March 25, 1881 – September 26, 1945
Music compositions:
14 Trifles; 44 Duos
for Two Violins; Allegro barbaro; An Evening at the Village; BB 34, Sz. 30; Bluebeard's
Castle; Buciumeana; Cantata Profana; Concerto for Orchestra; Contrasts; Dance
Suite; Divertimento for String Orchestra; Bartók's Studies; Fifteen Hungarian
Peasant Songs; Hungarian Folk Tunes: III; Hungarian Pictures; Kossuth; Maruntel;
Mikrokosmos, Sz. 107, BB 105: Volume VI: 148-153: Six Dances in Bulgarian
Rhythm; Mikrokosmos; Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta; Out of Doors; Piano
Concerto No. 1; Piano Concerto No. 2; Piano Concerto No. 3; Piano Method
(Zongoraiskola), BB 66, Sz. 52: 116. Moderato; Piano Sonata; Rhapsody for Piano
and Orchestra, BB 36b (op. 1): I. Adagio molto; Rhapsody No. 1; Rhapsody No. 2;
Romanian Christmas Carols; Romanian Folk Dances; Slovakian Dance; Sonata for
Solo Violin; Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion; Sonatina; Sonatina, BB 102a:
III. Final. Allegro vivace; String Quartet No. 1; String Quartet No. 2; Thong
Quartet No. 3; String Quartet No. 4; String Quartet No. 5; String Quartet No. 6;
Suite, Op. 14; The Barbarian; The Miraculous Mandarin; The Wooden Prince; Two
Pictures: I. In voller Blüte; Viola Concerto; Violin Concerto No. 1; Violin
Concerto No. 2.
Movies and television:
40 éves in Cantemus (2015);
A Bibo Reader (2002); A kékszakállú herceg vára (1970); A kékszakállú herceg
vára (1981); A kékszakállú herceg vára (2005); Discovering the French (1957);
A la memoria del autor (1966); A Nyolcak nyomában (2011); A varázsló álma (1987);
A zene határtalanul (2016); Aleph, lectures contades (2000); Anthropoid (2016);
Artemis: The Neverending Quartet (2020); Back on Stage (2020); Masked Ball (1981);
Bartok (2017); Bartók Béla: Az éjszaka zenéje (1970); Bartók Béla: Kontrasztok (1981);
Bartóks Requiem (2008); Behind Closed Doors (1988); Being John Malkovich (1999);
Bluebeard's Castle (1963); Bluebeard's Castle (2022); Budapeströl jut eszembe (2001);
Poodle (1979); Catatonic (2009); Celibidache (1992); China Lake (1983); Chuzhaya
Belaya i Ryaboy (1986); Cinderella (2021); Concerto for Orchestra (1965); Contrasts
(1968); Control Room (2004); Correspondence (1953); Cosmos (1980); Csodálatos
Mandarin (2001); Das muss man erst mal aussprechen können (2021); Das
Versprechen (2023); Men Who Lost Roots (1956); Diamantino (2018); Discovering
Masterpieces of Classical Music (2007); Doctor Who (1967–1968) Doomwatch (1972);
Drakengard (2003); Duke Bluebeard's Castle (1988); Duke Bluebeard's Castle
(2020); Echoes From a Somber Empire (1990); Égetö Eszter (1989); El grosso
concerto (2001); Életbevágó (2000); El-Lailah el-Akhirah (1963); Este a
Székelyeknél (1998); Flaming Creatures (1963); Fuchsmühl (1974); Full House
(1972); Through Music (1981); The Rise and Fall of a Small Business of
cinema (1986); Hamsun (1996); Het slot van hertog Blauwbaard (1965) Hope@Home
(2020); Impressions of New York (1956); Imre Eck and Maria Bretus in Csodálatos
Mandarin (1970); (In Here) I Am God (2018); Ocio (2022); In memoriam Gyarmathy
Tihamér (2016); In Search of Dracula (1974); Katzenspiel (1972); Kékszakállú
(2016); Klaus Mäkelä conducts Ravel, Debussy and Bartók (2023); Kristallnacht
(2022); The Prints and Drawings Department (1954); Bluebeard's Castle / The Voice
human (2015); The Marvellous Mandarin (1964); The Novel (1991); Legion (2017);
The Great Performers (1967); Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1997); Long Time No
See (2019); Magritte (1978); Medvetánc (1972); Melinda and Melinda (2004); Mindennap
(1980); Mirrors (2016); My Homeland (1976); NET Festival (1968); New York
Philharmonic Young People's Concerts (1959–1963); Not Reconciled (1965); Obiettivo
Sul Territorio (2009); Oldás és kötés (1963) Orchestre National de France (1964);
Playing Mona Lisa (2000); Polyformia (2008); Public Eye (1971); Pursuit (1997);
Ready Player One (2018); Algerian refugees (1958); Rosa (1992); Senseless (1962);
Simon Says (2015); Singing the Blues in Red (1986); STAR WARS EP 5: Attack of
the Phantom Past (2016); Star Wars Ep 6: The Last Laser Master (2018); Steve
Martin's Best Show Ever (1981) Stick and Bone (1968); Studio One (1953); Szörnyeteg
(1975); Tatort (2017); The Boris Giltburg Five Minute Library (2017); The Catch
(1946); The Good Mother (1988); The Illiac Passion (1967); The Legacy (2009); The
Metropolitan Opera HD Live (2015); The Prediction (1991); The Shepherds of Cat
Island (2020); The Shining (1980); The Silent Revolution (2018); The Souvenir
(2019); The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (2010); The Young Pope (2016); Trainwreck
(2001); Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps (2006); Ulrike Marie Meinhof
(1995); Un paso al frente (1966); A Little Prince (1984); Visions (1977); Zongora
A Levegöben (1976).