February 28, 1942 –
January 13, 2025
Movies and television:
60 Minutes
/ Segment: Ciao Venezia (2000); Ah! Quels titres (1995); American Moon (2017); Anorexia.
Storia di un'immagine (2008); Basilico - L'infinito è la in fondo (2023); Benetton:
True Crime (2023); Blackboards (2000); Blood on the Carpet (2001); Camera Café
(2003); Can Creativity Save the World? (2023); Ce soir (ou jamais!) (2016); Closeup
(2010); Closeup (2010); Corto circuito (1996); Da Clay ad Alì - La metamorfosi
(2016); Daniel Pilon Chroniqueur (2016); Der radikale Gärtner - Grenzgänge in
Kunst und Werbung (2009); Die Invasion der Ideen (2006); Du côté de chez Fred
(1988); Eurotrash (1999); Femmefille (2014); Fotografi (2014); Il complotto di Tirana
(2024); Illuminate - Oriana Fallaci (2019); Into the Image (2023); Kulturplatz
(2011–2024); La Dolce Vita Grande (1973); La marche du siècle (2000); Le grand
journal de Canal+ (2005); L'orfano (2002); Master of Photography (2016–2019); Maurizio
Costanzo Show (1993); Meraviglie: La penisola dei tesori (2020); Milano-Roma (1998);
Na plovárne (2004); Nulle part ailleurs (1996); Nulle part ailleurs. 1ère
partie (2000); Oliviero Toscani, Pure Tuscany (2023); On ne peut pas plaire à
tout le monde (2005); Paris-Berlin, le débat (2008); Personal Che (2007); PositivE
(2021); Problema (2010); Revólver (1996); Rossotrevi - The red fountain (2018);
Silenci? (2005); Stanotte a Firenze (2016); Stupefying! (2018); Surely Some
Mistake (1997); The A to Z of Separating People from Their Money (1998); The Ax
(2005); The Media Show (1989); Thé ou café (2005); The World's Best Sellers:
The Fine Art of Separating People from Their Money (1996); Vaccini. 9 lezioni
di scienza (2019); Vivement dimanche (2013); You Will Be with Us in Paradise