Showing posts with label Edna Ferber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edna Ferber. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Born on this day – Edna Ferber:

Edna Ferber


August 15, 1885 – April 16, 1968



$1,200 A Year: A Comedy In Three Acts (1920); 30 Eternal Masterpieces of Humorous Stories (2019); A Kind of Magic (2013); A Peculiar Treasure: Autobiography (1939); American Beauty (1931); Buttered Side Down: Short Stories (1912); Cheerful, by Request (1913); Cimarron (1929); Come and Get It (1934); Dawn O'Hara: The Girl Who Laughed (1911); Emma McChesney and Co. (1915); Fanny Herself (1917); Ferber: Edna Ferber and Her Circle (1978); Giant (1952); Gigolo (1922); Great Son (1944); Half Portions (2010); Ice Palace (1958); Mother Knows Best (1927); One Basket (1947); Personality Plus (1914); Roast Beef Medium (1911); Saratoga Trunk (1941); Show Boat (1926); So Big (1924); Stage Door (1926); The Dancing Girls (2021); The Girls (1921); The Homely Heroine (2017); The Land Is Bright: A Play (2019); The Woman Who Tried to Be Good and Other Stories (1913); They Brought Their Women: A Book Of Short Stories (1933).

Movies, radio and television:

American Masters (1987); BBC Sunday-Night Theatre (1951–1958); Cimarron (1931); Cimarron (1960); Classified (1925); Come and Get It (1936); Dinner at Eight (1933); Dinner at Eight (1989); Front Row Center (1955); A Gay Old Dog (1919); Giant (1956); Gigolo (1926); Glamour (1934); Great Performances (1989); Hard to Get (1929); Ice Palace (1960); Kern: Show Boat (2015); Kraft Theatre (1948); Kraft Theatre / The Philco Television Playhouse (1948); Mother Knows Best (1928); No Place to Go (1939); No Woman Knows (1921); Our Mrs. McChesney (1918); Pulitzer Prize Playhouse (1951); Radio Play Revival (2024); Saratoga Trunk (1945); Show Boat (1929); Show Boat (1936); Show Boat (1951); So Big (1924); So Big (1953); So Big! (1932); Stage Door (1937); Stage Door (1939); Stage Door (1948); Starlight Theatre (1950); The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones Documentaries (2008); The Best of Broadway (1954–1955); The Expert (1932); The Ford Theatre Hour (1950); The Home Girl (1928); The Royal Family (1977); The Royal Family of Broadway (1930); The Royal Family of Broadway (1939); The Stage Door (1950); Theatre Royal / The Royal Family (1952); Welcome Home (1925).

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Edna Ferber, on writing:

Life can't ever really defeat a writer who is in love with writing,
for life itself is a writer's lover until death -
fascinating, cruel, lavish, warm, cold, treacherous, constant.

- Edna Ferber, A Kind of Magic (1963).