Showing posts with label 1889. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1889. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Born on this day – W. S. Van Dyke:

W. S. Van Dyke



March 21, 1889 – February 5, 1943


According to Hoyle (1922); After the Thin Man (1936); Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever (1939); Another Romance of Celluloid (1938); Another Thin Man (1939); Barriers Burned Away (1925); Bitter Sweet (1940); Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935); Cairo (1942); California (1927); Daredevil Jack (1920); Destroying Angel (1923); Double Adventure (1921); Dr. Kildare's Victory (1942); Eskimo (1933); Eyes of the Totem (1927); Eyes of the Totem (1927); Fate's Frame-Up (1919); Foreign Devils (1927); Forget Me Not (1922); Forsaking All Others (1934); Gift o' Gab (1917); Gold Heels (1924); Guilty Hands (1931); Half-a-Dollar Bill (1924); Hearts and Spurs (1925); Hide-Out (1934); His Brother's Wife (1936); I Live My Life (1935); I Love You Again (1940); I Married an Angel (1942); I Take This Woman (1940); Intolerance / aka Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916); It's a Wonderful World (1939); Journey for Margaret (1942); Laughing Boy (1934); Love on the Run (1936); Loving Lies (1924); Manhattan Melodrama (1934); Marie Antoinette (1938); Men of the Desert (1917); Naughty Marietta (1935); Never the Twain Shall Meet (1931); New Moon (1940); Night Court (1932); Northwest Passage (1940); A Daughter of the City (1915); Oliver Twist (1916); On Trial (1917); Open Places (1917); Orphan Joyce (1916); Penthouse (1933); Personal Property (1937); Rage in Heaven (1941); Ranger of the Big Pines (1925); Riders of the Dark (1928); Rosalie (1937); Rose-Marie (1936); Ruth of the Range (1923); Sadie Goes to Heaven (1917); San Francisco (1936); Screen Snapshots, Series 1, No. 15 (1920); Shadow of the Thin Man (1941); Spoilers of the West (1927); Stand Up and Fight (1939); Sweethearts (1938); Tarzan the Ape Man (1932); The Adventurer (1927); The Avenging Arrow (1921); The Battling Fool (1924); The Beautiful Sinner (1924); The Boss of Camp Four (1922); The Cuban Love Song (1931); The Desert's Price (1925); The Devil Is a Sissy (1936); The Feminine Touch (1941); The Forbidden Room (1919); The Gentle Cyclone (1926); The Hawk's Trail (1919); The Heart of the Yukon (1927); The Lady of the Dugout (1918); The Land of Long Shadows (1917); The Lash (1916); The Little Girl Next Door (1923); The Little Shepherd of Bargain Row (1916); The Milky Way (1922); The Miracle Makers (1923); The Miracle of Sound (1940); The Pagan (1929); The Primitive Strain (1916); The Prisoner of Zenda (1937); The Prizefighter and the Lady (1933); The Range Boss (1917); The Thin Man (1934); The Timber Wolf (1925); The Trail Rider (1925); They Gave Him a Gun (1937); Trader Horn (1931); Under the Black Eagle (1928); Unprotected (1916); War Paint (1926); White Eagle (1922); White Shadows in the South Seas (1928); Winner Take All (1924); Winners of the Wilderness (1927); Wyoming (1928).

Friday, March 7, 2025

Born on this day – Ben Ames Williams:

Ben Ames Williams


March 7, 1889 – February 4, 1953


All the Brothers Were Valiant (1919); The Sea Bride (1919); The Great Accident (1920); Evered (1921); Black Pawl (1922); Sangsue (1923); Audacity (1924); The Rational Hind (1925); The Silver Forest (aka A Killer Among Us) (1926); Immortal Longings (1927); Splendor (1927); The Dreadful Night (1928); Across to Singapore (1929); Death On Scurvy Street (aka The Bellmer Mystery) (1929); Great Oaks (1930); Touchstone (1930); An End to Mirth (1931); Great Oakes (1931); Letters from Fraternity (1931); Pirate's Purchase (1931); Honeyflow (1932); Lady in Peril (aka Money Musk) (1932); Mischief (1933); Pascal's Mill (1933); Hostile Valley (aka Valley Vixen) (1934); Small Town Girl (1935); The Crucible (1937); It's a Free Country (1937); The Strumpet Sea (1938); The Happy End (1939); Once Aboard the Whaler (1939); Thread of Scarlet (1939); Thread of Sea (1939); Come Spring (1940); Mr. Secretary (1940); The Strange Woman (1941); Time Of Peace (1942); Amateurs At War (1943); Leave Her To Heaven (1944); House Divided (1947); Owen Glen (1950); Dark Surgery (1953); The Unconquered (1953); Thrifty Stock (1923); Franternity Village (1949); Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 3rd Series (1934); Witch-Trot Pond (1931).

