Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label diet. Show all posts

Friday, September 13, 2024

National Celiac Disease Awareness Day – September 13:

National Celiac Disease Awareness Day

September 13

Learn more about Celiac Disease at:

Website includes information on how to follow a gluten-free diet.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Should I Eliminate Gluten if I Don’t Have Celiac?

I'm an advocate for healthy living and a convert to the gluten-free diet.
I've been gluten free since November, 2017 and I haven’t looked back.
I lost weight, my energy and attention span have improved immensely – I feel great!

This excellent article, by Holly Bertone, says it all …

Should I Eliminate Gluten if I Don’t Have Celiac?
by Holly Bertone
Pink Fortitude
May 23, 2016

There are many good articles from respected sources that will tell you only those with Celiac Disease should eliminate gluten from their diets. What if I told you that 99% of those with gluten sensitivity are undiagnosed? Do you have digestive issues or IBS? Fatigue? Brain fog? Migraines? Hormonal and mood changes? This gluten free “fad” might be worth looking into. Here are the facts you need to know.

Gluten 101

I’m going to walk you through the 101 class here. If you try to research this on your own, you will find a lot of complicated terms like lectins, molecular mimicry, lymphocytes, pathogenic antigens, and phytates.
Do not worry, I’m keeping it simple.  If you want to read a more scientific article from a trusted medical professional, check out what Dr. Amy Myers has to say on this topic.

In the 1950’s and 1960’s, wheat began to be milled and manufactured differently, along with growing new strains of wheat. Wheat is a type of grain. Gluten is a protein found in wheat.  All wheat contains gluten, but gluten can also be found in grains other than wheat. Wheat also contains lectins, which are a type of protein found in plants. Ok so we know that wheat contains gluten and lectins. Let’s focus on what gluten and lectins do to you.

Lectins, Molecular Mimicry – WHAT?

Grains and legumes have the most amount of lectins of all plants.  Consumed in large quantities, these lectins can be difficult to digest and even toxic to humans. For those adversely affected, lectins bore holes in your small intestine aka your gut. Your gut cells are damaged, and small leaks are formed. We call this leaky gut. How important is your small intestine?  Your gut is where digestion happens, your body’s natural immunity to diseases happens, and where your food’s nutrition is absorbed. These leaks allow food, gluten and bacteria to leak into your immune system and blood stream. Your immune system now tags the gluten that has leaked out as an invader and send out antibodies to destroy it.

This is where molecular mimicry comes in. The protein structure of your thyroid is very similar to the protein structure in gluten.  So now we have lectins drilling holes in your intestines, gluten leaking into your immune system, and your body attacking it because it sees it as an invader. For those with autoimmune conditions, your body also attacks the thyroid because it can’t tell the difference between the gluten protein and the thyroid protein.

“One Bite of Cake Won’t Kill You”

When the body attacks itself, this is what is called autoimmune disease.  Hashimoto’s is one of more than 150 autoimmune diseases. Other AI diseases you may be familiar with are Celiac, Lupus, MS, Diabetes, Graves, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Addison’s.

It’s bad enough that your body can’t tell the difference. But the immune response to gluten in your body can last up to 6 months. This is why being gluten free with Hashi’s and most autoimmune conditions is so important if you want to heal.  And when I say gluten free, I mean 100% gluten free. “One bite of Aunt Betty’s birthday cake won’t kill you.” Maybe not immediately, but one bite will stay in your system and allow for your body to fight against itself.

Ahhhh….THIS is Why!

Now that we have that straightened out. There’s more. Phytates are anti-nutrient compounds found in wheat that bind to nutrients in your body, and they block the absorption of nutrients. The whole wheat sandwich you just ate? Or the salad that went with it?  A lot of these nutrients just got blocked.

Are you always hungry and wonder why you can’t lose weight? Do you eat healthy and not notice any difference in how you feel or look? Anyone?

So Should I Eliminate Gluten?

There are so many studies and (very strong) opinions on this topic, but no definitive answer. My advice to you is to not take what you read at face value and actually take the time to research what interests you about gluten and its effect on the body.
Gluten’s effect on your body is on a spectrum, anywhere from no issues at all, to being sensitive or intolerant to gluten, to having Celiac Disease.  Yes, some people are totally fine.  And yes, some people become sick.

Curious?  There’s no harm in giving up gluten for a couple of months and keeping a food journal of what you eat and how you feel.  Talk to your doctor. If you don’t find the answers you want, talk to another doctor. But promise me you won’t give up in your quest to find answers. I gave up gluten “cold turkey” and don’t miss it or regret it.

We are all different. The way that gluten (and food in general) affects us is an individual experience.

Are you Inspired?

Pink Fortitude. The Story.

Pink Fortitude, LLC was created two years after Holly Bertone’s breast cancer treatment, as a way to inspire other cancer survivors. Over the years, Pink Fortitude has grown beyond its focus on breast cancer to an enterprise of healthy living inspiration for everyone.

Pink is the nod to breast cancer of course, and Fortitude was a special word shared between Holly and her mother. Holly’s mother has Addison’s Disease, and from watching her fight this illness her entire life, “Fortitude” seemed to be the perfect fit for this inspirational company.

The lotus flower became Pink Fortitude’s logo to honor the parallel of the beautiful flower which grows out of the murky waters. We all have our struggles, whether it’s chronic illness, relationships, financial struggles, or grief. How will you take your struggles and grow into a beautiful flower?

Pink Fortitude

Pink Fortitude, LLC is dedicated to inspiring you to live a happier, healthier life. is a health and wellness website inspiring those in the cancer and autoimmune communities to turn their illness into wellness one clean and green step at a time. We provide natural living articles, healthy recipes, DIY cleaning products for your home, and ideas for organic gardening and sustainable living. You want to be healthier? Join our community!