Showing posts with label research. Show all posts
Showing posts with label research. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Honoring Sylvia Lawry on International Women’s Day:

Sylvia Lawry

On International Women’s Day,
I nominate Sylvia Lawry, who founded the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in 1947.

Sylvia Lawry, who single-handedly launched an international war on multiple sclerosis, founding both the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in the United States and the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation abroad, and who profoundly influenced research, disease management, and public policy concerning this complex neurological disease, died February 24, 2001, in New York City. Ms. Lawry was 85 and lived in Manhattan.

“The death of Sylvia Lawry was a tremendous loss to our organization and to the MS movement. Sylvia’s legacy will continue to inspire all of us who knew, or even knew of, her as we move closer each day to a world free of multiple sclerosis,” pledged Joyce Nelson, former President and CEO of the National MS Society.

“Sylvia Lawry was a private no-nonsense person to whom you couldn’t say ‘no,”‘ shares Weyman Johnson, former chairman, National MS Society, board of directors. “She devoted more than 50 years of her life seeking the means to end MS and was a hero to anyone touched by the challenges of the disease.”

Born in Brooklyn in 1915, one of four children of Jacob and Sophie Friedman, Sylvia Lawry was attending Hunter College with the aim of becoming a lawyer when her younger brother Bernard began experiencing visual and balance problems. They proved to be early symptoms of MS, an unpredictable, chronic, and often disabling disease of the central nervous system. For several years, the family pursued cures without success, ultimately leading Ms. Lawry to place a small classified notice in The New York Times in 1945: “Multiple Sclerosis. Will anyone recovered from it please communicate with patient.”

When the more than 50 replies she received were from individuals as desperate as she to find encouraging news about MS, Sylvia Lawry realized the need for an organized effort to stimulate and finance research into the cure, treatment, and cause of multiple sclerosis. The result was that on March 11, 1946, Ms. Lawry, a lone young woman, gathered 20 of the nation’s most prominent research scientists and founded what would become the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. From these humble beginnings, Ms. Lawry devoted the rest of her life to the pursuit of a world free of MS.

Initially incorporated in 1946 as the Association for Advancement of Research in Multiple Sclerosis with the sole purpose of sponsoring MS research, the organization was renamed as the National Multiple Sclerosis Society in 1947. This was in recognition of the fact that people affected by the disease, both patients and their families, desperately needed information and other service programs to enhance their lives while the cure was being sought. That year also, the first two local chapters of the Society were chartered in California and Connecticut.

Though Bernard’s health continued to weaken, and he ultimately succumbed to MS-related causes in 1973, Sylvia Lawry saw there were millions of others like her brother who needed help. With the assistance of Senator Charles Tobey of New Hampshire, whose daughter had MS, Ms. Lawry personally lobbied Congress and persuaded them to adopt legislation on August 15, 1950, establishing what is now the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). Up to this time, government interest in MS was minimal with research expenditures totaling approximately $14,000. Since then, government appropriations to the Institute have steadily increased, until today they have passed the $1.5 billion mark, approximately $110 million which directly impacts multiple sclerosis.

In the same era, chapters of the Society were established across the country to better serve people with MS and their families. Diverse education, counseling, self-help, equipment loan, advocacy, and referral programs were introduced with the help of dedicated volunteers and grassroots event-based fundraising.

In 1967, spurred by the fact that at that time almost one-third of the Society’s research funds were being awarded to investigators outside the U.S., Ms. Lawry founded the MSIF (Multiple Sclerosis International Federation). The federation helped coordinate fundraising and service efforts of young societies in Canada, Britain, France, Germany, and other European countries, modeled on the American original. The federation became a catalyst for the global MS movement in Latin America, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and Eastern Europe. Today there are 43 member societies around the world. The MSIF is headquartered in London.

Ms. Lawry served as Executive Director of the National MS Society until 1982 and maintained her role as Secretary of the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation until 1997, when she “retired.” She continued to be an officer of the National Board and was a full-time volunteer, devoting her efforts to the Society’s international programs and typically working a 12-hour day. “I’ll retire when MS retires,” she promised just a few months before respiratory illness ended her regular presence at the Society’s home office in Manhattan. She did continue to work from her home with colleagues worldwide and a book on her life and the history of the Society was just completed when she was hospitalized in February 2000.

Sylvia Lawry fiercely pursued her dream of a world free of MS for more than a half century. Though her vision of a cure for MS is not yet a reality, the National MS Society which she founded has devoted more than $600 million to MS research since 1946--playing a seminal part in developing understanding of the central nervous and immune systems, the two most complex systems in the human body.

Ms. Lawry’s commitment to research has also led the Society to become instrumental in the development of many of the FDA-approved medications that can reduce the number of acute MS attacks, protect the central nervous system from damage and delay the onset of more permanent disabilities.

The hard work of one young woman has resulted in an organization that today has a 50-state network of chapters expending nearly $126 million a year to serve over one million people and which devotes more than $46 million each year to support over 440 research projects internationally. The Society’s web site receives nearly two million visitors each month (; provides a toll-free telephone number that connects callers to their nearest local office (1.800.344.4867); and publishes an award-winning quarterly magazine Momentum, which has a readership of over one million. The Society also offers educational programs to health-care professionals and organizes state and national advocacy campaigns to address issues impacting people with disabilities.