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Born on this day – Wanda Capodaglio:

Wanda Capodaglio


January 1, 1889 – August 30, 1980


The Rattle Cap (1970); The end of the adventure (1969); Oh grandma is dead! (1969); Pirandello's world (1968); I Love You (1968); My Prisons (1968); The Boy Who Knew How to Love (1967); The Vanity Fair (1967); No One Can Judge Me (1966); Luisa Sanfelice (1966); David Copperfield (1966); Lieutenant Returns Sheridan (1963); Blood wedding (1963); More pink than yellow (1962); The Beautiful Adventure (1962); The Maurizius case (1961); The rattlesnake (1958); Jane Eyre (1957); Little Women (1955); Chronicle of Poor Lovers (1954); The Woman Who Invented Love (1952); The carrier The bread carrier (1950); The Earth Cries Out (1949); Crossroads of Passion (1948); The nun of Monza (1947); The Lovers (1946); The models of via Margutta (1946); Resurrection (1944); Tears of Blood (1944); In two you suffer better (1943); Jealousy (1942); Spring waters (1942); Avanti c'è posto... / Next there is room... (1942); Queen of Navarre of Navarre (1942); Piccolo hotel / Small hotel (1939); The Wedding March / The wedding march (1915); The Naked Truth (1914).

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Born on this day – Marguerite Bertsch:

Marguerite Bertsch



December 14, 1889 – 1967 (exact date unknown)


Shadows of the Past (1919); The Painted World (1919); The Glory of Yolanda (1917); The Soul Master (1917); The Devil's Prize (1916); Through the Wall (1916); The Dawn of Freedom (1916); The Law Decides (1916); Salvation Joan (1916); The Vital Question (1916); For a Woman's Fair Name (1916); The Writing on the Wall (1916); The Cave Man (1915); Mortmain (1915); His Phantom Sweetheart (1915); The Enemies (1915); The Silent Plea (1915); The Man Behind the Door (1914); The Wheat and the Tares (1914); The Painted World (1914); A Florida Enchantment (1914); Uncle Bill (1914); My Official Wife (1914); Shadows of the Past (1914); Too Many Uncles (1914); Captain Alvarez (1914); He Never Knew (1914); Never Again (1914); A Million Bid (1914); The Vavasour Ball (1914); The Trap (1913); The Wreck (1913); The Diver (1913); The Fruits of Vengeance (1913); Bunny for the Cause (1913); The Tiger (1913); The Call (1913); The Flirt (1913); The Prince of Evil (1913); The Carpenter (1913); The Butler's Secret (1913); One Can't Always Tell (1913); The Midget's Revenge (1913); Two's Company, Three's a Crowd (1913); Getting Up a Practice (1913); Cutey and the Twins (1913); Una of the Sierras (1912); Nothing to Wear (1912); The Indian Mutiny (1912); The Troublesome Step-Daughters (1912).

Author of the book How to Write for Moving Pictures: A Manual of Instruction and Information (1917).

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Born on this day – Lloyd Bacon:

