Showing posts with label 1909. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1909. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2025

Born on this day – Maxine Jennings:

Maxine Jennings


March 8, 1909 – January 11, 1991


Hawaii Five-O (1968); My Three Sons (1964); G.I. War Brides (1946); Mr. Wong, Detective (1938); The Dummy Owner (1938); Breakfast for Two (1937); The Big Shot (1937); On Again-Off Again (1937); There Goes My Girl (1937); Wrong Romance (1937); You Can't Buy Luck (1937); The Woman I Love (1937); Sea Devils (1937); We're on the Jury (1937); They Wanted to Marry (1937); Criminal Lawyer (1937); Dog Blight (1936); Make Way for a Lady (1936); Don't Turn 'em Loose (1936); Walking on Air (1936); Mary of Scotland (1936); Bunker Bean (1936); The Last Outlaw (1936); Fight is Right (1936); The Witness Chair (1936); Murder on a Bridle Path (1936); The Farmer in the Dell (1936); Love on a Bet (1936); Follow the Fleet (1936); Radio Barred (1936); Muss 'em Up (1936); Chatterbox (1936); I Dream Too Much (1935); Counselitis (1935); Another Face (1935); Old Man Rhythm (1935); A Night at the Biltmore Bowl (1935); Roberta (1935); Maybe It's Love (1935); Honeymooniacs (1929); The Godless Girl (1928).

Monday, February 24, 2025

Born on this day – August Derleth:

