Sunday, March 2, 2025

Recommended reading - Star Trek: The Making of the TV Series (1991):

Star Trek: The Making of the TV Series

By Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry.

Published by Titan Books Ltd.
Published 1991.
ISBN-10: 1852863633
ISBN-13: 978-1852863630


The behind-the-scenes story of the most popular science fiction show ever made!

Did you know … that Captain Kirk was originally Captain April? That Mr. Spock was nearly dropped as a character? That Dr. McCoy’s medical instruments were salt shakers? Why all buttons were banned? How the ‘beam down’ effect was achieved? What happens at Warp Factor Eight? All this, and much, much more, is revealed in this book that tells the complete behind-the-scenes story of the production of the science fiction series that became a phenomenon – Star Trek!

Catherine Drinker Bowen, on writing:

For your born writer, nothing is so healing as the realization that he has come upon the right word.

- Catherine Drinker Bowen.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

We stand with Ukraine:

As a Christian, I stand for …
I stand with Ukraine.

#Ukraine #UkraineCrisis #IStandWithUkriane #StandWithUkriane #StopWarInUkraine #StopWar #Peace #Pray #Prayer #Praying #PrayForPeace

On this day in music history - Story of Ghosts, by Fiona Joy Hawkins (2018):

Story of Ghosts

Album by Fiona Joy Hawkins,
released March 1, 2018.

Track list:

Song For Dunnie; Story of Angels; Contemplating (Solo); Blue Dream (Solo); The Solo Tango; The White Light; Story of Ghosts; Twilight; Story of Insanity; Before The Light.

On this day in music history - Altered States, by Uma Silbley (2016):

Altered States: Music for the Journey Within

Album by Uma Silbey,
released March 1, 2016.

Track list:

Voices from the Deep; Morning Embrace; Mountain; Streaming; Cloudscapes; Levitation; Remembering; Moonscape; Tide Travel; Destination Infinity; Lightfield; Heartfelt.

On this day in music history - Arctic Sunrise, by Kerani (2014):

Arctic Sunrise

Album by Kerani,
released March 1, 2014.

Track list:

Arctic Sunrise; Ice Kingdom; Far Away from Home; Norway; Drifting Ice; Aurora Sky; Discovery; Spirit of the Last Wilderness.

March in music history - Enya, by Enya (1986):


Album by Enya,
released March 1986.
Exact release date unknown.

Track list:

The Celts; Aldebaran; I Want Tomorrow; March Of The Celts; Deireadh An Tuath; The Sun In The Stream; To Go Beyond (l); Fairytale; Epona; Triad: St. Patrick/Cu Chulainn/Oisin; Portrait; Boadicea; Bard Dance; Dan Y Dwr; To Go Beyond (ll).