William Dean Howells
March 1, 1837 – May 11, 1920
A Boy’s Town (1890); A
Chance Acquaintance (1873); A Counsel of Consolation in In After Days: Thoughts
on the Future Life (1910); A Counterfeit Presentment (1877); A Day’s Pleasure
(1876); A Day’s Pleasure, and Other Sketches (1881); A Fearful Responsibility
and Other Stories (1881); A Foregone Conclusion (1875); A Hazard of New
Fortunes (1889); A Letter of Introduction (1892); A Little Swiss Sojourn
(1892); A Modern Instance (1881); A Pair of Patient Lovers (1901); A Parting
and a Meeting (1896); A Previous Engagement (1897); A Sea-Change, or, Love’s
Stowaway (1884); A Traveler from Altruria (1894); A Woman’s Reason (1883); An
Imperative Duty (1891); An Indian Giver (1900); An Open-Eyed Conspiracy (1897);
Annie Kilburn (1889); April Hopes (1887); Between the Dark and the Daylight
(1907); Bride Roses (1893); Certain Delightful English Towns with Glimpses of the
Pleasant Country Between (1906); Criticism and Fiction (1891); Doorstep
Acquaintance, and Other Sketches (1900); Dr. Breen’s Practice (1881); Eighty
Years and After (1919); Evening Dress (1893); Familiar Spanish Travels (1913);
Fennel and Rue (1908); Heroines of Fiction (1901); Hither and Thither in
Germany (1920); Imaginary Interviews (1910); Impressions and Experiences
(1896); Indian Summer (1885); Italian Journeys (1867); Letters Home (1903);
Literary Friends and Acquaintance (1900); Literature and Life (1902); Lives and
Speeches of Abraham Lincoln and Hannibal Hamlin (1860); London Films (1905);
Miss Bellard’s Inspiration (1905); Modern Italian Poets (1887); Mrs. Farrell
(1921); My Literary Passions (1895); My Mark Twain: Reminiscences and Criticisms
(1910); My Year in a Log Cabin (1893); New Leaf Mills (1913); Niagara Revisited
12 Years after their Wedding Journey by the Hoosac Tunnel Route (1884); No Love
Lost (1868); Out of the Question (1877); Parting Friends (1911); Poems (1885);
Questionable Shapes (1903); Ragged Lady (1899); Roman Holiday and Others
(1908); Room Forty-Five (1900); Seven English Cities (1909); Sketch of the Life
and Character of Rutherford B. Hayes (1876); Stops of Various Quills (1895);
Stories of Ohio (1897); Suburban Sketches (1871); The Albany Depot (1892); The
Coast of Bohemia (1893); The Daughter of the Storage, and Other Things in Prose
and Verse (1916); The Elevator (1885); The Flight of Pony Baker (1902); The
Garroters (1886); The Kentons (1902); The Lady of The Aroostook (1879); The
Landlord At Lion’s Head (1897); The Leatherwood God (1916); The Minister’s
Charge (1886); The Mother and Father (1909); The Mouse-Trap and Other Farces
(1889); The Mulberries in Pay’s Garden (1906); The Parlor Car (1876); The
Quality of Mercy (1891); The Register (1884); The Rise of Silas Lapham (1885);
The Shadow of a Dream (1890); The Sleeping Car (1883); The Son of Royal
Langbrith (1904); The Story of a Play (1898); The Undiscovered Country (1880);
The Unexpected Guest (1893); The Vacation of the Kelwyns (1920); The Whole
Family (1908); The World of Chance (1893); Their Silver Wedding Journey (1899);
Their Wedding Journey (1872); Three Villages (1884); Through the Eye of the
Needle (1907); Tuscan Cities (1884); Venetian Life (1866); Years of My Youth
Movies and television:
Every Day (1986); Kraft Theatre / The United States Steel Hour (1954); Mickey’s
Once Upon a Christmas (1999); Studio 57 (1954).