Showing posts with label György Ligeti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label György Ligeti. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Born on this day – György Ligeti:

György Ligeti


May 28, 1923 – June 12, 2006



Allegro (1943); Andante and Allegretto, for string quartet (1950); Apparitions (1958–1959); Artikulation (1958); Atmosphères (1961); Aventures (1962); Baladă și joc (Ballad and Dance) (1950); Betlehemi királyok (Kings of Bethlehem) (1946); Bujdosó (The fugitive) (1946); Capriccio nº 1 & nº 2 (1947); Cello Concerto (1966); Chamber Concerto (1969–1970); Chromatische Phantasie (1956); Clocks and Clouds (1973); Concert românesc (1951); Continuum (1968); Continuum (1970) (adapted for two Player Pianos); Continuum (1970); Coulée (1969); Der Sommer (1989); Double Concerto (1972); Due capricci (1947); Éjszaka – Reggel (Night, morning) (1955); Études pour piano, Book 1, six etudes (1985); Études pour piano, Book 2, eight etudes (1988–1994); Études pour piano, Book 3, four etudes (1995–2001); Four Early Piano Pieces: Basso Ostinato (1941); Fragment (1961); From Études pour piano, Book 2:Ha folyóvíz volnék (1947); Haj, ifjuság! (Hey, youth!) (1951); Hamburg Concerto (1998–1999); Harmonies (1967); Három lakodalmi tánc (Three Wedding Dances) (1950); Három Weöres-dal (Three Weöres Songs) (1946–1947); Hommage à Hilding Rosenberg (1982); Hortobágy (1951); Hungarian Rock (Chaconne) (1978); Húsvét (Easter) (1946); Idegen földön (Far from home) (1945–1946); Inaktelki nóták (Tunes from Inaktelk) (1953); Induló (March) (1942); Invention (1948); Kállai kettős (1952); Lakodalmas (Wedding dance) (1950); L'arrache-coeur (1994); Le Grand Macabre (1975–1977); lissandi (1957); Lontano (1967); Lux Aeterna (1966); Magány (Solitude) (1946); Magos Kősziklának (From the high rocks) (1946); Magyar Etüdök, for 16 voices after Sándor Weöres (1983); Mátraszentimrei dalok (Songs from Mátraszentimre) (1955); Melodien (1971); Musica ricercata (1951–1953); Négy lakodalmi tánc (1950); No. IX: Vertige (1990); No. VII: Galamb borong (1988); No. X: Der Zauberlehrling (1994); No. XI: En suspens (1994); No. XIII: L'escalier du diable (1993); No. XIVa: Coloana fără sfârşit (original version for Player Piano) (1993); Nonsense madrigals (1988–1993); Nouvelles Aventures (1962–1965); Öt Arany-dal (Five Arany Songs) (1952); Pápainé (Widow Pápai) (1953); Passacaglia ungherese (1978); Piano Concerto (1985–88); Pièce électronique no. 3 (1957–1958); Pletykázó asszonyok (1952); Poème Symphonique (1962); Polifón etüd (Polyphonic Étude) (1943); Ramifications (1968–1969); Requiem, for soprano and mezzo-soprano solo, mixed chorus and orchestra (1963–1965); Ricercare – Omaggio a Girolamo Frescobaldi (1953); Rondeau, One-man theatre for an actor and tape (1976); San Francisco Polyphony (1973–1974); Síppal, dobbal, nádihegedűvel (With Pipes, Drums, Fiddles) (2000); Six Bagatelles for Wind Quintet (1953); Sonata for Solo Cello (1948/1953); Sonata for Solo Viola (1991–1994); Sonatina (1950); String Quartet No. 1 Métamorphoses nocturnes (1953–1954); String Quartet No. 2 (1968); Ten Pieces for Wind Quintet (1968); The Big Turtle Fanfare from the South China Sea, for trumpet (1985); Three Fantasies after Friedrich Hölderlin (1982); Three Pieces for Two Pianos – Monument – Selbstporträt – Bewegung (1976); Trio for Violin, Horn and Piano (1982); Trois Bagatelles, for David Tudor (1961); Violin Concerto (1989–93); Volumina (1961–62, revised 1966).

Movies and television:

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968); 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984); 2020: a toilet paper odyssey (2020); 56 villanás (2007); A Warning to the Curious (1972); Anónimo (2003); As Above, So Below (2014); Aurora (2018); Bang Bang Orangutang (2005); Barbie (2023); Berlin murmures (1991); Beyond My Reflection (2015); Blink of an Eye (2015); Brainwash (2010); Bruno n'a pas d'agent (1999); C'è musica & musica (1972); Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005); Club 2 (1983); Csalog-Kurtág-Ligeti; Der Paradiesgarten (1970); Die Früchte der Arbeit (1977); Ekpyrosis (2013); Elemental Mass (2013); Embers (2015); Enter the Green Abyss (2022); Eyes Wide Shut (1999); Fist of Fury (1972); For the End of Time (2009); Giraffe (2019); Godzilla (2014); György Ligeti - Ein Komponist gibt Auskunft (1970); Heat (1995); Homecoming (2018); Hot for Cash (1974); Intervalo (2012); Jean Tardieu ou le 'voir-dit' (1991); Kinderspiel (2015); Klang aus dem Chaos - Aspekte der Neuen Musik (1969); La ira (1989); Le Grand Macabre (2012); Lemming (2005); Letters from War (2016); Little Spain (2011); Lonely Child: The Imaginary World of Claude Vivier (1988); Magánszám - Üljön le Hajós Andrással! (2003); Másnap (2004); Mediterranea (2011); Memoir of War (2017); Menschen & Mächte (2016); Merci La Vie (1991); Miss Gulag (2007); Mission Hill (1999–2002); Morrer no mar (1984); Musica ricercata (2023); Mutter (2002); NDR Talk Show (1989); Omnibus (1976); Orson Welles's the Other Side of the Wind: A Film by Orson Welles (2011); Other Worlds (2020); Over Your Cities Grass Will Grow (2010); Paper Girls (2022); Polyformia (2008); Reel Iconic (2015); Requiem (1986); Schalcken the Painter (1979); Screen Two (1985); Shutter Island (2010); Stanley Kubrick in Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures (2001); Strada Pia (1983); Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring (2015); The Fear (El Miedo);  (2006); The Great Performance (2008); The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017); The Miracle of Tekir (2015); The Pervert's Guide to Ideology (2012); The Shining (1980); The Silent Witness (1978); The Trouville Zone (2013); The Vanity (2020); The War (2007); The Whole Town's Sleeping (2014); The Young Hitchikers (1971); Tulevaisuus ei ole entisensä (2002); Um Filme Sem História (2002); Viagem a Portugal (2011); Winterspelt 1944 (1978).