Lloyd Bacon



December 4, 1889 – November 15, 1955


3 Cheers for the Irish (1940); 42nd Street (1933); 50 Million Frenchmen (1931); 6 Day Bike Rider (1934); A Child Is Born (1939); A Christmas Revenge (1915); A Dark Room Secret (1917); A Hotel Disgrace (1917); A Jitney Elopement (1915); A Night in the Show (1915); A Notorious Affair (1930); A Playwright's Wrong (1918); A Prodigal Bridegroom (1926); A Quiet Little Game (1915); A Rainy Knight (1925); A Safe Proposition (1916); A Sailor's Sweetheart (1927); A Sea Serpent's Desire (1918); A Slight Case of Murder (1938); A Very Honorable Guy (1934); A Waiting Game (1916); Action in the North Atlantic (1943); Affectionately Yours (1941); Afraid to Be False (1917); Alias the Doctor (1932); An Innocent Affair (1948); Behind the Screen (1916); Boy Meets Girl (1938); Brass Knuckles (1927); Broadway Gondolier (1935); Broken Hearts of Hollywood (1926); Broncho Billy and the Card Sharp (1915); Broncho Billy and the Land Grabber (1915); Broncho Billy and the Lumber King (1915); Broncho Billy and the Posse (1915); Broncho Billy Begins Life Anew (1915); Broncho Billy Evens Matters (1915); Broncho Billy Misled (1915); Broncho Billy Steps In (1915); Broncho Billy's Brother (1915); Broncho Billy's Cowardly Brother (1915); Broncho Billy's Greaser Deputy (1915); Broncho Billy's Love Affair (1915); Broncho Billy's Marriage (1915); Broncho Billy's Protégé (1915); Brother Orchid (1940); Butter Fingers (1926); Cain and Mabel (1936); Call Me Mister (1951); Captain Eddie (1945); Cowboy from Brooklyn (1938); Crooner (1932); Devil Dogs of the Air (1935); Don't Fail (1924); Easy Street (1917); Empty Heads (1924); Espionage Agent (1939); Ever Since Eve (1937); Extra! Extra! (1923); F.O.B. (1923); Finger Prints (1927); Fireman, Save My Child! (1932); Footlight Parade (1933); Footsteps in the Dark (1941); Frisco Kid (1935); Give My Regards to Broadway (1948); Gold Diggers of 1937 (1936); Gold Dust Gertie (1931); Golden Girl (1951); Good Morning (1924); Good Morning, Madam! (1925); Good Morning, Nurse (1925); Hands Off! (1921); He Was Her Man (1934); He Who Gets Smacked (1925); Hearts and Masks (1921); Her Lesson (1916); Here Comes the Navy (1934); His Fatal Move (1917); His Regeneration (1915); His Taking Ways (1917); His Thankless Job (1917); Home, Sweet Homicide (1946); Honeymoon for Three (1941); Honky Tonk (1929); Honor of the Family (1931); Hurry, Doctor! (1925); I Wonder Who's Kissing Her Now (1947); In Caliente (1935); In the Park (1915); Indianapolis Speedway (1939); Invisible Stripes (1939); Isn't Love Cuckoo? (1925); It Happened in Snakeville (1915); It Happens Every Spring (1949); Kill the Umpire (1950); Killing Time (1924); Knute Rockne All American (1940); Larceny, Inc (1942); Love's Languid Lure (1927); Manhattan Parade (1931); Marked Woman (1937); Mary Stevens, M.D. (1933); Meet My Girl (1926); Merrymakers (1925); Miss Grant Takes Richmond (1949); Miss Nobody (1920); Miss Pinkerton (1932); Moby Dick (1930); Mother Is a Freshman (1949); Navy Blues (1941); No Defense (1929); No Luck (1923); Pay as You Enter (1928); Pearls and Perils (1917); Picture Snatcher (1933); Private Izzy Murphy (1926); Racket Busters (1938); Radio Romeo (1923); San Quentin (1937); Say It with Songs (1929); She Couldn't Say No (1930); She Couldn't Say No (1953); Silver Queen (1942); Sit Tight (1931); Smith's Customer (1927); Smith's Vacation (1926); Smudge (1922); Snakeville's Champion (1915); So Long Letty (1929); Son of a Sailor (1933); Sons o' Guns (1936); Square Deal Sanderson (1919); Stark Mad (1929); Submarine D-1 (1937); Sunday Dinner for a Soldier (1944); Take Your Time (1925); Taking the Count (1916); The Bachelor's Burglar (1915); The Bank (1915); The Blue Bonnet (1919); The Book Agent's Romance (1916); The Broken Gate (1920); The Burglar's Godfather (1915); The Champion (1915); The Convict's Threat (1915); The Educator (1922); The Escape of Broncho Billy (1915); The Famous Ferguson Case (1932); The Feud (1919); The Fighting Sullivans (1944); The Fireman (1916); The Floorwalker (1916); The French Line (1953); The Frogmen (1951); The Fuller Brush Girl (1950); The Funnymooners (1926); The Girl in the Rain (1920); The Good Humor Man (1950); The Grave Undertaking (1917); The Great Sioux Uprising (1953); The Greater Profit (1921); The Heart of Maryland (1927); The Host (1923); The House of Intrigue (1919); The I Don't Care Girl (1953); The Irish in Us (1935); The Kentucky Colonel (1920); The Lion and the Mouse (1928); The Midlanders (1920); The Mills Brothers in Broadway Gondolier (1935); The Night That Sophie Graduated (1915); The Office Wife (1930); The Oklahoma Kid (1939); The Optimist (1923); The Optimist (1923); The Other Tomorrow (1930); The Question of Today (1928); The Raspberry Romance (1925); The Rink (1916); The Road Demon (1921); The Singing Fool (1928); The Speeder (1922); The Tramp (1915); The Vagabond (1916); The Wild Goose Chaser (1925); The Window Dummy (1925); There He Goes (1925); Two Laughs (1917); Two Lips in Holland (1926); Uneasy Feet (1923); Vagabond Luck (1919); Versus Sledge Hammers (1915); Wagon Tracks (1919); Wake Up and Dream (1946); Walking My Baby Back Home (1953); Wedding Showers (1924); When Snakeville Struck Oil (1915); White Flannels (1927); Wide Open Faces (1926); Wine, Women and Song (1915); Wings for the Eagle (1942); Wings of the Navy (1939); Women They Talk About (1928); Wonder Bar (1934); You Said a Mouthful (1932); You Were Meant for Me (1948).

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Born on this day – Claude Rains:

Claude Rains


November 10, 1889 – May 30, 1967


Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre (1963–1965); The Greatest Story Ever Told (1965); The Reporter (1964); Dr. Kildare (1964); Twilight of Honor (1963); The DuPont Show of the Week (1962–1963); Rawhide (1963); Lawrence of Arabia (1962); Sam Benedict (1962); Wagon Train (1962); Alfred Hitchcock Presents (1956–1962); Battle of the Worlds (1961); Mel-O-Toons (1960); Naked City (1960); Shangri-La (1960); The Lost World (1960); Once Upon a Christmas Time (1959); This Earth Is Mine (1959); The Eighty Yard Run (Playhouse 90) (1959); The Pied Piper of Hamelin (1957); On Borrowed Time (1957); Eye on New York (1956); The Kaiser Aluminum Hour (1956); Lisbon (1956); The Alcoa Hour (1956); Kraft Theatre (1956); Omnibus (segment entitled: The Confidential Clerk) (1954); Robert Montgomery Presents (1954); Omnibus (segment entitled: The Bentons at Home) (1953); Medallion Theatre (1953); The Paris Express (1952); Sealed Cargo (1951); The Ed Sullivan Show (1951); Where Danger Lives (1950); The White Tower (1950); Song of Surrender (1949); Rope of Sand (1949); The Passionate Friends (1949); The Unsuspected (1947); Deception (1946); Angel on My Shoulder (1946); Notorious (1946); Caesar and Cleopatra (1945); This Love of Ours (1945); Strange Holiday (1945); Mr. Skeffington (1944); Passage to Marseille (1944); Phantom of the Opera (1943); Forever and a Day (1943); Casablanca (1942); Now, Voyager (1942); Moontide (1942); Kings Row (1942); Breakdowns of 1942 (1942); The Wolf Man (1941); Here Comes Mr. Jordan (1941); Four Mothers (1941); Lady with Red Hair (1940); The Sea Hawk (1940); Saturday's Children (1940); The Invisible Man Returns (1940); Four Wives (1939); Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939); Daughters Courageous (1939); Sons of Liberty (1939); Juarez (1939); They Made Me a Criminal (1939); Four Daughters (1938); The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938); Gold Is Where You Find It (1938); White Banners (1938); Breakdowns of 1937 (1937); They Won't Forget (1937); The Prince and the Pauper (1937); Stolen Holiday (1937); Hearts Divided (1936); Anthony Adverse (1936); Scrooge (1935); The Last Outpost (1935); The Clairvoyant (1935); Mystery of Edwin Drood (1935); The Man Who Reclaimed His Head (1934); Crime Without Passion (1934); The Invisible Man (1933); Build Thy House (1920).

Monday, October 7, 2024

Born on this day – Robert Z. Leonard:

Robert Z. Leonard





October 7, 1889 – August 27, 1968


Kelly and Me (1956); Beautiful But Dangerous (1955); The King's Thief (1955); Her Twelve Men (1954); The Great Diamond Robbery (1954); The Clown (1953); Everything I Have Is Yours (1952); Too Young to Kiss (1951); Grounds for Marriage (1951); Duchess of Idaho (1950); Nancy Goes to Rio (1950); In the Good Old Summertime (1949); The Bribe (1949); B.F.'s Daughter (1948); Cynthia (1947); The Secret Heart (1946); Week-End at the Waldorf (1945); Marriage Is a Private Affair (1944); The Man from Down Under (1943); Stand by for Action (1942); We Were Dancing (1942); When Ladies Meet (1941); Ziegfeld Girl (1941); Third Finger, Left Hand (1940); Pride and Prejudice (1940); New Moon (1940); Broadway Serenade (1939); Sweethearts (1938); The Girl of the Golden West (1938); The Firefly (1937); Maytime (1937); Piccadilly Jim (1936); Small Town Girl (1936); The Great Ziegfeld (1936); A Tale of Two Cities (1935); Escapade (1935); Naughty Marietta (1935); After Office Hours (1935); Outcast Lady (1934); Dancing Lady (1933); When Ladies Meet (1933); Peg o' My Heart (1933); The Son-Daughter (1932); Strange Interlude (1932); Lovers Courageous (1932); Susan Lenox (Her Fall and Rise) (1931); Five and Ten (1931); It's a Wise Child (1931); The Bachelor Father (1931); Let Us Be Gay (1930); In Gay Madrid (1930); The Divorcee (1930); Marianne (1929); The Five O'Clock Girl (1928); A Lady of Chance (1928); The Cardboard Lover (1928); Baby Mine (1928); Tea for Three (1927); Adam and Evil (1927); The Demi-Bride (1927); A Little Journey (1927); The Waning Sex (1926); Mademoiselle Modiste (1926); Dance Madness (1926); Bright Lights (1925); Time, the Comedian (1925); Cheaper to Marry (1925); Love's Wilderness (1924); Circe the Enchantress (1924); Mademoiselle Midnight (1924); Fashion Row (1923); The French Doll (1923); Jazzmania (1923); Broadway Rose (1922); Fascination (1922); Peacock Alley (1922); Heedless Moths (1921); The Gilded Lily (1921); The Restless Sex (1920); April Folly (1920); Stronger Than Death (1920); The Miracle of Love (1919); The Way of a Woman (1919); Big Little Person (1919); What Am I Bid? (1919); The Delicious Little Devil (1919); The Scarlet Shadow (1919); Danger, Go Slow (1918); Modern Love (1918); Her Body in Bond (1918); The Bride's Awakening (1918); Face Value (1917); Princess Virtue (1917); The Punishment (1917); At First Sight (1917); The Primrose Ring (1917); The Forest Nymph (1917); A Mormon Maid (1917); Please Be My Wife (1917); Racing Death (1917); The Human Flame (1917); On Record (1917); The Sin Unatoned (1917); Robinson Crusoe (1917); Life's Pendulum (1917); The Diamond Thieves (1917); The Eagle's Wings (1916); The Plow Girl (1916); The Evidence (1916); The Unfinished Case (1916); Little Eve Edgarton (1916); The Love Girl (1916); The Silent Man of Timber Gulch (1916); The Woman Who Followed Me (1916); The Crippled Hand (1916); The Winning of Miss Construe (1916); Yust from Sweden (1916); Secret Love (1916); The Silent Member (1916); The Boob's Victory (1916); Christmas Memories (1915); Idols of Clay (1915); Judge Not; or the Woman of Mona Diggings (1915); Both Sides of Life (1915); The Little Blonde in Black (1915); Heritage (1915); Betty's Dream Hero (1915); A Boob's Romance (1915); The Silent Command (1915); Shattered Memories (1915); Mavis of the Glen (1915); The Master Key (1914); The Boob's Legacy (1914); The Mistress of Deadwood Basin (1914); The Boob's Nemesis (1914); For the Secret Service (1914); The Bowl of Roses (1914); When Fate Disposes (1914); The House Discordant (1914); The Sherlock Boob (1914); A Law Unto Himself (1914); Swede Larson (1914); Shadowed Lives (1914); A Boob There Was (1914); A Man, a Girl and Another Man (1914); Mountain Law (1914); A Boob Incognito (1914); The Ruby Circle (1914); In the Eye of the Law (1914); The Senator's Bill (1914); For the Family Honor (1914); The Boob's Honeymoon (1914); A Race with Death (1914); The Fourth Proposal (1914); From Father to Son (1914); The Mud Bath Elopement (1914); Michael Arnold and Doctor Lynn (1914); The Diamond Makers (1913); Sally Scraggs: Housemaid (1913); When the Prince Arrived (1913); A Woman's Folly (1913).

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Born on this day – Minta Durfee:

Minta Durfee


October 1, 1889 – September 9, 1975


Portnoy's Complaint (1972); The Steagle (1971); What's the Matter with Helen? (1971); Willard (1971); Hollywood Horror House (1970); Mod Squad (1970); They Shoot Horses, Don't They? (1969); The Love God? (1969); Funny Girl (1968); Never a Dull Moment (1968); The Power (1968); The Gnome-Mobile (1967); Caprice (1967); Batman (1966–1967); The Fugitive (1966); Death Valley Days (1958–1966); The Singing Nun (1966); Green Acres (1965); When the Boys Meet the Girls (1965); Ship of Fools (1965); Mister Ed (1961–1965); How to Murder Your Wife (1965); Fate Is the Hunter (1964); Shock Treatment (1964); The Unsinkable Molly Brown (1964); It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World (1963); Gunfight at Comanche Creek (1963); My Six Loves (1963); Stoney Burke (1963); The Manchurian Candidate (1962); The Notorious Landlady (1962); All Fall Down (1962); The Rifleman (1962); The Young Savages (1961); Posse from Hell (1961); The Ann Sothern Show (1961); The Life and Legend of Wyatt Earp (1960); Beloved Infidel (1959); The Big Fisherman (1959); The Sound and the Fury (1959); Auntie Mame (1958); The Loretta Young Show (1958); Cole Younger, Gunfighter (1958); Witness for the Prosecution (1957); Peyton Place (1957); Pal Joey (1957); Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? (1957); An Affair to Remember (1957); The Wayward Bus (1957); The Buster Keaton Story (1957); The Great Man (1956); Hollywood or Bust (1956); Around the World in 80 Days (1956); Noah's Ark (1956); Come Next Spring (1956); Artists and Models (1955); Illegal (1955); The Last Command (1955); To Catch a Thief (1955); How to Be Very, Very Popular (1955); Love Me or Leave Me (1955); The Atomic Kid (1954); Human Desire (1954); My Dog Rusty (1948); The Son of Rusty (1947); Eve Knew Her Apples (1945); The Chance of a Lifetime (1943); Blondie for Victory (1942); The Man Who Returned to Life (1942); The Miracle Kid (1941); How Green Was My Valley (1941); The Devil and Miss Jones (1941); Rollin' Home to Texas (1940); Glamour for Sale (1940); The Man with Nine Lives (1940); Naughty Marietta (1935); Skinner's Dress Suit (1926); Mickey (1918); The Cabaret (1918); Ambrose's Cup of Woe (1916); The Other Man (1916); His Wife's Mistakes (1916); Bright Lights (1916); The Great Pearl Tangle (1916); Fatty and the Broadway Stars (1915); Saved by Wireless (1915); Fickle Fatty's Fall (1915); Dirty Work in a Laundry (1915); Toplitsky and Company (1915); He Wouldn't Stay Down (1915); Toplitsky and Company (1915); Toplitsky and Company (Droppington's Family Tree) (1915); Droppington's Devilish Deed (1915); Ambrose's Fury (1915); A One Night Stand (1915); Fatty's Faithful Fido (1915); That Little Band of Gold (1915); Ambrose's Little Hatchet (1915); Fatty's Chance Acquaintance (1915); Fatty's Reckless Fling (1915); Hearts and Planets (1915); A Bird's a Bird (1915); Mabel, Fatty and the Law (1915); Fatty and Mabel at the San Diego Exposition (1915); Love, Speed and Thrills (1915); Fatty and Minnie He-Haw (1914); Fatty's Magic Pants (1914); Ambrose's First Falsehood (1914); Leading Lizzie Astray (1914); The Sea Nymphs (1914); Fatty's Wine Party (1914); Tillie's Punctured Romance (1914); An Incompetent Hero (1914); Lovers' Post Office (1914); Zip, the Dodger (1914); Hello, Mabel (1914); Fatty Again (1914); Fatty's Debut (1914); Lover's Luck (1914); The Rounders (1914); A Brand New Hero (1914); The Masquerader (1914); The Face on the Barroom Floor (1914); Those Happy Days (1914); The Sky Pirate (1914); Love and Salt Water (1914); Love and Bullets (1914); Fatty and the Heiress (1914); The Knockout (1914); The Alarm (1914); The Water Dog (1914); A Suspended Ordeal (1914); Caught in a Cabaret (1914); Twenty Minutes of Love (1914); Mabel at the Wheel (1914); A Bathing Beauty (1914); The Star Boarder (1914); Cruel, Cruel Love (1914); Tango Tangle (1914); Making a Living (1914); Rebecca's Wedding Day (1914); A Flirt's Mistake (1914); The Under-Sheriff (1914); A Misplaced Foot (1914); His Sister's Kids (1913); Fatty's Flirtation (1913); Fatty Joins the Force (1913); The Water Nymph (1912); Wine (1913); Fatty at San Diego (1913); The Janitor (1913); A Quiet Little Wedding (1913).

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Born on this day – Carroll John Daly:

Carroll John Daly


September 14, 1889 – January 16, 1958



Better Corpses (1940); Man in the Shadows (1928); Mr. Strang (1936); Murder at Our House (1950); Murder from the East (1935); Murder Won’t Wait (1933); Ready to Burn (1951); Tainted Power (1931); The Amateur Murderer (1933); The Emperor of Evil (1937); The Hidden Hand (1929); The Mystery of the Smoking Gun (1936); The Snarl of the Beast (1927); The Tag Murders (1930); The Third Murderer (1931); The White Circle (1926).

Movies and television:

Ticket to a Crime (1934).

Born on this day – Tom Delaney:

Tom Delaney

Blues singer



September 14, 1889 – December 16, 1963



Absent Minded Blues; Alabama Blues; Down on Pennsylvania Avenue; Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven (But Nobody Wants to Die); Follow the Deal on Down; Graveyard Love; I Wanna Jazz Some More; If I Lose, Let Me Lose (Mamma Don't Mind); I'm a Back Bitin' Mama; Jazz It Blues; Jazz Me Blues; Log Cabin Blues; Move It On Out of Here; Never Drive a Beggar from Your Door; Nobody Knows the Way I Feel This Mornin'; Police Blues; Sinful Blues; Slow and Steady; Somethin' Goin' On Wrong; Southbound Blues; The Down Home Blues; Troublesome Blues; Walk That Broad; You May Go but You'll Come Back Some Day.

Monday, August 5, 2024

Born on this day – Conrad Aiken:

Conrad Aiken


August 5, 1889 – August 17, 1973



A Heart for the Gods of Mexico (1939); A Reviewer's ABC (1958); American Fantastic Tales (2009); Among the Lost People (1934); Black Water 2 (1990); Blue Voyage (1927); Bring! Bring! (1935); Cats and Bats and Things with Wings / poems (1965); Charnel Rose, Senlin / poems (1982); Collected Criticism (1968); Collected Poems / poems (1953); Collected Short Stories of Conrad Aiken (1982); Costumes by Eros (1928); Earth Triumphant / poems (1914); Gehenna (1930); Great Circle (1933); Jig of Forslin (1916); John Deth, A Metaphysical Legend / poems (1930); King Coffin (1935); Mind at Bay (1969); Morning Song of Lord Zero / poems (1963); Perchance to Dream (1973); Preludes (1966); Reading I've Liked (1946); Scepticisms (1919); Selected Poems / poems (1930); Silent Snow, Secret Snow (1934); Skylight One / poems (1949); Spectral Realms No. 15 (2021); The Clerk's Journal / poems (1971); The Collected Novels of Conrad Aiken (1964); The Collected Stories of Conrad Aiken (1960); The Conversation (1940); The Masque of the Red Death (1964); The Selected Letters of Conrad Aiken (1978); The Short Stories of Conrad Aiken (1960); Thee (1967); Tom, Sue and the Clock (1966); Ushant (1952); Vampires, Wine and Roses (1997); White Fire (1991); Who's Zoo (1977).

Movies and television:

Great Ghost Tales (1961); ITV Play of the Week (1959); Kraft Theatre / The Philco Television Playhouse (1951); Mr. Arcularis (1967); Night Gallery / Segment: Silent Snow, Secret Snow (1971); Shoestring Theatre (1962); Silent Snow, Secret Snow (1964); Startime (1960); Studio One (1953–1956).

