS


Friday, November 8, 2019

Kristen Welch, on selflessness:

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OverMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay


Volunteer in Walk MS to help find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis (MS):

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay


Friday, August 2, 2019

Selma Blair Posts Photo Of Herself Taking A Towel Bath To Quell Spasms From Multiple Sclerosis:

By Korin Miller
Women’s Health
July 23, 2019

Selma Blair, at the 2019 Oscar Awards ceremony.
Photograph by Mark Seliger.

"We do what we need to do." – Selma Blair.

Selma Blair posted a new photo to her Instagram account showing herself taking a towel bath to calm her MS spasms.

Selma's posted this photo before, but took it down after she was "kind of being made fun of" by media outlets.

Selma was diagnosed with MS in 2018 after experiencing symptoms for many years.

Selma Blair is constantly sharing information with her social media followers about her life with multiple sclerosis. Now, she’s opening up about a simple treatment she’s tried that she says has really helped her.

It’s called a towel bath, and Selma says in a new Instagram post that she shared this photo once and was “kind of being made fun of by some news outlets,” so she took it down. Now, she’s trying again.

“So. I spin the wheel again. I stop on a pic a friend took of me trying to stop spasms by lying in warm water with a heavy towel with minerals in bath. Specific minerals,” she captioned a shot of herself laying in a bath under a pretty, multicolored towel.

“The thing is, the heavy towel helped,” Selma continued. “My body would go into a kind of palsy.” Selma said she was “embarrassed” and tried to turn the spasms into “mouth clicks…but the energy had to go somewhere.”

Her therapist recommended putting towels over her and Selma said it helped. “So I wanted to share. A warm bath with towels and a space heater in bathroom so water doesn’t have to be so hot,” Selma wrote.

Selma Blair, towel bath, July 2019

Selma never explicitly links her muscle spasms to MS in the post, but they’re a common symptom of the disease. Spasticity, which refers to feelings of stiffness and a wide range of involuntary muscle spasms, is one of the most common symptoms of MS, according to the National MS Society. The organization notes that spasticity varies a lot from person to person, so treatment is often recommended on an individual basis. However, medication, physical, and occupational therapy can help.

Selma ended on this powerful note: “We are in this together. I don’t mind being ridiculed a bit anymore. We do what we need to do. #towelbath.”

Korin Miller is a freelance writer specializing in general wellness, sexual health and relationships, and lifestyle trends, with work appearing in Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Glamour, and more.

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #brain #CureMS #demyelination #disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MultipleSclerosis #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #myelin #mymsme #OMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay