Showing posts with label Marcel Proust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marcel Proust. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Born on this day – Marcel Proust:

Marcel Proust


July 10, 1871 – November 18, 1922



Against Sainte-Beuve and Other Essays (1994); Correspondance, 1914-1922 (1976); In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower / aka Within a Budding Grove (1919); Jean Santeuil (1954); Letters (1948); Letters to a friend (1949); Letters to His Mother (1973); Letters to the Lady Upstairs / aka Letters to His Neighbor (2017); Love Duet And Other Curious Stories About Music (2013); On Art and Literature: 1896-1919 (1996); On Life, Love and Letters (1989); On Reading (1971); On Reading Ruskin (1987); Pleasures and Days / aka Pleasures and Regrets (1896); Selected Letters: 1880-1903 (1983); Selected Letters: 1918-1921 (2000); Sodom and Gomorrah / aka Cities of the Plain (1921); Swann in Love (1913); Swann's Way / aka The Way by Swann's (1913); The Complete Short Stories of Marcel Proust (2001); The Fugitive / aka Albertine Gone / The Sweet Cheat Gone (1925); The Guermantes Way (1920); The Mysterious Correspondent (2021); The Penguin Book of French Short Stories 1 (2022); The Prisoner / aka The Captive (1923); Time Regained / aka The Past Recaptured / Finding Time Again (1927).

Movies and television:

À la recherche du temps perdu (2011); Choses vues (1971); Chroniques de France (1969–1972); Correspondances (1953); Dans le temps (2016); Du côté de chez Proust (2010); Guermantes (2021); Ici et là (2005); Le monde de Marcel Proust (2021); Le temps de l'amour (2009); Les cent livres des hommes (1971); Les intermittences du Coeur (1981); Les Nuits de France Culture (2020); Madame Aurélie (1955); Marcel Proust at Elaine Greffulhe's Wedding (1904); Marcel Proust: A Writer's Life (1993); Marcel Proust's Time Regained (1999); Omnibus (1971); Preámbulo a un silencio (1986); Swann in Love (1984); The Capote Tapes (2019); The Captive (2000 / 2014); The Five Senses (1999); U cioci Leonii (2018); W strone (2014); Without Walls (1995).