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Born on this day – Erle Stanley Gardner:

Erle Stanley Gardner


July 17, 1889 – March 11, 1970



A Century of Great Suspense Stories (2001); All Grass Isn't Green (1970); Bachelors Get Lonely (1961); Bats Fly at Dusk (1942); Bedrooms Have Windows (1949); Beware the Curves (1956); Cats Prowl at Night (1943); Crows Can't Count (1946); Cut Thin to Win (1965); Daring Detectives (1969); Dead Men's Letters (1990); Double or Quits (1941); Drifting Down Delta (1969); Fish or Cut Bait (1963); Fools Die on Friday (1947); Four Cases of Murder (1989); Give 'em the Ax (1944); Gold Comes in Bricks (1940); Hard-Boiled Detectives (1953); Honest Money and Other Short Novels (1991); Hunting the Desert Whale (1963); Kept Women Can't Quit (1960); Law and Order (1997); Murder On The Railways (2003); Murder Plus (1992); Murder Up My Sleeve (1937); Owls Don't Blink (1942); Pass the Gravy (1959); Pay Dirt and Other Whispering Sands Stories of Gold Fever and the Western Desert (1983); Pulp Adventures #37: Nymph in the Keyhole (2020); Shills Can't Cash Chips (1961); Some Slips Don't Show (1957); Some Women Won't Wait (1953); Spill the Jackpot (1941); Tantalizing Locked Room Mysteries (1982); The Adventures Of Paul Pry (1991); The Adventures Of Paul Pry, Volume 2 (1990); The Amazing Adventures of Lester Leith (1980); The Bigger They Come (1939); The Blonde in Lower Six Plus 3 Short Novels (1990); The Case of the Amorous Aunt (1963); The Case of the Angry Mourner (1951); The Case of the Backward Mule (1946); The Case of the Baited Hook (1940); The Case of the Beautiful Beggar (1965); The Case of the Bigamous Spouse (1961); The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde (1944); The Case of the Blonde Bonanza (1962); The Case of the Borrowed Brunette (1946); The Case of the Buried Clock (1943); The Case of the Burning Bequest (1990); The Case of the Calendar Girl (1958); The Case of the Careless Cupid (1968); The Case of the Careless Kitten (1942); The Case of the Caretaker's Cat (1935); The Case of the Cautious Coquette (1949); The Case of the Counterfeit Eye (1935); The Case of the Crimson Kiss (1970); The Case of the Crooked Candle (1944); The Case Of The Crying Swallow (1971); The Case of the Curious Bride (1934); The Case of the Dangerous Dowager (1937); The Case of the Daring Decoy (1957); The Case of the Daring Divorcee (1964); The Case of the Deadly Toy (1959); The Case of the Demure Defendant (1956); The Case of the Drowning Duck (1942); The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito (1943); The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom (1949); The Case of the Duplicate Daughter (1960); The Case of the Empty Tin (1941); The Case of the Fabulous Fake (1969); The Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse (1946); The Case of the Fenced-in Woman (1972); The Case of the Fiery Fingers (1951); The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll (1958); The Case of the Fugitive Nurse (1954); The Case of the Gilded Lily (1956); The Case of the Glamorous Ghost (1955); The Case of the Golddigger's Purse (1945); The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister (1953); The Case of the Grinning Gorilla (1952); The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife (1945); The Case of the Haunted Husband (1941); The Case of the Hesitant Hostess (1953); The Case of the Horrified Heirs (1964); The Case of the Howling Dog (1934); The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands (1962); The Case of the Irate Witness and Other Stories (1973); The Case of the Lame Canary (1937); The Case of the Lazy Lover (1947); The Case of the Lonely Heiress (1948); The Case of the Long-Legged Models (1958); The Case of the Lucky Legs (1934); The Case of the Lucky Loser (1957); The Case of the Mischievous Doll (1962); The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink (1952); The Case of the Murderer's Bride and Other Stories (1955); The Case Of The Musical Cow (1960); The Case of the Mythical Monkeys (1959); The Case of the Negligent Nymph (1950); The Case of the Nervous Accomplice (1955); The Case of the One-Eyed Witness (1950); The Case of the Perjured Parrot (1939); The Case of the Phantom Fortune (1964); The Case of the Postponed Murder (1973); The Case of the Queenly Contestant (1967); The Case of the Reluctant Model (1962); The Case of the Restless Redhead (1954); The Case of the Rolling Bones (1939); The Case of the Runaway Corpse (1954); The Case of The Screaming Woman (1957); The Case of the Shapely Shadow (1960); The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe (1938); The Case of the Silent Partner (1940); The Case of the Singing Skirt (1959); The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece (1936); The Case of the Smoking Chimney (1943); The Case of the Spurious Spinster (1961); The Case of the Stepdaughter's Secret (1963); The Case of the Stuttering Bishop (1936); The Case of the Substitute Face (1938); The Case of the Sulky Girl (1933); The Case of the Sun Bather's Diary (1955); The Case of the Terrified Typist (1955); The Case of the Troubled Trustee (1965); The Case of the Turning Tide (1941); The Case of the Vagabond Virgin (1948); The Case of the Velvet Claws (1933); The Case of the Waylaid Wolf (1960); The Case of the Worried Waitress (1966); The Case of Too Many Murders (1989); The Casebook of Sidney Zoom (2006); The Clue of the Forgotten Murder / The Clew of the Forgotten Murder (1942); The Count of 9 (1958); The Court of Last Resort: The True Story of a Team of Crime Experts Who Fought to Save the Wrongfully Convicted (1952); The D. A. Cooks a Goose (1942); The D.A. Breaks a Seal (1946); The D.A. Breaks An Egg (1949); The D.A. Calls a Turn (1944); The D.A. Calls It Murder (1937); The D.A. Draws a Circle (1939); The D.A. Goes to Trial (1940); The D.A. Holds a Candle (1938); The D.A. Takes a Chance (1948); The Danger Zone and Other Stories (2004); The Desert is Yours (1963); The Exploits of the Patent Leather Kid (2010); The Hidden Heart of Baja (1962); The Human Zero (1981); The Knife Slipped (1939); The Mammoth Book of Short Spy Novels (1996); The Oxford Book of American Detective Stories (1996); The Oxford Book of Detective Stories (2000); This Is Murder (1948); Top of the Heap (1952); Traps Need Fresh Bait (1967); Try Anything Once (1962); Turn on the Heat (1940); Two Clues: The Clue of the Runaway Blonde / Clue's Don't Count & The Clue of the Hungry Horse (1947); Up for Grabs (1964); Whispering Sands (1981); Widows Wear Weeds (1966); You Can Die Laughing (1957).

