Friday, August 6, 2021

Author humor:

Hudson River, by Arthur Parton (1882):

Hockey humor:

Friday funny:

Introvert humor:

Adopt don’t shop. Rescue a pet from a shelter:

Greeting Cards:

Click on the images to be redirected to the Zazzle store and see the full selection.

NOTE: New designs are added regularly.

A percentage from sales is donated to Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research.

Abstract Color Study 462, cardAbstract Color Study 462, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardHIGH FIVE if you love animals, cardHIGH FIVE if you love animals, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardAbstract Color Study 90, cardAbstract Color Study 90, cardAzalea, cardAzalea, cardAzalea, cardAzalea, cardGardenia, cardGardenia, cardPeony, cardPeony, cardPeony, cardPeony, cardAbstract Color Study 233, cardAbstract Color Study 233, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardBee, cardAbstract Color Study 125, cardAbstract Color Study 125, cardAnemone, cardAnemone, cardPhlox, cardPhlox, cardPhlox, cardPhlox, cardGladioli, cardGladioli, cardLily, cardLily, cardAbstract Color Study 387, cardAbstract Color Study 387, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardButterfly, cardAbstract Color Study 53, cardAbstract Color Study 53, cardSlow Days, cardSlow Days, cardQueen Anne’s Lace, cardQueen Anne’s Lace, cardConeflower, cardConeflower, cardConeflower, cardConeflower, cardPeony, cardPeony, cardPeony, cardPeony, card

Greeting card subjects:

Abstract, acrylic, anemone, art, azalea, bee, black and white, butterfly, cat, coneflower, evening glow, flower, fluid painting, garden, gardenia, gladioli, green earth, lamp light, lily, morning dew, nature, neo-noir, noir, painting, peony, peonies, phlox, photography, pollinator, Queen Anne's Lace, Ragdoll cat, raindrops, Tabby cat, vase.