Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Born on this day – Harry Harrison:

Harry Harrison


March 12, 1925 – August 15, 2012



100 Astounding Little Alien Stories (1996); 50 in 50 (2001); A Rebel in Time (1983); A Science Fiction Reader (1973); A Stainless Steel Rat is Born (1985); Analog 6 (1969); Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January 1965 (1965); Analog Science Fiction And Fact, March 1967 (1967); Analog Science Fiction/Science Fact, March 1969 (1969); Antigrav (1975); Apeman, Spaceman (1968); Arm of the Law (1958); Backdrop of Stars (1968); Best From Fantasy And Science Fiction: 18th Series (1973); Best SF: 1968 / The Year's Best Science Fiction 2 (1969); Best SF: 1969 / The Year's Best Science Fiction 3 (1970); Best SF: 1970 / The Year's Best Science Fiction 4 (1971); Best SF: 1971 / The Year's Best Science Fiction 5 (1972); Best SF: 1975 / The Year's Best Science Fiction 9 (1976); Beyond the Moons of Fomalhaut (2010); Bill, the Galactic Hero (1965); Blast Off (1969); Captive Universe (1969); Confessions Illustrated (2022); Deathworld (1960); Deathworld 3 (1968); Deathworld II: The Ethical Engineer (1964); Decade: The 1940's (1975); Decade: The 1950s (1976); Decade: The 1960s (1977); Fantastic Stories Presents the Fantastic Universe Super Pack #2 (2016); Farewell, Fantastic Venus / All About Venus (1968); Favorite Science Fiction Stories, Volume 2 (2010); Final Stage: The Ultimate Science Fiction Anthology (1974); Four for the Future (1969); Frontline Combat Volume 2 (2019); Frontline Combat Volume 3 (2021); Frontline Combat, Vol. 1 (2008); Galactic Dreams (1995); Great Balls of Fire (1977); Harry Harrison! Harry Harrison! (2014); Hell's Cartographers (1975); Homeworld (1980); In Our Hands, the Stars / The Daleth Effect (1970); Invasion: Earth (1982); King and Emperor (1996); Make Room! Make Room! (1966); Mechanismo (1978); Montezuma's Revenge (1972); Navy Day (1954); Nebula Award Stories #2 (1966); Nova 1 (1970); Nova 2 (1972); Nova 3 / The Outdated Man (1973); Nova IV (1974); Nova One (1971); On the Planet of Bottled Brains (1990); On the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure (1990); On the Planet of Zombie Vampires (1991); One King's Way (1994); One Step from Earth (1970); Plague from Space (1965); Planet of No Return (1981); Planet of the Damned / A Sense of Obligation (1962); Planet Story (1979); Prime Number (1970); Psychoanalysis (2020); Queen Victoria's Revenge (1974); Return to Eden (1988); Science Against Man (1970); SF Authors' Choice 2 (1970); SF Authors' Choice 3 (1973); SF: Author's Choice (1968); Skyfall (1976); Spacecraft In Fact and Fiction (1979); Spaceship Medic (1970); Stainless Steel Rat (1961); Stainless Steel Visions (1992); Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers (1974); Stars and Stripes Forever (1998); Stars and Stripes in Peril (2000); Stars and Stripes Triumphant (2001); Starworld (1981); Stonehenge: Where Atlantis Died (1972); Study War No More (1977); Tales from the Crypt Volume 3 (2023); Tales From the Forbidden Planet (1987); Tales from the Planet Earth (1986); The 6th Annual Best SF 72 (1973); The Astounding Analog Reader (1972); The Astounding-Analog Reader, Book Two (1973); The Best of Harry Harrison (1977); The California Iceberg (1975); The Drabble Project (1988); The EC Archives: Crime SuspenStories Volume 4 (2019); The EC Archives: Panic Volume 2 (2018); The EC Archives: The Haunt of Fear Volume 4 (2017); The EC Archives: The Haunt of Fear Volume 5 (2018); The EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 3 (2005); The EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 5 (2019); The EC Archives: The Vault of Horror Volume 5 (2019); The EC Archives: Two-Fisted Tales Volume 1 (2015); The EC Archives: Weird Fantasy Volume 3 (2018); The Eighth Galaxy Reader (1965); The Final Incoherent Adventure! (1992); The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack (2012); The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume IV (2018); The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume VI (2016); The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume X (2018); The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume X (2018); The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume XIV (2018); The Hammer and the Cross (1993); The Idols of Wuld & Planet of the Damned (2016); The John W. Campbell Memorial Anthology / Astounding (1973); The Jupiter Legacy (1970); The Jupiter Plague (1965); The K-Factor (1960); The Lifeship / Lifeboat (1975); The Light Fantastic (1971); The Man from P.I.G. (1968); The Men from P.I.G. and R.O.B.O.T. (1974); The Misplaced Battleship (1960); The Monster Book of Monsters (1988); The Planet of the Hippies from Hell / On the Planet of Ten Thousand Bars (1991); The Planet of the Robot Slaves (1989); The QEII is Missing (1980); The Repairman (1958); The Stainless Steel Rat for President (1982); The Stainless Steel Rat Gets Drafted (1987); The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell (1996); The Stainless Steel Rat Joins the Circus (1999); The Stainless Steel Rat Returns (2010); The Stainless Steel Rat Saves The World (1971); The Stainless Steel Rat Sings the Blues (1994); The Stainless Steel Rat Wants You! (1978); The Stainless Steel Rat's Revenge (1970); The Technicolor Time Machine (1967); The Turing Option (1992); The Velvet Glove (1956); The Year 2000 (1970); The Year's Best Science Fiction No. 3 (1970); The Young Oxford Book of Aliens (1999); There Won't Be War (1991); Toy Shop (2010); Toy Shop and Two Others (2009); Tunnel Through the Deeps / A Transatlantic Tunnel, Hurrah! (1972); Two Tales and Eight Tomorrows (1965); Two-Fisted Tales Volume 1 (2007); Two-Fisted Tales Volume 3 (2016); Two-Fisted Tales, Vol. 2 (2007); War with the Robots (1962); Weekend Book of Science Fiction (1981); Weird Fantasy Volume 1 (2016); Weird Science Volume 1 (2006); Weird Science, Vol. 2 (2007); West of Eden (1984); Wheelworld (1981); Winter in Eden (1986); Wondermakers 2 (1974); Worlds of If, February 1969 (1969); You Can Be the Stainless Steel Rat (1985).

Movies and television:

Bill the Galactic Hero (2014); New Nightmares (1993); Perversions of Science (1997); Prisoners of Gravity (1993); Soylent Green (1973); The Book Programme (1975–1979); The History of the SF Film (1982); Time Out of Mind (1979).

Born on this day – Jack Kerouac:

Jack Kerouac


March 12, 1922 – October 21, 1969



And the Hippos Were Boiled in Their Tanks (1945); Atop an Underwood (1987); Beat Generation (1992); Big Sur (1962); Book of Blues (1995); Book of Dreams (1960); Book of Haikus (2003); Book of Sketches (1957); Collected Poems (1971); Dear Carolyn (1983); Departed Angels (2004); Desolation Angels (1965); Door Wide Open (2000); Dr. Sax (1959); Escape to Mexico: An Anthology of Great Writers (2002); Field of Fantasies (2014); Good Blonde & Others (1993); Heaven and Other Poems (1977); Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg: The Letters (2010); Lonesome Traveler (1960); Mexico City Blues (1959); Old Angel Midnight (1973); On the Road (1957); Orpheus Emerged (2002); Pic (1971); Piers of the Homeless Night (2018); Pomes All Sizes (1992); Reel Verse: Poems about the Movies (2019); San Francisco Blues (1991); Satori in Paris (1966); Scattered Poems (1971); Selected Letters, 1940-1956 (1995); Selected Letters, 1957-1969 (1999); Some of the Dharma (1997); The Dharma Bums (1958); The Haunted Life (2014); The Scripture of the Golden Eternity (1960); The Sea Is My Brother (1942); The Subterraneans (1958); The Town and the City (1950); The Unknown Kerouac (2016); Trip Trap (1973); Tristessa (1960); Vanity of Duluoz (1967); Visions of Cody (1960); Visions of Gerard (1963); Wake Up (2008); Windblown World (1947); Writers: Their Lives and Works (2018); Writing Los Angeles (2002).


