Showing posts with label Dora Doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dora Doll. Show all posts

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Born on this day – Dora Doll:

Dora Doll


May 19, 1922 – November 15, 2015


125 rue Montmartre (1959); A Funny Boss (1964); A Man Walks in the City (1950); Has Strong Commitment (2002–2005); Act of Love (1953) Adorable Demons (1957); Ah What a team! (1957); Thus Ends the Night (1949); Allô police (1967–1969); Angel of Death (1985); Angels and Wolves (1988); Antoine et Julie (1981); Any Number Can Win (1963); Archimedes, the Tramp (1959); Au bon beurre (1981); Beyond The Screen (1967); Ave Maria (1984); Bastille (1984); Heartbeat (1940); Bed for Two (1950); Bernard Quesnay (1979); Black and White in Color (1976); Bloody Murder (1974); Boomerang (1976); Cabaret du soir (1958); Catherine & Co. (1975); Catherine, il suffit d'un amour (1986); This World Is Wonderful (1981); It's Even Better in the Afternoon (1986); He Was a Gentleman (1957); Champagne aus dem Knobelbecher (1975); Heir Finder (2001); Cloud Waltzing (1987); Cocagne (1961); Commander X (1964); Compression (2023); Love at First Sight (1992); In Life Everything Is Arranged (1952); Daughters of Destiny (1954); From the head to the feet (2002); Dehors c'est nulle part (1978); Two Happy Fools (1976); Devil and the Angel (1946); Dictionary of Sex (1964); Funny Stories (1995); Of the Lead in the Head (1973); Édith Piaf: A Brief Encounter (1993); Ein Fall für Männdli (1975); El señor president (1983); Elena and Her Men (1956); In large push-ups (1974); In Your Soul and Conscience (1957); Enigma at the Folies-Bergère (1959); Entente cordiale (1939); Spy and Shut Up (1988); And tomorrow, Paula? (2002); Femmes Fatales (1976); Ferbac (1992); Fernand Cowboy (1956); Foreign Intrigue (1952); Four Flights to Love (1939) François Villon - Poetul vagabond (1987); French Cancan (1955); Gaston Phoebus (1978); Girl on the Third Floor (1955); Godefinger or Some cats don't like the soft (1975); Grandison (1979); Gros dégueulasse (1986); Gueule d'ange (1955); Gueule d'arnaque (1989); Hell (1994); Hellé (1972); Hey Good Looking! (2006); Hortense Schneider (1964); Hotel Baltimore (1976); Hôtel du Nord (1938); Hothead (1979); Human Cargo (1954); He was a musician (1978–1979); Imogene (1991); Incorrigible (1975); Inspector Sergil (1947); Jacques Martin behind your applause (2022); Jacquou the croquant (2007); Jealousy (2001); Jeanne (1952); Jenny Lamour (1947); Julia (1977); Julie Lescaut (1995); Julien Fontanes, magistrate (1983); The salt box (1960); The Mouse Cage (1954); The Key to the Fields (1998); The Countess of Charny (1989); La derelitta / Cinema 16 (1977–1989); The Italian's Wife (1998); The Ivory Woman (1984); The Lost Girl (1954); La liberté en croupe (1970); The House Under the Sea (1947); The animal share (2007); The Passenger (1949); The Passante (1951); La ramandeuse (1981); La reina del Tabarín (1960); The rose red (1951); The Steppe (1982); Over there... My Country (2000); The Agency (1989); Love descend from the sky (1957); Le baladin du monde occidental (1971); The Good Number (1962); Le Chambon (1994); Le chapeau du p'tit Jésus (2006); The Castle (1984); The Château des Oliviers (1993); The Chevalier de Pardaillan (1988); The knight Tempest (1967); Le colonel est de la revue (1957); The Bravag (1955); The last episode of Dallas (2006); The Last Quarter of an Hour (1962); The diamond Salisbury (1985); The donation made to Catchaires (2003); The Savoyard Boy (1967); The Gyrfalcon (1987); Le grand Batre (1997); Tom Thumb (1980); The Gambler (1962); The Wedding Day (1977); The Doctor in Spite of Himself (1964); The Mythomaniac (1981); The payS Blue (1977); Le petit théâtre d'Antenne 2 (1979–1983); The smartest is there let it take (1973); The Bridge of Sighs (1985); The Refuge (1996–1999); The Red Curtain (1960); The Secret of the Andrenes (1982); The Sorcerer of the Sky (1949); The triple win (1989–1992); The Journey to Paimpol (1985); L'éclaire (1979); The other side Paradise (1953); Leon's Husband (1993); The 2 Crocodiles (1987); The Swedish Matches (1996); The Tramps vs. Dracula (1980); The desert chestnut trees (2010); The Last Five Minutes (1959–1982); The Burning Hearts (1992); The Columns of the Sky (1985); The Uprooted (1972); The mixed waters (1969); The Stuffed (1969); The investigations of Commissioner Maigret (1972–1989); The Daughters of the Regiment (1978); The Sisters (1960); Les givrés (1979); Rose's Men (1978); The Idiots (1987); Days of the Moon (1991) The binoculars (1972); The Keufs (1987); The Monday Optimists (1962); Red summer (2002); The Strange Castle of Doctor Lerne, 1983; The story of Saturday (1996–1997); The Handyman (1988); The Man of the Night (1983); The Inspector Leclerc Investigates (1962); The Sunday Guest (1969); Madam... Are you free? (1971); Mademoiselle Ardel (1990); Mademoiselle Strip-tease (1957); Maigret and La Grande Perch (1991); Main Street (1956); Maniac Killer (1987); Manon (1949); Marianne, a Star for Napoleon (1983); Marie Pervenche (1990); Have you seen me? (1988); Clandestine Maternity (1953); Night Doctors (1981); Most Promising Actor female (2000); Mélissol (1999); Hostage Contempt (1992); Midi-Première (1981); Miss Pigalle (1958); My Friend the Traitor (1988); Monsieur Scrupule gangster (1953); Morasseix!! (1993); Moulin Rouge (1940); Music Hall (1986); Musicolor (1969); Nana (1955); Napoleon (1955); Night in December (1939); We Didn't Love Her Enough (1981); Obsession (1954); On déménage le colonel (1955); Once More (1988); Parade in 7 nights (1941); Pardon My French (1951); Paris Vice Squad (1951) No love without love! (1993); No Caviar for Aunt Olga (1965); No grisbi for Ricardo (1957); No Pity for the Cellars (1955); No mice in business (1955); Peppermint Soda (1977); Midnight Leave (1987); Poésie del amor (2006); First Criminal Brigade (Interpol File M.A.T. 444) (1961); Princess Alexandra (1992); Puzzle for Demons (1976); When Jean became Renoir (2017); What a Sacred Evening (1957); Research in the interest of families (1977); Reflections of Cannes (1956); Sabbath (1989); Sapho (1997); Savage Triangle (1951); Secret File 1413 (1961); Suspicions (1956); One-Night Show (1969); That Night in Varennes (1982); The Curtain Rises (1938) The Heart of a Nation (1943); The Little Rebels (1955) The Maiden (1955) The Marked Woman (1992); The School Teacher (1994); The Tide of Life (1998); The Young Lions (1958) Tides of Passion (1956); Don't Touch the Grisbi (1954); Thirty-six Candles (1956–1957); A Shock Curé (1974); One Equals Three (1964); A Frenchman named Gabin (2017); A Woman with a Heart Too Small (1972); Val Parnell's Sunday Night at the London Palladium (1956); Violette (1978); Car 7, seat 15 (1958); Your Devoted Blake (1954); Witness in the City (1959); Women in Cellblock 9 (1978); You Are So Beautiful (2005); Zerschossene Träume (1976).