August Derleth


February 24, 1909 – July 4, 1971


A Collector of Stones (1946); A Corner for Lucia (1953); A Dinner at Imola (1929); A Boy's Way (1947); A Cloak From Messer Lando (1934); A Gentleman from Prague (1944); A Knocking in the Wall (1951); A Little Knowledge (1948); A Matter of Faith (1934); A Matter of Sight (1930); A Praed Street Dossier (1968); A Room in a House (1950); A Thin Gentleman with Gloves (1943); A Traveler in Time (1953); A Wig for Miss DeVore (1943); Across the Hall (1930); After You, Mr. Henderson (1940); Alannah (1945); Altimer's Amulet (1941); An Elegy for Mr. Danielson (1933); An Eye for History (1975); An Occurrence in an Antique Shop (1929); And You, Thoreau! (1944); Any Day Now (1938); Atmosphere of Houses (1939); August Derleth's Eerie Creatures (2009); Balu (1949); Bat's Belfry (1926); Baynter's Imp (1943); Beachheads in Space (1952); Beyond the Threshold (1941); Beyond Time and Space (1950); Birkett's Twelfth Corpse (1933); Bishop's Gambit (1947); Blessed Are the Meek (1948); Bramwell's Guardian (1940); Bright Journey (1940); By Rocket to the Moon (1965); Carousel (1945); Century Jumper (1953); Clark Ashton Smith: Master of Fantasy (1974); Colonel Markesan (1934); Colonel Markesan and Less Pleasant People (1966); Columbus and the New World (1957); Come to Me! (1941); Compliments of Spectro (1941); Concord Rebel: A Life of Henry D. Thoreau (1962); Consider Your Verdict (1937); Country Growth (1940); Country Matters (1996); Country Poems (1956); Countryman's Journal (1963); Dark Mind, Dark Heart (1962); Dark Things (1971); Dead Man's Shoes (1946); Death by Design (1953); Death Holds the Post (1936); Dwellers in Darkness (1976); Emerson, Our Contemporary (1970); Empire of Fur (1953); Evening in Spring (1941); Far Boundaries (1951); Father Marquette and the Great Rivers (1959); Feigman's Beard (1934); Fell Purpose (1953); Ferguson's Capsules (1966); Forest Orphans: Carl Marty and His Animal Friends (1964); From Other Worlds (1964); Gangster Stories (1930); Glory Hand (1937); H.P. Lovecraft And His Work (1963); H.P.L.: A Memoir (1945); Habitant of Dusk (1946); Halloween for Mr. Faulkner (1959); Harrigan's File (1975); Hawk on the Wind (1938); He Shall Come (1929); Headlines for Tod Shayne (1942); Here on a Darkling Plain (1940); Here, Daemos! (1942); In Lovecraft's Shadow (1998); In Re: Sherlock Holmes – The Adventures of Solar Pons (1945); In the Left Wing (1932); Incubus (1934); Innsmouth Clay (1971); Invaders from the Microcosm (1953); Ithaqua (1941); It's a Boy's World (1948); Jacksnipe Over (1971); Journals (Sac Prairie Saga); Just a Song at Twilight (1930); Kingsridge 214 (1949); Lady Macbeth of Pimley Square (1944); Lamplight for the Dark (1941); Land of Gray Gold (1954); Land of Sky Blue Waters (1955); Lansing's Luxury (1942); Laughter in the Night (1932); Lesandro's Familiar (1936); Logoda's Heads (1939); Lonesome Places (1962); Lovecraft and "The Pacer" (1959); Man and the Cosmos (1935); Man Track Here (1939); Mara (1948); Mark VII (1954); McElwin's Glass (1943); McGovern's Obsession (1937); McIlvaine's Star (1952); Melodie in E Minor (1929); Mischief in the Lane (1944); Miss Esperson (1962); Mr. Ames' Devil (1942); Mr. Berbeck Had a Dream (1935); Mr. Fairlie's Final Journey (1968); Mr. George (1947); Mr. George and Other Odd Persons (1963); Mrs. Bentley's Daughter (1930); Mrs. Corter Makes Up Her Mind (1942); Mrs. Elting Does Her Part (1939); Mrs. Lannisfree (1945); Mrs. Manifold (1949); Muggridge's Aunt (1935); Murder Stalks the Wakely Family (1934); Nellie Foster (1933); New Horizons: Yesterday's Portraits of Tomorrow (1998); New Worlds for Old (1963); Night's Yawning Peal: A Ghostly Company (1952); No Future for Luana (1945); No Light for Uncle Henry (1943); Not Long for this World (1948); Old Mark (1929); Oliver, The Wayward Owl (1945); Omega (1934); Only Deserted (1937); Open, Sesame! (1949); Over the Edge (1964); Pacific 421 (1944); Parrington's Pool (1947); Pikeman (1946); Place of Hawks (1935); Poetry Out of Wisconsin (1937); Portals of Tomorrow (1954); Potts' Triumph (1950); Prince Borgia's Mass (1931); Protoplasma (1975); Providence: Two Gentlemen Meet at Midnight (1948); Psyche (1953); Red Hands (1932); Rendezvous in a Landscape (1952); Restless is the River (1939); Return to Sac Prairie (1996); Return to Walden West (1970); Riders in the Sky (1928); Rind of Earth (1942); Sac Prairie People (1948); Saint Ignatius and the Company of Jesus (1956); Saunder's Little Friend (1948); Scarlatti's Bottle (1929); Selected Poems (1944); Sentence Deferred (1939); Sexton, Sexton, in the Wall (1953); Shadow of Night (1943); Shane's Girls (aka Happiness is a Gift) (1948); Sign of Fear (1935); Sleep No More (1944); Some Notes on H. P. Lovecraft (1959); Someone in the Dark (1941); Something from Out There (1951); Something in Wood (1948); Something Left Behind (1971); Something Near (1945); Spawn of the Maelstrom (1939); Still is the Summer Night (1937); Still Small Voice (1940); Strange Ports of Call (1948); Sweet Genevieve (1942); Sweet Land of Michigan (1962); Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos (1969); That Is Not Dead: The Black Magic & Occult Stories by August Derleth (2009); The Adventure of the Ball of Nostradamus (1955); The Adventure of the Black Cardinal (1930); The Adventure of the Intarsia Box (1964); The Adventure of The Orient Express (1964); The Adventure of the Snitch in Time (1953); The Adventure of the Unique Dickensians (1968); The Ancestor (1957); The Beast in Holger's Woods (1968); The Bishop Sees Through (1932); The Black Castle (1927); The Black Island (1952); The Blue Spectacles (1949); The Bridge of Sighs (1931); The Captain Is Afraid (1931); The Captive Island (1952); The Carven Image (1933); The Casebook of Solar Pons (1965); The Chronicles of Solar Pons (1973); The Churchyard Yew (1947); The Closing Door (1950); The Coffin of Lissa (1926); The Conradi Affair (1928); The Country of the Hawk (1952); The Dark Boy (1956); The Dark Brotherhood (1966); The Deserted Garden (1929); The Detective and the Senator (1953); The Devil's Pay (1926); The Disc Recorder (1953); The Drifting Snow (1939); The Dweller in Darkness (1944); The Ebony Stick (1953); The Edge of Night (1945); The Elixir of Life (1926); The Extra Passenger (1947); The Fifth Child (1950); The Figure with the Scythe (1973); The Final Adventures of Solar Pons (1998); The Gable Window (1957); The Ghost of Blackhawk Island (1961); The Ghost Walk (1947); The God-Box (1945); The Hills Stand Watch (1960); The Horror from the Middle Span (1967); The House by the River (1965); The House In the Magnolias (1932); The House in the Oaks (1971); The House in the Valley (1953); The House of Moonlight (1953); The House on the Highway (1929); The House on the Mound (1958); The Inheritors (1929); The Inverness Cape (1945); The Irregulars Strike Again (1964); The Island Out of Space (1950); The Keeper of the Key (1951); The Lair of the Star-Spawn (1932); The Lamp of Alhazred (1957); The Lilac Bush (1930); The Lonesome Place (1948); The Lost Day (1945); The Lost Path (1952); The Lost Sac Prairie Novels (2000); The Lurker at the Threshold (1945); The Man on All Fours (1934); The Man on B-17 (1950); The Man Who Rode the Saucer (1951); The Marmoset (1926); The Martian Artifact (1957); The Mask of Cthulhu (1958); The Maugham Obsession (1953); The Mechanical House (1954); The Memoirs of Solar Pons (1951); The Metronome (1934); The Mill Creek Irregulars (1959); The Milwaukee Road: Its First Hundred Years (1948); The Moon Tenders (1958); The Narracong Riddle (1940); The Night Rider (1927); The Night Road (1952); The Night Side (1947); The Night Side (1947); The Night Train to Lost Valley (1948); The Occupant of the Crypt (1947); The Odyssey of Janna Meade (1949); The Ormolu Clock (1950); The Other Side of the Moon (1949); The Other Side of the Wall (1951); The Outer Reaches (1951); The Owl on the Moor (1928); The Pacer (1930); The Pacer (1930); The Panelled Room (1937); The Peabody Heritage (1957); The Penfield Misadventure (1954); The Philosophers' Stone (1928); The Pinkertons Ride Again (1960); The Place in the Woods (1954); The Place of Desolation (1952); The Portrait (1930); The Prince Goes West (1968); The Remarkable Dingdong (1954); The Reminiscences of Solar Pons (1961); The Return of Andrew Bentley (1933); The Return of Hastur (1939); The Return of Sarah Purcell (1936); The Return of Solar Pons (1958); The River (1927); The Sandwin Compact (1940); The Satin Mask (1936); The Seal of R'lyeh (1957); The Second Print (1939); The Seven Who Waited (1943); The Shadow on the Sky (1932); The Shadow Out of Space (1957); The Sheraton Mirror (1932); The Shield of the Valiant (1945); The Shores of Night (1947); The Shuttered House (1937); The Shuttered Room (1959); The Slayers and the Slain (1949); The Sleepers (1927); The Sleepers and Other Wakeful Things (2009); The Sleeping and the Dead (1947); The Sleeping and the Dead (1963); The Solar Pons Omnibus (1982); The Song of the Pewee (1949); The Statement of Justin Parker (1928); The Survivor (1954); The Survivor and Others (1957); The Telephone in the Library (1936); The Tenant (1928); The Tenant at Number Seven (1928); The Tent Show Summer (1963); The Testament of Claiborne Boyd (aka The Gorge Beyond Salapunco) (1949); The Thing that Walked on the Wind (1933); The Three-Storied House (1928); The Time of Infinity (1963); The Trail of Cthulhu (1962); The Trail of Cthulhu (aka The House on Curwen Street) (1944); The Tsantsa in the Parlor (1948); The Turret Room (1927); The Unquiet Grave (1963); The Vanishing of Simmons (1933); The Vengeance of Ai (1939); The Watcher from the Sky (1945); The Watcher on the Heights (1966); The Watchers Out of Time (1974); The Watchers Out of Time and Others (1974); The Whippoorwills in the Hills (1948); The Whistler (1930); The White Moth (1933); The Wind from the River (1937); The Wind in the Cedars (aka Happiness Shall Not Escape (1946); The Wind in the Lilacs (1948); The Wisconsin: River of a Thousand Isles (1942); The Woman at Loon Point (1936); They Shall Rise (1936); Thinker, Mark VII (1954); This Wound (1962); Those Who Seek (1932); Three Gentlemen in Black (1938); Three Problems for Solar Pons (1952); Three Straw Men (1970); Three Who Died (1935); Time to Come (1954); To a Spaceship (1934); Travellers by Night (1967); Twilight Play (1949); Village Daybook (1947); Village Year: A Sac Prairie Journal (1941); Vincennes: Portal to the West (1968); Walden West (1961); Wentworth's Day (1957); West of Morning (1960); When Evil Wakes (1963); Who Knocks? (1946); Who Shall I Say is Calling & Other Stories (2009); Who Shall I Say is Calling? (1952); Wilbur, The Trusting Whippoorwill (1959); Wild Grapes (1934); Wind in the Elms (1941); Wind Over Wisconsin (1938); Wisconsin Country: A Sac Prairie Journal (1965); Wisconsin Earth: A Sac Prairie Sampler (1948); Wisconsin in Their Bones (1961); Wisconsin Murders (1968); Worlds of Tomorrow (1953).

