Bib Ballads (1915); The
Golden Honeymoon And Haircut (1926); First and Last (1934); Gullible's Travels,
Etc (1917); How to Write Short Stories – With Samples (1924); June Moon (1929);
Letters from Ring (1979); Letters of Ring Lardner (1995); My Four Weeks in
France (1918); Own Your Own Home (1919); Regular Fellows I Have Met (1919); Ring
Around Max: The Correspondence of Ring Lardner and Max Perkins (1973); Ring
Around the Bases: The Complete Baseball Stories of Ring Lardner (1992); Ring
Lardner's You Know Me Al: The Comic Strip Adventures of Jack Keefe (1979); Round
Up: The Stories of Ring W. Lardner (1929); Say It With Oil / Say It With
Bricks: A Few Remarks about Wives (1923); Selected Stories (1997); Shut Up, He
Explained (1962); Stop Me – If You’ve Heard This One (1929); Symptoms of Being
35 (1921); The Annotated Baseball Stories of Ring W. Lardner (1914-1919); The
Best Short Stories of Ring Lardner (1957 / 1959); The Big Town: How I and the
Mrs. Go to New York to See Life and Get Katie a Husband (1921); The Lost
Journalism of Ring Lardner (2017); The Love Nest: And Other Stories. Charles
Scribner's Sons (1926); The Real Dope (1919); The Story of a Wonder Man: Being
the Autobiography of Ring Lardner (1927); The Young Immigrunts (1920); Treat
'em Rough: Letters from Jack the Kaiser Killer (1918); What of It? (1925); You
Know Me Al – A Busher’s Letters (1916); Zanzibar: A Comic Opera in Two Acts
Movies and television:
A Day with Conrad Green (1980);
Actor's Studio (1949); Al You Know Me (1915); Alibi Ike (1935); An Evening with
Orson Welles: The Golden Honeymoon (1972); And She Smiled (1996); Blonde
Trouble (1937); Champion (1949); Climax! (1955); Elmer, the Great (1933); Fast
Company (1929); Fore! (1922); Glorifying the American Girl (1929); Go and Get
It (1920); Great Performances (1974); June Moon (1931); June Moon (1931); Kraft
Theatre (1948); Letters from Bugs to Gus, No. 10 (1915); Letters from Bugs to
Gus, No. 11 (1915); Letters from Bugs to Gus, No. 12 (1915); Letters from Bugs
to Gus, No. 2 (1915); Letters from Bugs to Gus, No. 3 (1915); Letters from Bugs
to Gus, No. 4 (1915); Letters from Bugs to Gus, No. 5 (1915); Letters from Bugs
to Gus, No. 6 (1915); Letters from Bugs to Gus, No. 7 (1915); Letters from Bugs
to Gus, No. 8 (1915); Letters from Bugs to Gus, No. 9 (1915); Mr. Carlis und
seine abenteuerlichen Geschichten (1977); Oh, Baby! (1926); Ring Lardner's
Harmony (2014); Ring Lardner's Horseshoes (2014); Ring Lardner's My Roomy (2014);
Robert Montgomery Presents (1950); So This Is New York (1948); Star Tonight
(1955); Studio One (1948); The Busher (1923); The Cowboy Quarterback (1939); The
Fight (1930); The Golden Honeymoon (1980); The New Klondike (1926); Who Dealt? (1993).