Sunday, March 16, 2025

Born on this day – Alec Seward:

Alec Seward

Blues singer



March 16, 1901 – May 11, 1972



Creepin’ Blues (1965); Late One Saturday Evening (1996); The Back Porch Boys (2002).


Be Kind Blues; Big Hip Mama; Big Hip Mamma; Blues All Around My Head; Blues All Around My Head #2; C.C. Rider; Cousin John; Creepin’ Blues; Early Morning Blues; Evil Woman Blues; Feel So Good; Feels so Good; Friday the Thirteenth Blues; Goin’ Back Home; Goin’ Down Slow; Her Ways Are so Sweet; Hide Me In Thy Bosom; I Made A Mistake In Life; I Wish I’d Listened; It’s My Desire; Late Evening Blues; Late One Saturday Evening; Let A Good Thing Do; Little Annie Blues; Me and My Baby; Piney Woods; Risin’ Sun Shine On; Rock Me Darlin’; Sorry Woman Blues; Sweet Woman; Trouble in Mind; What Has Annie Got.

Recommended reading - Fire in the Hole: and Other Stories, by Elmore Leonard (2012):

Fire in the Hole: and Other Stories

By Elmore Leonard

Published by Mariner Books.
Published 2012.
ISBN-10: 0062120344
ISBN-13:‎ 978-0062120342

Filmed as the TV series Justified, directed by Graham Yost.


“If Leonard were a new kid instead of a past master, this fiction collection would make his name.” – People.

“Rummaging through Leonard’s attic via these nine stories revives some fond memories and turns up a couple of forgotten treasures.” – Kirkus Reviews.

“Elmore Leonard’s 39th book ...finds one of America’s most accomplished novelists presenting his most accomplished female characters in years.” – USA Today.

“[Leonard’s] most satisfying book since Out of Sight…. Top-notch work from one of our most gifted and consistently entertaining writers.” – New York Times Book Review.

“Vintage Leonard…. Nine stories with booze and shotguns and lowlifes…and lots of scenes that ought to be in movies.” – Detroit Free Press.

Originally published as When the Women Came Out to Dance, Elmore Leonard’s extraordinary story collection, Fire in the Hole reconfirms his standing as the “King Daddy of crime writers” (Seattle Times) – a true Grand Master in the legendary company of John D. MacDonald, Dashiell Hammett, and James M. Cain. These nine riveting tales of crime and (sometimes) punishment – including the title story starring U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, which was the basis for the smash hit TV series Justified – feature all the elements that have made the great Elmore Leonard great: superb writing, unforgettable characters, breathtaking twists, and the sharpest, coolest dialogue in the mystery-thriller genre.

Vickie Karp, on reading and writing:

When we read, we start at the beginning and continue until we reach the end.
When we write, we start in the middle and fight our way out.

- Vickie Karp.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Go Pens!

Saturday, March 15, 2025.

Pittsburgh Penguins: 7. New Jersey Devils: 3.



On this day in movie history - The Highwaymen (2019):

The Highwaymen

directed by John Lee Hancock,
written by John Fusco,
was released in the United States on March 15, 2019.
Based on the true Bonnie and Clyde case (1931–1934).
Music by Thomas Newman.