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Born on this day – Joseph L. Mankiewicz:

Joseph L. Mankiewicz





February 11, 1909 – February 5, 1993


5 Fingers (1952); A Christmas Carol (1938); A Letter to Three Wives (1949); A Letter to Three Wives (1985); After Office Hours (1935); Alice in Wonderland (1933); All About Eve (1950); Broadway Melody of 1936 (1935); Cairo (1942); Carol for Another Christmas (1964); Cleopatra (1963); Close Harmony (1929); Diplomaniacs (1933); Double Wedding (1937); Dragonwyck (1946); Dude Ranch (1931); Emergency Call (1933); Escape (1948); Fast Company (1929); Finn and Hattie (1931); Forsaking All Others (1934); Fury (1936); Guys and Dolls (1955); House of Strangers (1949); I Live My Life (1935); If I Had a Million (1932); I'll Never Forget You (1951); Julius Caesar (1953); June Moon (1931); King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis (1969); Love on the Run (1936); Manhattan Melodrama (1934); Mannequin (1937); Meet the Baron (1933); Million Dollar Legs (1932); Newly Rich (1931); Night After Night (1932); No Way Out (1950); Only Saps Work (1930); Our Daily Bread (1934); Paramount on Parade (1930); People Will Talk (1951); Pleins feux (All About Eve) (1993); Pleins feux (All About Eve) (2017); Reckless (1935); Redheads on Parade (1935); Reunion in France (1942); Skippy (1931); Sky Bride (1932); Sleuth (1972); Slightly Scarlet (1930); Somewhere in the Night (1946); Sooky (1931); Strange Cargo (1940); Suddenly, Last Summer (1959); The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1939); The Barefoot Contessa (1954); The Bride Wore Red (1937); The Dummy (1929); The Feminine Touch (1941); The Gang Buster (1931); The Ghost and Mrs. Muir (1947); The Gorgeous Hussy (1936); The Great Waltz (1938); The Honey Pot (1967); The Keys of the Kingdom (1944); The Late George Apley (1947); The Light of Western Stars (1930); The Man I Love (1929); The Mysterious Dr. Fu Manchu (1929); The Philadelphia Story (1940); The Pirate (1948); The Quiet American (1958); The River of Romance (1929); The Saturday Night Kid (1929); The Shining Hour (1938); The Shopworn Angel (1938); The Social Lion (1930); The Studio Murder Mystery (1929); The Virginian (1929); The Wild Man of Borneo (1941); There Was a Crooked Man... (1970); This Reckless Age (1932); Three Comrades (1938); Three Godfathers (1936); Thunderbolt (1929); Too Much Harmony (1933); Two Fisted (1935); Woman of the Year (1942); Woman Trap (1929).

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Born on this day – Ann Sothern:

Ann Sothern


January 22, 1909 – March 15, 2001


The Whales of August (1987); The Little Dragons (1979); Flying High (1978); The Manitou (1978); Captains and the Kings (1976); Medical Story (1975); Crazy Mama (1975); Golden Needles (1974); The Killing Kind (1973); The Weekend Nun (1972); The Great Man's Whiskers (1972); Fol-de-Rol (1972); Alias Smith and Jones (1971); The Chicago Teddy Bears (1971); A Death of Innocence (1971); Congratulations, It's a Boy! (1971); The Virginian (1971); The Greatest Mother of Them All (1969); Love, American Style (1969); Insight (1964–1969); Chubasco (1968); Family Affair (1968); The Outsider (1967); The Girl from U.N.C.L.E. (1967); My Mother the Car (1965–1966); The Legend of Jesse James (1965); The Lucy Show (1965); Sylvia (1965); The Alfred Hitchcock Hour (1964); Lady in a Cage (1964); The Best Man (1964); Atta Boy, Mama (1962); The Ann Sothern Show (1958–1961); The DuPont Show with June Allyson (1959); The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour (1957); Private Secretary (1953–1957); The Ford Television Theatre (1957); The Milton Berle Show (1955); Lady in the Dark (1954); The Red Skelton Hour (1953); The Blue Gardenia (1953); Hollywood Opening Night (1952); Schlitz Playhouse (1952); Shadow on the Wall (1950); Nancy Goes to Rio (1950); A Letter to Three Wives (1949 & 1985); Words and Music (1948); April Showers (1948); The Judge Steps Out (1948); Undercover Maisie (1947); Up Goes Maisie (1946); Maisie Goes to Reno (1944); Cry 'Havoc' (1943); Thousands Cheer (1943); Swing Shift Maisie (1943); Three Hearts for Julia (1943); You, John Jones! (1943); Panama Hattie (1942); Maisie Gets Her Man (1942); Lady Be Good (1941); Ringside Maisie (1941); Maisie Was a Lady (1941); Dulcy (1940); Gold Rush Maisie (1940); Brother Orchid (1940); Congo Maisie (1940); Joe and Ethel Turp Call on the President (1939); Fast and Furious (1939); Hotel for Women (1939); Maisie (1939); Trade Winds (1938); She's Got Everything (1937); There Goes the Groom (1937); Ali Baba Goes to Town (1937); Danger - Love at Work (1937); Super-Sleuth (1937); Fifty Roads to Town (1937); There Goes My Girl (1937); Dangerous Number (1937); Smartest Girl in Town (1936); Walking on Air (1936); My American Wife (1936); Don't Gamble with Love (1936); Hell-Ship Morgan (1936); You May Be Next! (1936); Grand Exit (1935); The Girl Friend (1935); Hooray for Love (1935); Eight Bells (1935); Folies Bergère de Paris (1935); Kid Millions (1934); The Party's Over (1934); Blind Date (1934); The Hell Cat (1934); Melody in Spring (1934); Let's Fall in Love (1933); Broadway Thru a Keyhole (1933); The March of Time (1930); Whoopee! (1930); Madam Satan (1930); Doughboys (1930); Good News (1930); Song of the West (1930); Show of Shows (1929); Broadway Nights (1927).

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Born on this day – Dana Andrews:

Dana Andrews


January 1, 1909 – December 17, 1992


Prince Jack (1984); The Pilot (1980); Ike: The War Years (1980); A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud (1978); Born Again (1978); Good Guys Wear Black (1978); The Last Hurrah (1977); The Last Tycoon (1976); Ellery Queen (1975); Take a Hard Ride (1975); The First 36 Hours of Dr. Durant (1975); A Shadow in the Streets (1975); Airport 1975 (1974); Bright Promise (1969); Innocent Bystanders (1972); The Failing of Raymond (1971); The Devil's Brigade (1968); No Diamonds for Ursula (1967); The Cobra (1967); The Ten Million Dollar Grab (1967); Hot Rods to Hell (1966); The Frozen Dead (1966); Johnny Reno (1966); Battle of the Bulge (1965); The Loved One (1965); Spy in Your Eye (1965); Town Tamer (1965); Brainstorm (1965); In Harm's Way (1965); The Satan Bug (1965); Crack in the World (1965); Madison Avenue (1961); The Crowded Sky (1960); Enchanted Island (1958); The Fearmakers (1958); Zero Hour! (1957); Curse of the Demon (1957); Spring Reunion (1956); Beyond a Reasonable Doubt (1956); While the City Sleeps (1956); Comanche (1956); Strange Lady in Town (1955); Smoke Signal (1955); Three Hours to Kill (1954); Duel in the Jungle (1954); Elephant Walk (1954); Assignment: Paris (1952); I Want You (1951); The Frogmen (1951); Sealed Cargo (1951); Edge of Doom (1950); Where the Sidewalk Ends (1950); My Foolish Heart (1949); Sword in the Desert (1949); The Forbidden Street (1949); No Minor Vices (1948); Deep Waters (1948); The Iron Curtain (1948); Daisy Kenyon (1947); Night Song (1947); Boomerang! (1947); The Best Years of Our Lives (1946); Canyon Passage (1946); A Walk in the Sun (1945); Fallen Angel (1945); State Fair (1945); Laura (1944); Wing and a Prayer (1944); The Purple Heart (1944); Up in Arms (1944); December 7th (1943); The North Star (1943); The Ox-Bow Incident (1943); Crash Dive (1943); Berlin Correspondent (1942); Ball of Fire (1941); Swamp Water (1941); Belle Starr (1941); Tobacco Road (1941); The Westerner (1940); Kit Carson (1940); Sailor's Lady (1940); Lucky Cisco Kid (1940).