On the Road (2012).

Born on this day – Millard Kaufman:

Millard Kaufman


March 12, 1917 – March 14, 2009



Bowl of Cherries (novel) (2008); Misadventure (2010); Plots & Characters: A Screenwriter on Screenwriting (2001).

Movies and television:

Aladdin and His Lamp (1952); Bad Day at Black Rock (1955); Convicts 4 (1962); Enola Gay: The Men, the Mission, the Atomic Bomb (1980); Expanding World Relationships (1947); Gun Crazy (1950); Kung-Fu Magoo (2010); Living Free (1972); Montgomery Clift: His Place in the Sun (1989); Never So Few (1959); Police Story (1976); Punchy de Leon (1950); Ragtime Bear (1949); Raintree County (1957); Raintree County (1957); Take the High Ground! (1953); The Klansman (1974); The Nativity (1978); The War Lord (1965); Trouble Indemnity (1950); Unknown World (1951).

Born on this day – Jesse Fuller:

Jesse Fuller

Blues singer


Harmonica player


March 12, 1896 – January 29, 1976



Blues Connections (2014); Brother Lowdown (1972); February Mood (2015); Four Classic Albums (Jazz, Folk Songs, Spirituals & Ballads / The Lone Cat / Sings Ballads-Blues / Empty Bed Blues) (Digitally Remastered) (2019); Frisco Bound (1991); Is it True 'Bout the Man Jesse Fuller? (2020); Jazz, Folk Songs, Spirituals & Ballads (2019 Digitally Remastered) (2019); Jazz, Folk Songs, Spirituals, & Blues (1958); Jesse Fuller's Favorites (1965); Move On Down the Line (1965); San Francisco Bay Blues (1963); Stagolee: Essential Blues (2011); The Lone Cat (1961); The Lone Cat (2019 Digitally Remastered) (2019); Three of a Kind - Classic Recordings (2014); Two Blues Icons (2014); Working on the Railroad (1955).


99 Years; As Long as I Can Feel the Spirit; Bill Bailey Won't You Please Come Home; By And By; Cincinnati Blues; Crazy Waltz; Flavor in My Cream; Hark from the Tomb; Hesitation Blues; How Long Blues; Hump in My Back; I'm Going To Meet My Loving Mother; Jesse's New Midnight Special; John Henry; Key To The Highway; Leavin' Memphis, Frisco Bound; Let Me Hold You in My Arms Tonight; Linin' Track; Little Black Train; Memphis Boogie; Morning Blues; Preacher Lowdown; Railroad Blues; Railroad Worksong; San Francisco Bay Blues; Stranger Blues; Take This Hammer; The Monkey And The Engineer; Together Let Us Live; You Can't Keep a Good Man Down; You’re No Good.

Movies and television:

Bandstand (1966); Down Home Music - A Journey Through the Heartland 1963 (1963); East of Suez (1925); Evening of AnExchange (1972); The Blues (1966); The Danny Kaye Show (1967); The Great White Hope (1970); The Les Crane Show (1965); The Thief of Bagdad (1924); Unplugged (1992).

Recommended reading - The Walton Experience, by Travis Walton (1978):

The Walton Experience

By Travis Walton.

Filmed as Fire in the Sky (1993), directed by Robert Lieberman.

First Edition.
Published 1978.
Mass Market Paperback.
ISBN-10: 0425036758
ISBN-13: 978-0425036754


The Walton Experience.

Seven no-nonsense men. They had just finished a day's work cutting trees in Arizona's Apache Sitgreaves National Forest. As the old pickup maneuvered the dark mountain road, they all saw the brilliant glow suspended in the trees.
Travis Walton got out to investigate. But when the other six went to look for him … he was gone.

Now Travis Walton reveals what happened during the 5 harrowing days of his disappearance.

Kimberly Willis Holt, on writing:

Write every day.
Make writing a part of your life, but also don't be afraid of learning from others because I think you can.
I still try to think of myself as a beginner because that way I can keep on learning.

- Kimberly Willis Holt.