Showing posts with label Toni Morrison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Toni Morrison. Show all posts

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Toni Morrison, on life & art:

Your life is already artful-waiting, just waiting, for you to make it art.

- Toni Morrison.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Toni Morrison, on writing:

Writing is really a way of thinking – not just feeling but thinking about things
that are disparate, unresolved, mysterious, problematic or just sweet.

– Toni Morrison.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Toni Morrison, on books and writing:

If there's a book you really want to read,
but it hasn't been written yet,
then you must write it.

- Toni Morrison.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Born on this day – Toni Morrison:

Toni Morrison


February 18, 1931 – August 5, 2019


A Mercy (2008); bell hooks: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2023); Beloved (1987); Birth of a Nation'hood (1997); Black Satin (2004); Burn This Book (2009); Christopher Hitchens (2017); Conversations with Toni Morrison (1994); David Bowie (2016); Desdemona (2012); Ernest Hemingway (2015); Fred Rogers: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2021); Frida Kahlo: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2020); Gabriel García Márquez (2015); Go the Way Your Blood Beats (1996); God Help the Child (2014); Goodness and the Literary Imagination (2019); Graham Greene: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2019); Hannah Arendt: The Last Interview and Other Conversations (2013); Home (2011); Hunter S. Thompson (2018); Inventing the Truth: The Art and Craft of Memoir (1987); J. D. Salinger (2016); James Baldwin: The Last Interview: and other Conversations (2014); Jane Jacobs (2016); Janet Malcolm: The Last Interview: And Other Conversations (2022); Jazz (1992); John Lewis: The Last Interview and Other Conversations (2021); Johnny Cash: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2021); Jorge Luis Borges (2012); Julia Child: The Last Interview and Other Conversations (2018); Kathy Acker: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2018); Kurt Cobain: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2022); Kurt Vonnegut (2011); Learning to Live Finally (2005); Lessons of the Masters (2003); Little Cloud and Lady Wind (2010); Lou Reed (2015); Love (2003); Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2017); Memoirs (1999); Mouth Full of Blood: Essays, Speeches, Meditations (2019); Nora Ephron: The Last Interview (2015); Octavia E. Butler: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2023); Oliver Sacks (2016); On Girlhood: 15 Stories from the Well-Read Black Girl Library (2021); Paradise (1997); Peeny Butter Fudge (2009); Philip K. Dick (2015); Playing in the Dark (1992); Please, Louise (2013); Race (2017); Race-Ing Justice, En-Gendering Power (1992); Ray Bradbury: The Last Interview (2014); Recitatif (1983); Remember (2004); Roberto Bolaño: The Last Interview: And Other Conversations (2009); Shirley Chisholm: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2021); Sincerity and Authenticity (1972); Six Walks in the Fictional Woods (1994); Song of Solomon (1977); Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition (1941); Sula (1973); Tar Baby (1981); The Big Box (1999); The Bluest Eye (1970); The Book of Mean People (2002); The Dancing Mind (1996); The Good Parts (2000); The Measure of Our Lives (2019); The Mirror Or The Glass? (2005); The Nobel Lecture In Literature, 1993 (1994); The Origin of Others (2016); The Romantic Generation (1995); The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance (1973); The Source of Self-Regard: Selected Essays, Speeches, and Meditations (2019); The Tortoise or the Hare (2010); The Writer Before the Page: From The Source of Self-Regard (2019); To Die for the People (2009); Toni Morrison: The Last Interview: and Other Conversations (2020); Ursula K. Le Guin: The Last Interview and Other Conversations (2019); What Moves at the Margin (2008); Who's Got Game? Poppy or the Snake? (2004); Who's Got Game? The Ant or the Grasshopper? (2003); Who's Got Game? The Lion or the Mouse? (2003); Who's Got Game? Three Fables (2003); Women of Color Pray (2012); Writers: Their Lives and Works (2018).

Monday, January 15, 2024

Toni Morrison, on writing:

The ability of writers to imagine what is not the self,
to familiarize the strange and mystify the familiar,
is the test of their power.

- Toni Morrison.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Toni Morrison, on writing:

If writing is thinking and discovery and selection and order and meaning,
it is also awe and reverence and mystery and magic ...
Authors arrive at text and subtext in thousands of ways,
learning each time they begin anew how to recognize a valuable idea and how to reader the texture that accompanies,
reveals or displays it to its best advantage.

- Toni Morrison.