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Born on this day – Isa Pola:

Isa Pola


December 19, 1909 – December 17, 1984


A Country Without Peace (1946); Acciaio (1933); Amore e chiacchiere (Salviamo il panorama) (1958); Boccaccesca (1928); Cavalleria rusticana (1939); Creatures of the Night (1934); First day of spring (1955); Furia / Fury (1947); Giardini che vivono / Living gardens (1930); Gli uomini non sono ingrati / Men are not ungrateful (1937); Him, her and the others (1956); Il moschettiere fantasma (1952); Il ponte di vetro / The glass bridge (1940); In the name of the Kadar sisters (1957); It Was I (1937); La cantante dell'opera / The opera singer (1933); La canzone dell'amore / The song of love (1930); La figlia del forzato (1954); La telefonista (1932); La Wally (1932); L'anonima Roylott / The anonymous Roylott (1936); Le scarpe al sole / Shoes in the sun (1935); Love and chatter (Let's save the view) (1958); Lucrezia Borgia (1940); Lui e lei (1956); L'ultima avventura (1932); Margaret of Cortona (1950); Miryam (1929); Ninna nanna delle dodici mamme/ Lullaby of the twelve mothers (1930); Ombre sul Canal Grande / Shadows on the Grand Canal (1951); Ragazzo (1934); Seeing great (1959); So it is (if you like) (1959); Stella del cinema (1931); Strange Witness (1950); Terra madre (1931); The Children Are Watching Us (1943); The Empress's Rival (1951); The hotel of happiness (1936); The Queen of Sheba (1952); The Sword of Damocles (1958); The Widow (1939); Three Forbidden Stories (1952); Una signora dell'ovest / A lady from the west (1942); Valentina (Una ragazza che ha fretta) (1958); Za-bum Equestrian Circus / Segments: Telephone contact; From the window; Galop finale al circo (1944).

Friday, December 13, 2024

Born on this day – Florine McKinney:

Florine McKinney


December 13, 1909 – July 28, 1975


Little Joe, the Wrangler (1942); Pardon My Sarong (1942); Take a Letter, Darling (1942); Brooklyn Orchid (1942); Unholy Partners (1941); Blossoms in the Dust (1941); You're the One (1941); A Night at Earl Carroll's (1940); The Philadelphia Story (1940); Escape (1940); Oklahoma Renegades (1940); Waterloo Bridge (1940); And One Was Beautiful (1940); Blazing Barriers (1937); A Star Fell from Heaven (1936); Muss 'em Up (1936); Cappy Ricks Returns (1935); Dizzy Dames (1935); Strangers All (1935); Night Life of the Gods (1935); David Copperfield (1935); The Merry Widow (1934); Student Tour (1934); Hollywood Party (1934); Riptide (1934); Dancing Lady (1933); Beauty for Sale (1933); It's Great to Be Alive (1933); Blue of the Night (1933); Cynara (1932); The Cabin in the Cotton (1932); Horse Feathers (1932); The Miracle Man (1932); One Hour with You (1932).

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Born on this day – Arch Oboler:

Arch Oboler




December 7, 1909 – March 19, 1987


Retro Static Radio (2023); Twelve Chimes It's Midnight Podcast (2018); Christmas Eve (1986); Domo Arigato (1990); Lights Out (1972); The Bubble (1966); One Plus One (1961); The Bell Telephone Hour (1960); Play of the Week (1959); Hi, Grandma! (1958); Eye on New York (1956); The Twonky (1953); Bwana Devil (1952); Chevron Theatre (1952); Lights Out (1951); Five (1951); Fireside Theatre (1950); Oboler Comedy Theatre (1949); On Our Merry Way (1948); Christmas Eve (1947); The Arnelo Affair (1947); Bewitched (1945); Strange Holiday (1945); Gangway for Tomorrow (1943); Rise and Shine (1941); Escape (1940).

