November 3, 1794 – June 12, 1878
Forest Hymn; A Meditation on Rhode Island Coal; A Song of Pitcairn's Island; A
Summer Ramble; A Walk at Sunset; A Winter Piece; After a Tempest; An Indian at
the Burial-place of his Fathers; An Indian Story; Autumn Woods; Blessed are
they that Mourn; Green River; Hymn of the City; Hymn of the Waldenses; Hymn to
Death; Hymn to the North Star; I broke the spell that held me long; I cannot
forget with what fervid devotion; Innocent child and snow-white flower; Inscription
for the Entrance to a Wood; June; Lines on Revisiting the Country; March; Monument
Mountain; No Man knoweth his Sepulchre; Ode for an Agricultural Celebration; Oh
fairest of the rural maids; Rizpah; Romero; Scene on the Banks of the Hudson; Song
of Marion's Men; Song of the Greek Amazon; Song of the Stars; Song.—Soon as the
glazed and gleaming snow; Song—Dost thou idly ask to hear; Sonnet.—Midsummer; Sonnet.—Mutation;
Sonnet.—November; Sonnet.—October; Sonnet.—To Cole, the Painter, departing for
Europe; Sonnet.—William Tell; Spring in Town; Summer Wind; Thanatopsis; The
African Chief; The Ages; The Arctic Lover; The Burial-place. A Fragment; The
Conjunction of Jupiter and Venus; The Damsel of Peru; The Death of the Flowers;
The Disinterred Warrior; The Evening Wind; The Gladness of Nature; The Greek
Boy; The Greek Partisan; The Hunter's Serenade; The Hurricane; The Indian
Girl's Lament; The Journey of Life; The Lapse of Time; The Massacre at Scio; The
Murdered Traveller; The New Moon; The Old Man's Funeral; The Past; The Prairies;
The Rivulet; The Skies; The Twenty-second of December; The Two Graves; The West
Wind; The Yellow Violet; To a Cloud; To a Musquito; To a Waterfowl; To the fringed
Gentian; To the River Arve; Upon the mountain's distant head; When the
firmament quivers with daylight's young beam.