Showing posts with label Michael Preston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michael Preston. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2023

On this day in movie history - Mad Max 2 (1981):

Mad Max 2,
aka The Road Warrior,
directed by George Miller,
written by Robert Benton, Terry Hayes, George Miller and Brian Hannant,
was released in Australia on December 24, 1981.
Narrated by Harold Baigent.
Music by Howard Shore.

Mel Gibson, Bruce Spence, Michael Preston, Max Phipps, Vernon Wells, Kjell Nilsson, Emil Minty, Virginia Hey, William Zappa, Arkie Whiteley, Steve J. Spears, Syd Heylen, Moira Claux, David Downer, David Slingsby, Kristoffer Greaves, Max Fairchild, Tyler Coppin, Jerry O'Sullivan, Tony Deary, Kathleen McKay, Guy Norris, Anne Jones, James McCardell, Harold Baigent, Stewart Finlay-McLennan, Joanne Samuel.