February 27, 1902 – December 20, 1968
Burning Bright (1950);
Cannery Row (1945); Cup of Gold (1929); East of Eden (1952); Five Best Sellers
(1989); In Dubious Battle (1936); Nothing So Monstrous (1936); Of Mice and Men
(1937); Of Mice and Men and Short Stories (1937); Steinbeck Novels and Stories
1932-1937 (1978); Sweet Thursday (1954); The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble
Knights (1976); The Forgotten Village (1941); The Gift (1992); The Grapes of
Wrath (1939); The Long Valley (1938); The Moon Is Down (1942); The Moon Is Down
and Short Stories (1942); The Pastures of Heaven (1932); The Pearl (1948); The
Red Pony (1933); The Short Novels of John Steinbeck (1953); The Short Reign of
Pippin IV (1957); The Vigilante (2018); The Wayward Bus (1947); The Winter of
Our Discontent (1961); To A God Unknown (1933); Tortilla Flat (1935); Viva
Zapata (1975); Zapata (1993).
Movies and television:
Medal for Benny (1945); A Pérola (1967); A Scene from 'Of Mice and Men' (2020);
ABC News Close-Up (1961); Alfred Hitchcock's Lifeboat: The Theater of War (2005);
American Playhouse (1991); Anthropoi kai pontikia (1977); Back in Time (2014); Biography
(1999); Breakfast (2021); Cannery Row (1982); Chubby (1972); Curtain Call (1952);
Der Rattenkönig (2002); Des souris et des hommes (1971 / 1976); East of Eden
(1955 / 1981 / 2026); East of Eden: Art in Search of Life (2005); Fareler ve
Insanlar (1975); Film Önü / Arkasi (2019); Grande Teatro Tupi (1957); Grapes (2017);
Grapes of Wrath: The Ghost of Modern America (2019); Helmi (1962); Hiiriä ja
ihmisiä (1977); I riassuntini (2018); Ikimize bir dünya (1962); Immortals (2017);
In Dubious Battle (2016); Invitation au voyage (2021); Laser Grapes of Space
Wrath (2008); Lement a Hold (1992); Lifeboat (1944); Light's Diamond Jubilee
(1954); Livsflammen (1957); Lux Video Theatre (1954); Mahalle arkadaslari (1961);
Matinee Theatre (1957); Mooso-the Mouse (2019); Möss och människor (1977); Mythos
Amalfiküste - Liebe, Laster, Dolce Vita (2023); Nash Airflyte Theatre (1950); O.
Henry's Full House (1952); Of Mice and Men (1939 / 1968 / 1981 / 1992 / 2010 / 2014);
Omnibus (1954); Ondu Muthina Kathe (1987); Play of the Week (1959); Producers'
Showcase (1955); Skids (2016); Studio One (1956); Teatr Polskiego Radia (2015);
Television Theater (1957); The English Programme (1988); The Forgotten Village
(1941); The Grapes of Wrath (1940); The Grapes of Wrath: We Shall Overcome (2015);
The Harness (1971); The Innocents (2022); The Log from the Sea of Cortez (2025);
The Moon Is Down (1943); The Pearl (1947 / 1948 / 2004); The Red Pony (1949 / 1973);
The Robert Herridge Theater (1960); The Wayward Bus (1957); The Winter of Our
Discontent (1983); To theatro tis Defteras (1977); Tortilla Flat (1942); Travels
with Charley (1968); TV de Vanguarda (1953–1963); Un siècle d'écrivains (1995);
Viva Zapata! (1952); Von Mäusen und Menschen (1968); World in Action (1968).