Movies and television:

A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Grimacing Governor (1994); A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Jealous Jokester (1995); A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Lethal Lifestyle (1994); A Perry Mason Mystery: The Case of the Wicked Wives (1993); CBS News Sunday Morning with Jane Pauley / Segment: Almanac (2012); Climax! (1955); Cool and Lam (1958); Gladiator po naymu (1993); Granny Get Your Gun (1940); Perry Mason (1957–1966); Perry Mason (2020–2023); Perry Mason Returns (1985); Perry Mason: The Case of the Avenging Ace (1988); Perry Mason: The Case of the Defiant Daughter (1990); Perry Mason: The Case of the Desperate Deception (1990); Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Fashion (1991); Perry Mason: The Case of the Fatal Framing (1992); Perry Mason: The Case of the Glass Coffin (1991); Perry Mason: The Case of the Heartbroken Bride (1992); Perry Mason: The Case of the Killer Kiss (1993); Perry Mason: The Case of the Lady in the Lake (1988); Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love (1987); Perry Mason: The Case of the Maligned Mobster (1991); Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder (1985); Perry Mason: The Case of the Murdered Madam (1987); Perry Mason: The Case of the Musical Murder (1989); Perry Mason: The Case of the Notorious Nun (1986); Perry Mason: The Case of the Poisoned Pen (1990); Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo (1992); Perry Mason: The Case of the Ruthless Reporter (1991); Perry Mason: The Case of the Scandalous Scoundrel (1987); Perry Mason: The Case of the Shooting Star (1986); Perry Mason: The Case of the Silenced Singer (1990); Perry Mason: The Case of the Sinister Spirit (1987); Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal (1993); Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host (1993); Person to Person (1959); Special Investigator (1936); The Case of the Black Cat (1936); The Case of the Curious Bride (1935); The Case of the Howling Dog (1934); The Case of the Lucky Legs (1935); The Case of the Stuttering Bishop (1937); The Case of the Velvet Claws (1936); The Court of Last Resort (1957–1958); The New Perry Mason (1973–1974); They Call It Murder (1971); Visi pries viena (1986); We, the People (1949); What's My Line? (1957).

Monday, July 15, 2024

Born on this day – Marjorie Rambeau:

Marjorie Rambeau


July 15, 1889 – July 6, 1970


20 Mule Team (1940); A Man Called Peter (1955); A Modern Hero (1934); A Tailor Made Man (1931); Abandoned (1949); Any Number Can Play (1949); Army Wives (1944); Bad for Each Other (1953); Breakdowns of 1938 (1938); Broadway (1942); Compression (1995); Dizzy Dames (1935); East of the River (1940); First Lady (1937); Forever Female (1953); General Electric Theater (1953–1956); Grand Canary (1934); Great Day (1930); Heaven with a Barbed Wire Fence (1939); Hell Divers (1931); Her Man (1930); In Old Oklahoma (1943); Inspiration (1931); It's Murder She Says... (1945); Laugh It Off (1939); Laughing Sinners (1931); Left Over Ladies (1931); Lux Video Theatre (1956); Man of a Thousand Faces (1957); Man's Castle (1933); Mary Moreland (1917); Merrily We Live (1938); Min and Bill (1930); Motherhood (1917); National Red Cross Pageant (1917); Oh, What a Night! (1944); Palooka (1934); Primrose Path (1940); Ready for Love (1934); Salome, Where She Danced (1945); Santa Fe Marshal (1940); Silence (1931); Slander (1957); Son of India (1931); Starland Review No. 5 (1922); Strangers May Kiss (1931); Strictly Personal (1933); Sudden Money (1939); Syncopating Sue (1926); The Common Cause (1919); The Dazzling Miss Davison (1917); The Debt (1917); The Easiest Way (1931); The Ford Television Theatre (1955–1956); The Fortune Teller (1920); The Greater Woman (1917); The Lucky Stiff (1949); The Mirror (1917); The O. Henry Playhouse (1957); The Rains Came (1939); The Secret 6 (1931); The View from Pompey's Head (1955); The Walls of Jericho (1948); The Warrior's Husband (1933); This Is Your Life (1956–1959); This Modern Age (1931); Three Sons o' Guns (1941); Tobacco Road (1941); Torch Song (1953); Trader Horn (1931); Tugboat Annie Sails Again (1940); Under Pressure (1935); Woman Against Woman (1938).