Kevin Costner, Woody Harrelson, Kathy Bates, John Carroll Lynch, Thomas Mann, Dean Denton, Kim Dickens, William Sadler, W. Earl Brown, David Furr, Jason Davis, Josh Caras, David Born, Brian F. Durkin, Kaley Wheless, Alex Elder, Emily Brobst, Edward Bossert, Jake Dashnaw, Jane McNeill, Karson Kern, Jesse C. Boyd, Kevin Sangston, Robert Bryan Davis, Luray Cooper, Johnny McPhail, Silas Cooper, Jeff Pope, Arvin Combs, Joe Knezevich, Billy Slaughter, Brandon O'Dell, Dean J. West, Don Stallings, David Dwyer, Steve Vernon, Carter Maharrey, Justin Smith, Cullen Moss, Alan Wells, Josh Ventura, Michael Draper, Timothy McKinney, Luke Loveless, Allen Lopez, Ian Pitre, Billy  Johnston, Izzy G., Savanna Renee, Mitch Eakins, Matthew Paul Martinez, Todd Barnett, Troy Anthony Hogan, Taj Marqui Paul, Russell L. Welch III, Nicolas J. Lefebvre, Stephen L. Kelly, Robert Streeck, Donald Robert Mohr, Brad Napp, Sophia Silver, Lynden Orr, Makani Ravello, Samantha Hunter Ogan, Mikey Kelley, Leigh Anne Tuohy, Collins Tuohy, Teddy Orr, Skip Stellrecht, Jon Briddell, David Zyler, Lexi Elizabeth Audler, Tony Beard, William Buster Benefield, Brett Beoubay, Rusty Bourg, James Breaux, Matthew Rush Campbell, Rebecca Chulew, Kyle Clements, Sheenan Cole, Jay Conlin, Karen Dalferes, Daniel B. Davis, Michael Patrick Fogarty, Gregory Fountain, Karla Garcia, Johnny Ray Gibbs, Chad Governale, Gene Kevin Hames Jr., Christopher Hart, Timothy Hinrichs, Jackie Jenkins Jr., Andreanna L Jenson, Steve Kish, John C. Klein, Darrel J Lee, Lamar Lott, Tonya Maldonado, Aaron Mitchell, Zach Mooney, Destry Mushtare, Bryan Regan, Lester Savoie, William Schaff, Natalie Sibille, Steven Skipper, Lindsay Small Barrios, Toney Chapman Steele, Cameron Washington, Michael Wozniak, Mike A. Young.

On this day in television history - M Squad (1960):

M Squad

Season 3. Episode 26.
Episode entitled: Anything for Joe.
Released March 15, 1960.
Directed by Paul Stewart.
Written by Maxwell Shane and Harold Swanton.
Music by Benny Carter.


Lee Marvin, Paul Newlan, Ann Morrison, John Herman Shaner, Joseph Corey, Jody Warner, Charles Tannen, Herbert Lytton, Jack Harris.

Born on this day – Lawrence Sanders:

Lawrence Sanders


March 15, 1920 – February 7, 1998



Caper (1980); Capital Crimes (1989); Dark Summer (1980); Guilty Pleasures (1998); Lawrence Sanders: Four Complete Novels (1984); Love Songs (1972); McNally's Alibi (2002); McNally's Bluff (2004); McNally's Caper (1994); McNally's Chance (2001); McNally's Dare (2003); McNally's Dilemma (1999); McNally's Folly (2000); McNally's Gamble (1997); McNally's Luck (1992); McNally's Puzzle (1996); McNally's Risk (1993); McNally's Secret (1991); McNally's Trial (1995); Private Pleasures (1992); Stolen Blessings (1989); Sullivan's Sting (1990); Tales of the Wolf (1988); The Adventures of Chaucey Alcock (1997); The Anderson Tapes (1970); The Case of Lucy Bending / The Case of Lucy B. (1982); The Dream Lover (1986); The Eighth Commandment (1986); The First Deadly Sin (1973); The Fourth Deadly Sin (1985); The Loves of Harry Dancer / The Loves of Harry D. (1985); The Marlow Chronicles (1977); The Passion of Molly T. (1984); The Pleasures of Helen (1971); The Second Deadly Sin (1977); The Seduction of Peter S. (1983); The Seventh Commandment (1991); The Sixth Commandment (1978); The Tangent Factor (1978); The Tangent Objective (1976); The Tenth Commandment (1980); The Third Deadly Sin (1981); The Timothy Files (1987); The Timothy Files / Timothy's Game / Sullivan's Sting (1999); The Tomorrow File (1975); The Tomorrow File / The Tangent Objective / The Tangent Factor (2000); Timothy's Game (1988).


The First Deadly Sin (1980); The Anderson Tapes (1971); Fornicon (1971).