Showing posts with label Stinger. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stinger. Show all posts

Friday, September 27, 2024

Work in progress:

My next books are Triangulation and Stinger.

Books 4 and 5 in The Breaker series.

Set in the year 2001, the story continues from Mall Maze.


Crime, detective, hardboiled, heist, murder, narcissism, narcissistic abuse, neo-noir, psychopath, sociopath, thriller, vigilante.


A percentage from book sales is donated to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research.


The Breaker is an on-going series.

I’m outlining other stand-alone thriller novels.

Several coffee table books on my photography and my wife’s artwork.

A humorous book, based on the antics of our crazy pet Ragdoll cat, entitled: It’s That F****** Cat Again!

Here’s a GIF I made of our cat, settling down for another of his daily naps:

Movies ...

Finally, after decades of watching movies, I got around to writing a book about them.

Along with reviewing my personal favorites, I’m writing about watching specific movies with folks who saw them for the first time, as I noted their reactions.

The movie I chose for date night when I first met my wife.

Experiences of being at the theatre.

Some movies I went to see … then regretted the price I paid for the tickets.

The crowd in the theatre, including …

LOUD face suckers and seat creaking gropers that couldn’t afford to get a room.

Back-of-the-seat kickers.


Sleepers that snored … LOUDLY!

LOUD snack crunchers and soda slurpers and spillers.

LOUD belchers.

LOUD and silent farters … oh, God!

Frequent bathroom visitors who disturbed everyone as they stood up and made everyone move … then made them move again when they returned … always when the good parts of the movie were playing.

Grandstanding hecklers who chose the theatre for their LOUD impromptu comedy debut.

Video rental stores and meet-ups with friends that turned into movie-athons.

On this blog, I’m posting my favorite movies on the calendar date of their original theatre release.