December 7, 1959 – June 22, 2010
Hat (2007); Apartment Hunting (2000); Blind Spot (1997); Blindness (2008); Blue
(1992); Book of Knives (1995); Bubbles Galore (1996); Childstar (2004); Dangerous
Offender: The Marlene Moore Story (1996); Dice (2001); Dog Park (1998); Eclipse
(1994); Elimination Dance (1998); Good Stuff (2001); Green Door (2008); Highway
61 (1991); It's Me Gerald (2005); Joe's So Mean to Josephine (1996); Last Night
(1998); Liberty Street (1995); Manson, My Name Is Evil (2009); Me and You and
Everyone We Know (2005); Midwest of Eden (2005); Monkey Warfare (2006); My
Addiction (1994); My Summer Vacation (1996); Northern Town (2006); Permission (1997);
Picture Claire (2001); Slings and Arrows (2005); Superstar (1999); The 2000
Canadian Comedy Awards (2000); The fires of Joanna (1998); The Five Senses
(1999); The Kids in the Hall (1991); This Movie Is Broken (2010); Trigger (2010);
Twitch City (1998–2000); Wake Up, Jerk Off (1993); Wasaga (1995); When Night Is
Falling (1995); You Are Here (2010); Yo-Yo Ma Inspired by Bach (1997).