Monday, December 2, 2024

Born on this day – June Clyde:

June Clyde




December 2, 1909 – October 1, 1987


A Strange Adventure (1932); A Study in Scarlet (1933); Affair in Monte Carlo (1952); After the Ball (1957); Aren't Men Beasts (1937); Arizona (1931); Back Street (1932); Behind the Mask (1946); Branded Men (1931); Charing Cross Road (1936); Country Fair (1941); Dance Band (1935); File 113 (1932); Forbidden Music (1936); Forgotten (1933); Her Resale Value (1933); Highlight: The Singing Cinema (1964); His Lordship Goes to Press (1938); Hit the Deck (1929); Hi'Ya Chum (1943); Hold Me Tight (1933); Hollywood (1932); Hollywood and Vine (1945); Hollywood Mystery (1934); Hollywood Party (1934); Humanettes No. 1 (1930); Humanettes No. 3 (1930); I Hate Women (1934); Intimate Relations (1937); King of the Castle (1936); Let's Make a Night of It (1937); Make-Up (1937); Midnight Mystery (1930); Moonlight and Monkey Business (1930); Morals for Women (1931); Night Without Stars (1951); No Monkey Business (1935); Oh! My Operation (1932); Only Yesterday (1933); Racing Youth (1932); Radio Patrol (1932); Room Mates (1933); Sam Small Leaves Town (1937); School for Husbands (1937); Screen Snapshots Series 10, No. 8 (1931); Screen Snapshots Series 15, No. 12 (1936); Sealed Lips (1942); Seven Doors to Death (1944); She Shall Have Music (1935); Side Street (1929); Starlight (1937); Steady Company (1932); Street Girl (1929); Tanned Legs (1929); Tess of the Storm Country (1932); The All-American (1932); The Broadway Minstrel (1929); The Cuckoos (1930); The Finishing Touch (1932); The Love Lottery (1954); The Mad Parade (1931); The Man Who Came to Dinner (1947); The Secret Witness (1931); The Story of Esther Costello (1957); The Vise (1957); Thrill of Youth (1932); Treasure Hunt (1952); Unfinished Business (1941); Weddings Are Wonderful (1938).

Thursday, November 28, 2024

Born on this day – David Miller:

David Miller




November 28, 1909 – April 14, 1992

Directing Doris Day and Tony Curtis, on the set of Midnight Lace (1960).


Goldie and the Boxer Go to Hollywood (1981); Goldie and the Boxer (1979); Love for Rent (1979); The Best Place to Be (1979); Bittersweet Love (1976); Executive Action (1973); Hail, Hero! (1969); Hammerhead (1968); Captain Newman, M.D. (1963); Lonely Are the Brave (1962); Back Street (1961); Midnight Lace (1960); Happy Anniversary (1959); The Story of Esther Costello (1957); The Opposite Sex (1956); Diane (1956); Twist of Fate (1954); Sudden Fear (1952); Saturday's Hero (1951); Our Very Own (1950); Love Happy (1949); Top o' the Morning (1949); Women in Defense (1946); Flying Tigers (1942); Further Prophecies of Nostradamus (1942); Sunday Punch (1942); Billy the Kid (1941); More About Nostradamus (1941); The Happiest Man on Earth (1940); Drunk Driving (1939); Ice Antics (1939); The Great Heart (1938); Nostradamus (1938); Fisticuffs (1938); It's in the Stars (1938); Modeling for Money (1938); Penny's Party (1938); La Savate (1938); Equestrian Acrobats (1937); Tennis Tactics (1937); Penny Wisdom (1937); Gilding the Lily (1937); Dexterity (1937); Hurling (1936); Dare-Deviltry (1936); Aquatic Artistry (1936); Racing Canines (1936); Table Tennis (1936); Let's Dance (1936); A Sports Parade Subject: Crew Racing (1935); Trained Hoofs (1935).

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Born on this day – James Agee:

James Agee




November 27, 1909 – May 16, 1955


Books and screenplays:

A Death in the Family; Agee on Film; Agee on Film II; Cotton Tenants: Three Families, Melville House; Face to Face; Knoxville: Summer of 1915; Let Us Now Praise Famous Men; Let Us Now Praise Famous Men: Three Tenant Families; Letters of James Agee to Father Flye; Permit Me Voyage; The African Queen; The Collected Poems of James Agee; The Collected Short Prose of James Agee; The Morning Watch; The Night of the Hunter; The Tramp's New World.

