Showing posts with label Virginia Woolf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Virginia Woolf. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Born on this day – Virginia Woolf:

Virginia Woolf


January 25, 1882 – March 28, 1941


40 Model Essays (2005); 50 Great Short Stories (1952); A Haunted House and Other Short Stories (1944); A Letter to a Young Poet (2021); A Moment's Liberty (1990); A Room of One's Own (1928); A Society (1921); A World of Fiction (1983); A Writer's Diary (1953); Alaska Stories (1995); Between the Acts (1941); Books & Portraits (1978); Cape Cod Stories (2002); Chicago Stories (1993); Classic Women's Short Stories (2020); Collected Short Stories (2019); Contemporary Writers (1965); Famous and Curious Animal Stories (1989); Fathers: A Literary Anthology (2011); Florida Stories (1993); Flush (1933); Granite and Rainbow (1958); Identity And Self Respect (1952); Into the London Fog (2020); Jacob's Room (1922); Kew Gardens (1919); Letters to Change the World: From Pankhurst to Orwell (2018); Los Angeles Stories (1991); Lust: Lascivious Love Stories and Passionate Poems (1994); Magical Realist Fiction (1984); Melymbrosia (1981); Moment And Other Essays (1948); Moments of Being (1976); Monday or Tuesday (1921); Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown (1929); Mrs. Dalloway (1925); Mrs. Dalloway's Party (1973); New Orleans Stories (1992); Night and Day (1919); Nurse Lugton's Curtain (1991); Freshwater (1935); On Being Ill (1930); On Not Knowing Greek (1925); Orlando (1928); Paper Darts (1991); Passionate Apprentice (1990); Reviewing (1939); Roger Fry: A Biography (1940); San Francisco Stories (1990); San Francisco Thrillers (1995); Selected Letters (1990); Southwest Stories (1993); Stories to Get You Through the Night (2010); Street Haunting (2022); Texas Stories (1995); That Kind of Woman: Stories from the Left Bank and Beyond (1991); The Common Reader (1925); The Common Reader: Second Series (1932); The Complete Shorter Fiction (1993); The Death of the Moth and Other Essays (1942); The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume Five (1984); The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume Four (1982); The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume One (1977); The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume Three (1980); 30 Occult & Supernatural Masterpieces You Have to Read Before You Die (2019); The Diary of Virginia Woolf, Volume Two (1978); The Essays, Vol. 1 (1967); The Essays, Vol. 2 (1967); The Essays, Vol. 3 (1967); The Essays, Vol. 4 (1967); The Essays, Vol. 5 (1986); The Essays, Vol. 6 (2011); The Lady in the Looking Glass (1960); The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 1 (1975); The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 2 (1976); The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 3 (1977); The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 4 (1978); The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 5 (1979); The Letters of Virginia Woolf, Vol. 6 (1980); The London Scene (1931); The Mark On The Wall & Other Short Fiction (1917); The Mark on the Wall (1917); The Platform of Time (2007); The Voyage Out (1915); The Waves (1931); The Widow and the Parrot (1985); The Years (1937); Thoughts on Peace in an Air Raid (1941); Three Guineas (1938); To the Lighthouse (1927); Travels With Virginia Woolf (1993); Two Stories (1917); Walter Sickert (1978); Witches' Brew (1984); Women and Fiction (1975); Women and Writing (1979); Writers: Their Lives and Works (2018).