Ms. Lawry was a widow and was survived by her two sons Steven and Frank Englander; her sister Lillian Wilson; and her two grandchildren Matthew and Marissa. The biography on Ms. Lawry’s life and its impact on the MS movement, Courage, was published in October 2003 by the firm Ivan R. Dee. Please direct contributions in her memory to the National MS Society or the MS International Federation, 733 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017.

In support of Multiple Sclerosis research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #brain #CureMS #demyelination #disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MultipleSclerosis #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #myelin #mymsme #OMS #stumblingprincess #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay


Saturday, March 1, 2025

March is MS Awareness Month:

Please make a donation.

In support of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research:

Twitter hashtags:

#BikeMS #Brain #ChronicIllnessWarrior #CureMS #Demyelination #Disease #FightMS #FuckMS #FuckYouMS #FUMS #Lesion #MovingMountainsForMS #MS #MSawareness #MSAwarenessMonth #MSeducation #MSOnMyMind #MultipleSclerosis #MSHope #MSstrong #MSSucks #MSwarrior #MuckFestMS #Myelin #mymsme #OverMS #LivingWellWithMS #ThisIsMS #vertigo #WalkMS #WalkTogether #WeAreILLmatic #WeAreStrongerThanMS #WorldMSDay


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Recommended reading for research and recovery from narcissistic abuse:

The following books are a portion of many available, covering the subject of Cluster B personality disorders, narcissistic abuse, smear campaigns, flying monkeys, et al, including guidance on self-care and recovery.

I also recommend the authors’ websites, blogs, and YouTube channels.

More titles will be added in the future.

By Shahida Arabi:

Becoming the Narcissist’s Nightmare:
How to Devalue and Discard the Narcissist While Supplying Yourself.

Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse.

BAngela Atkinson:

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery:
The Ultimate Toxic Relationship Survival Guide for Victims and Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse.

By Paul Babiak & Robert D. Hare:

Snakes in Suits:
When Psychopaths Go To Work.

By Zari Ballard:

When Evil is a Pretty Face:
Narcissistic Females & the Pathological Relationship Agenda.

When Love Is a Lie:
Narcissistic Partners & the Pathological Relationship Agenda.

By Albert J. Bernstein:

Emotional Vampires:
Dealing with People Who Drain You Dry.

By Bree Bonchay:

I Am Free:

Healing Stories About Surviving Toxic Relationships with Narcissists and Sociopaths

By Harriet B. Braiker:

Who's Pulling Your Strings?

How to Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Regain Control of Your Life.

By Brené Brown:

Braving the Wilderness:
The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone.

Dare to Lead:
Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

Daring Greatly:
How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.

I Thought It Was Just Me (But It Isn’t):
Making the Journey from "What Will People Think?" to "I Am Enough."

Rising Strong:
How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead.

The Gifts of Imperfection:
Let Go of Who You Think You’re Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. You Guide to a Wholehearted Life.

By Joseph Burgo:

The Narcissist You Know:
Defending Yourself Against Extreme Narcissists in an All-About-Me Age.

By Sherrie Campbell:

But It’s Your Family …:
Cutting Ties with Toxic Family Members and Loving Yourself in the Aftermath.

Adult Survivors of Toxic Family Members:
Tools to Maintain Boundaries, Deal with Criticism, and Heal from Shame After Ties Have Been Cut.

Your Pocket Therapist:
Quick Hacks for Dealing with Toxic People While Empowering Yourself.

Adult Survivors of Emotionally Abusive Parents:
How to Heal, Cultivate Emotional Resilience, and Build the Life and Love You Deserve.

By Dave Carder:

Anatomy of an Affair:
How Affairs, Attractions, and Addictions Develop, and How to Guard Your Marriage Against Them.

Torn Asunder:
Recovering From an Extramarital Affair.
(With John Townsend and Duncan Jaenicke).

By Les Carter:

Enough About You, Let’s Talk About Me:
How to Recognize & Manage the Narcissists in Your Life.

By Ramani Durvasula:

“Don’t You Know Who I Am?”:
How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility.

Should I Stay or Should I Go:
Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist.

It's Not You:
Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People.

By Susan J. Elliott:

Getting Past Your Breakup:
How to Turn a Devastating Loss into the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You.

By Mark Ettensohn & Jane Simon:

Unmasking Narcissism:
A Guide to Understanding the Narcissist in Your Life.

By Randi G. Fine:

Close Encounters of the Worst Kind:
The Narcissistic Abuse Survivor's Guide to Healing and Recovery.

By Susan Forward & Donna Frazier:

Toxic In-Laws:
Loving Strategies for Protecting Your Marriage.

When Your Lover Is a Liar:
Healing the Wounds of Deception and Betrayal.

By Shirley P. Glass, Jean Coppock Staeheli & Laural Merlington:

Not “Just Friends”:
Rebuilding Trust and Recovering Your Sanity After Infidelity.

