Showing posts with label 1990. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1990. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

On this day in music history - Brigade, by Heart (1990):


Album by Heart,
released March 26, 1990.

Track list:

Wild Child; All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You; Secret; Tall, Dark Handsome Stranger; I Didn't Want To Need You; The Night; Fallen From Grace; Under The Sky; Cruel Nights; Stranded; Call Of The Wild; I Want Your World To Turn; I Love You.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Recommended reading – The Owl: Justice Never Sleeps & The Owl: Scarlet Serenade:

The Owl: Justice Never Sleeps

By Bob Forward.

First published in 1984.
Republished in 2014.
Published by Brash Books.

ISBN-10: 1941298052
ISBN-13: 978-1941298053


Justic never sleeps.

Alexander L’Hiboux is a man who lives on the streets, who never sleeps, who never stops hunting his lawless prey… he is The Owl.

The most daring and original hero in crime fiction… in a debut novel that’s a relentless, pure-adrenaline rush.

It’s the mid-1980s. Crime in Los Angeles is running rampant. When the law can’t help you, there is one man who can: Alexander L’Hiboux, whose ability to sleep was destroyed in the ghastly tragedy that cost him his family. Now he’s justice-for-hire, prowling the streets and solving crimes with deadly finality. A desperate, grief-stricken shipping magnate hires The Owl to find the scum who brutalized his daughter…a quest that uncovers a shocking conspiracy that will rock the city.

“Mike Hammer is a wimp compared to The Owl,” – Bill Crider, author of Outrage at Blanco and the bestselling Sheriff Dan Rhoades mysteries.


The Owl: Scarlet Serenade

By Bob Forward.

First published in 1990.
Republished in 2014.
Published by Brash Books.

ISBN-10: 1941298214
ISBN-13: 978-1941298213


Alexander L’Hiboux is a man who lives on the streets, who never sleeps, who never stops hunting his lawless prey. He is…


Haunted. Lethal. Unstoppable. Justice incarnate.

The most daring and original hero in crime fiction in a scorching, action-packed adventure.


It’s the mean-streets of L.A. in the mid-1980s. When The Owl rescues a young punk-rock starlet from being kidnapped, he considered it just a minor good deed with a few dead bodies left scattered around. But he soon discovers that she’s the target of a gangland conspiracy that has half of the city’s underworld after her. Now the only thing between her and certain death is The Owl.

“Exhilarating! A pure action high unlike anything I’ve ever read before. The Owl is a cross between Batman and The Terminator…but he’s even more deadly and relentless,” –  Lee Goldberg, New York Times bestselling author of The Chase.

“It starts off over the top and builds from there. There’s action aplenty. The Owl absorbs more punishment than any two or three or four people in other novels,” – Bill Crider, author of Outrage at Blanco.

Friday, February 21, 2025

On this day in movie history - Nikita (1990):


French title: La Femme Nikita,
directed and written by Luc Besson,
was released in France on February 21, 1990.
Music by Éric Serra.


Anne Parillaud, Marc Duret, Patrick Fontana, Alain Lathière, Laura Chéron, Jacques Boudet, Helene Aligier, Pierre-Alain de Garrigues, Patrick Pérez, Bruno Randon, Roland Blanche, Joseph Teruel, Jacques Disses, Stéphane Fey, Philippe Dehesdin, Michel Brunot, Rodolph Freytt, Pavel Slabý, Tchéky Karyo, Jean-Luc Caron, Renos Mandis, Jean-Marc Merchet, Jeanne Moreau, Philippe Leroy, Patrick Serrière, Iska Khan, Heike Fisher, Patrick Buiquangda, Eddie Gaydu, Jose Steinmann, Philippe Hernando, Gerard Touratier, Jean Bedin, Edith Perret, Jean-Hugues Anglade, Jean-Pierre Pauty, Michel Campa, Murray Gronwall, Pierrick Charpentier, Rafael Sultan, Hubert Gillet, Fausto Costantino, Roberto Talanno, Pétronille Moss, Eric Prat, Mia Frye, Olivier Hémon, Philippe du Janerand, Christian Gazio, Jérôme Chalou, Jean Reno, Jean-Claude Bolle-Reddat, Jean Bouise, Patrick Chauveau, Maurice Antoni, Mathieu Archer, Alexis Dupuy, Michèle Amiel, Guy Van Riet, Xavier Bonastre.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

On this day in movie history - Internal Affairs (1990):

Internal Affairs

directed by Mike Figgis,
written by Henry Bean,
was released in the United States on January 12, 1990.
Music by Brian Banks, Mike Figgis and Anthony Marinelli.


Richard Gere, Andy Garcia, Nancy Travis, Laurie Metcalf, Richard Bradford, William Baldwin, Michael Beach, Katherine Borowitz, Faye Grant, John Kapelos, Xander Berkeley, John Capodice, Victoria Dillard, Pamella D'Pella, Susan Forristal, Allan Havey, Lew Hopson, Tyde Kierney, Dinah Lenney, Scott Lincoln, Julio Oscar Mechoso, Harry S. Murphy, Billie Neal, Heather Lauren Olson, Marco Rodríguez, Annabella Sciorra, Arlen Dean Snyder, Ron Vawter, Deryn Warren, Valerie Wildman, Elijah Wood, Domingo Adkins, Hamlet Arman, Camilla Bergstrom, Mitchell Claman, Mark A. Cuttin, Justin De Rosa, Mike Figgis, Geoffrey Grider, Andrew Herman, Brian Eric Johnson, Waldemar Kalinowski, Helen Lin, Frank Mancuso Jr., Christopher Raymond Mullane, Hank McGill, Jimmy Ortega, Grant Sawyer, Richard B. Whitaker, Keri-Anne Bilotta, Jeff Bornstein, David Fisher, John Forker, Bj Korros, Jim Rhine, David Schied.

Friday, December 20, 2024

On this day in movie history - The Godfather Part III (1990):

The Godfather Part III

directed by Francis Ford Coppola,
written by Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola,
was released in the United States on December 20, 1990.
Music by Carmine Coppola.


Al Pacino, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, Andy Garcia, Eli Wallach, Joe Mantegna, George Hamilton, Bridget Fonda, Sofia Coppola, Raf Vallone, Franc D’Ambrosio, Donal Donnelly, Richard Bright, Helmut Berger, Don Novello, John Savage, Franco Citti, Mario Donatone, Vittorio Duse, Enzo Robutti, Michele Russo, Al Martino, Robert Cicchini, Rogerio Miranda, Carlos Miranda, Vito Antuofermo, Robert Vento, Willie Brown, Jeannie Linero, Jeanne Savarino Pesch, Janet Savarino Smith, Tere Livrano, Carmine Caridi, Don Costello, Al Ruscio, Mickey Knox, Rick Aviles, Michael Bowen, Brett Halsey, Gabriele Torrei, John Abineri, Brian Freilino, Gregory Corso, Marino Masé, Dado Ruspoli, Valeria Sabel, Remo Remotti, Luigi Laezza, Giuseppe Pianviti, Santo Indelicato, Simonetta Stefanelli, Francesco Paolo Bellante, Paco Reconti, Mimmo Cuticchio, Richard Honigman, Nicky Blair, Anthony Guidera, Frank Tarsia, Diana Agostini, Jessica DiCicco, Catherine Scorsese, Ida Bernardini, Joe Drago, David Hume, James D. Damiano, Michael Boccio, Frank Albanese, Marilee Albert, Salvatore Billa, Sal Borgese, Angelo Boscariol, Ludovico Caldarera, Homer Hut, John Cazale, Enrico Cesaretti, Geoffrey Copleston, Anton Coppola, Carmine Coppola, Gia Coppola, Tony Devon, Frank Ferrara, R. Emmett Fitzsimmons, Joe Fontana, Aldo Formisano, Luciano Foti, Paolo Gavanelli, Sal Lioni, Richard Maldone, Claudio Pacifico, Gianluca Petrazzi, Angelo Ragusa, Madelyn Renée Monti, Angelo Romero, Mitchell Shaw, David L. Thompson, Pietro Torrisi, F.X. Vitolo, Corinna Vozza, Claudio Zucchet.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

On this day in movie history - The Rookie (1990):

The Rookie

directed by Clint Eastwood,
written by Scott Spiegel and Boaz Yakin,
was released in the United States on December 7, 1990.
Music by Lennie Niehaus.


Clint Eastwood, Charlie Sheen, Raul Julia, Sônia Braga, Tom Skerritt, Lara Flynn Boyle, Pepe Serna, Marco Rodríguez, Pete Randall, Donna Mitchell, Xander Berkeley, Tony Plana, David Sherrill, Hal Williams, Lloyd Nelson, Pat DuVal, Mara Corday, Jerry Schumacher, Matt McKenzie, Joel Polis, Rodger LaRue, Robert Dubac, Anthony Charnota, Jordan Lund, Paul Ben-Victor, Jeanne Mori, Anthony Alexander, Paul Butler, Seth Allen, Coleby Lombardo, Roberta Vasquez, Joe Farago, Robert Harvey, Nick Ballo, Jay Boryea, Marylou Kenworthy, George Orrison, James W. Gavin, Thomas H. Friedkin, Craig Hosking, Joe Casino, Kyle Eastwood, Nick Fenske, Caron Strong.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

On this day in movie history - Misery (1990):


directed by Rob Reiner,
written by William Goldman,
based on the novel by Stephen King,
was released in the United States on November 30, 1990.
Music by Marc Shaiman.


James Caan, Kathy Bates, Richard Farnsworth, Frances Sternhagen, Lauren Bacall, Graham Jarvis, Jerry Potter, J. T. Walsh, Rob Reiner.