Movies and television:

20 Feet from Stardom (2013); A Death in the Family (2002); Agee (1979); All the Way Home (1963 / 1971 / 1981); American Experience (1988); Experimenter (2015); Face to Face / Segment: The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky (1952); Festival (1961); Genghis Khan (1950); Green Magic (1953); In the Street (1948); Omnibus / Segment: Lincoln-Rutledge Debate (1953); Omnibus / Segments: Mr. Lincoln / Lincoln Part IV: New Salem (1953–1955); The African Queen (1951); The Night of the Hunter (1955); The Quiet One (1948); Toutes les histoires / Histoire(s) du cinema (1999); Welcome to the Basement (2015); White Mane (1953).

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Born on this day – Dria Paola:

Dria Paola


November 21, 1909 – November 12, 1993


Adam's Tree (1938); Battles in the Shadow (1938); Black Crossing (1939); Cinema Europe: The Other Hollywood (1995); Does the gentleman wish? (1934); Fanny (1933); Hearts in the Storm (1940); La canzone dell'amore (1930); La notte delle beffe / The night of mockery (1939); Lowered Sails (1931); Movie Star (1931); Ninna nanna delle dodici mamme (1930); Pergolesi (1932); Song to the Wind (1939); Sun! (1929); The Black Panther (1942); The Blind Woman of Sorrento (1934); The Conquest of the Air (1939); The Doctor by Strength (1931); The girl from the other world (1934); The Great Light - Montevergine (1939); The Hotel of the Absent (1939); The Knight of St. Mark (1939); The Last Days of Pompeii (1926); The Last Street Urchin (1938); The Man with the Claw (1931); Think It Over Jack (1936); Yard (1931).

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Born on this day – Dorothy Wilson:

Dorothy Wilson


November 14, 1909 – January 7, 1998


8 Girls in a Boat (1934); Above the Clouds (1933); Bad Boy (1935); Before Dawn (1933); Circus Shadows (1935); Craig's Wife (1936); His Greatest Gamble (1934); Hollywood Boulevard (1936); Hollywood on Parade No. A-9 (1933); Hollywood on Parade No. B-7 (1934); In Old Kentucky (1935); Lucky Devils (1933); Men of America (1932); One in a Million (1935); Scarlet River (1933); Speed to Spare (1937); The Age of Consent (1932); The Last Days of Pompeii (1935); The Merry Widow (1934); The Milky Way (1936); The White Parade (1934); When a Man's a Man (1935); Whistling in Brooklyn (1943).

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Recommended reading - The Machine Stops (1909):

The Machine Stops

By E. M. Forster.

Science Fiction short story.
Published by Suzeteo Enterprises.
First published 1909.
ISBN-10: 1645941566
ISBN-13: 9781645941569


In our modern era, we like to congratulate ourselves for our sophistication, knowing that we have doubtless created a world that our feckless ancestors could never have imagined. Actually reading the works of those ancestors would disabuse us of any such notion, and E. M. Forster's The Machine Stops is a case in point. Not only does it seem that Forster has contemplated the ubiquitous 'Zoom' call, but he correctly sensed the deadening of the soul that would accompany the faux-mastery of Nature, expressing itself through technology.

In The Machine Stops the height of mankind's advances was The Machine, and it cared for every aspect of human experience, and anticipated every human need, until such time that there was nothing left for humans to do except eat, and, if the algorithm approved, procreate; and when the algorithm decided Euthanasia was due, then Euthanasia was happily accepted. The Machine was not just the pinnacle of human ingenuity, it was Progress Incarnate. And then... the Machine Stopped. Today, we hail our own progress, technological and societal. If our machine stops, what then? Do we really suppose it is eternal?

Sunday, October 27, 2024

Born on this day – Henry Townsend:

Henry Townsend

Blues singer



October 27, 1909 – September 24, 2006



Blues Piano and Guitar (2019); Cairo Blues (1973); Last of the Great Mississippi Delta Bluesmen: Live in Dallas (2007); More Devil's Music (2006); Mule / Expanded Edition (1980); Mule's Blues (2015); My Story (2001); St. Louis Blues Ace (1996); The 88 Blues (1998); The Blues in St. Louis, Vol. 3: Henry Townsend (1984); The Real St. Louis Blues (2001).

Movies and television:

10 Days Out: Blues from the Backroads (2007); Blues Like Showers of Rain (1970); Blues Like Showers of Rain / Legends of Country Blues Guitar (1994); Blues Story (2003); Thats the Way I Do It (1986); The Devil's Music (1979).