By Elinor Greenberg:

Borderline, Narcissistic, and Schizoid Adaptations:
The Pursuit of Love, Admiration, and Safety.

By Robert D. Hare:

Without Conscience:
The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us.

By Sandy Hotchkiss:

Why Is It Always About You?:
The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism.

BDrew Keys:

Narcissists Exposed:
75 Things Narcissists Don’t Want You to Know.

By Kent A. Kiehl:

Psychopath Whisperer:
The Science of Those Without Conscience.

By Jeffrey Kluger:

The Narcissist Next Door:
Understanding the Monster in Your Family, in Your Office, in Your Bed – in Your World.

By Jerold J. Kreisman & Hal Straus:

I Hate You – Don’t Leave Me:
Understanding the Borderline Personality.

By Rokelle Lerner:

The Object of My Affection Is in My Reflection:
Coping with Narcissists.

By Jackson MacKenzie:

Psychopath Free:
Recovering from Emotionally Abusive Relationships with Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Other Toxic People.

Whole Again:
Healing Your Heart and Rediscovering Your True Self After Toxic Relationships and Emotional Abuse Paperback.

By Jamie Mahler:

Toxic Relationship Recovery.
Your Guide to Identifying Toxic Partners, Leaving Unhealthy Dynamics, and Healing Emotional Wounds after a Breakup.

By David M. Masters:

Trust Betrayal:
Dealing with breach of trust, healing and learn how to trust again.

How to Deal with A Psychopath:
Antisocial Personality Disorder, Psychopath and Sociopath.

By James F. Masterson:

The Search for the Real Self:
Unmasking the Personality Disorders of Our Age.

By Anne McCrea:

Narcissistic & Emotional Abuse:
Shattering the Illusion.

By Sheri Meyers:

Chatting or Cheating:
How to Detect Infidelity, Rebuild Love, and Affair-Proof Your Relationship.

By Meredith Miller:

The Journey:
A Roadmap for Self-healing After Narcissistic Abuse.

Quick Start Guide: Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.

By Debbie Mirza:

The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist:
Recognizing the Traits and Finding Healing After Hidden Emotional and Psychological Abuse.

By Dana Morningstar:

Out of the Fog:
Moving from Confusion to Clarity After Narcissistic Abuse.

Start Here:
A Crash Course in Understanding, Navigating, and Healing from Narcissistic Abuse.

The Narcissist's Playbook:
How to Win a Game You Never Intended to Play.

By Joe Navarro & Toni Sciarra Poynter:

Dangerous Personalities:
An FBI Profiler Shows You How to Identify and Protect Yourself from Harmful People.

By Frank Pittman:

Private Lies:
Infidelity and the Betrayal of Intimacy.

By Kim Saeed:

How To Do No Contact Like A Boss!:
The Essential Guide to Detaching from Pathological Love & Reclaiming Your Life.

Survivor Secrets:
10 Essential Mindsets to Liberate Yourself from Narcissistic Abuse.

By Tracy Schorn:

Leave a Cheater, Gain a Life:
The Chump Lady's Survival Guide.

By Ronald Schouten & James Silver:

Almost a Psychopath:
Do I (or Does Someone I Know) Have a Problem with Manipulation and Lack of Empathy?

By George K. Simon:

Character Disturbance:
The Phenomenon of Our Age.

In Sheep’s Clothing:
Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People.

By Kevin B. Skinner:

Treating Trauma from Sexual Betrayal:
The Essential Tools for Healing.

By Kelly Smith:

Signs In The Rearview Mirror:
Leaving a Toxic Relationship Behind.

By Janis Abrahams Spring:

After the Affair:
Healing the Pain and Rebuilding Trust When a Partner Has Been Unfaithful.

By Reva Steenbergen:

The Gaslighting Effect:
A Revealing Look at Psychological Manipulation and Narcissistic Abuse.

By Martha Stout:

The Sociopath Next Door.

By Rona B. Subotnik:

Surviving Infidelity:
Making Decisions, Recovering from the Pain.

By Shannon Thomas:

Healing from Hidden Abuse:
A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse.

By Pete Walker:

Complex PTSD:
From Surviving to Thriving.

By Cynthia Zayn & Kevin Dibble:

Narcissistic Lovers:
How to Cope, Recover and Move On.

In support of Narcissistic Abuse awareness and recovery.

June 1st is World Narcissistic Abuse Awareness Day (WNAAD).

Recommended websites for research and recovery:

Twitter hashtags:

#AbuseByProxy #Adultery #AgainstBullying #BackStabbers #ClusterB #CPTSD #Enablers #FlirtingIsCheating #FlyingMonkeys #Gaslighting #HealingFromCPTSD #IAmEnough #IAmStillStanding #IfMyWoundsWereVisible #Infidelity #MicroAggression #NarcissisticAbuse #Narcissism #Narcissist #NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #NarcissisticSupply #Psychopath #PsychopathFree #SmearCampaign #Sociopath #ThrivingAfterNarcissisticAbuse #TwoFaced