March 17, 1904 – September 23, 1962
Books and plays:
Craven House (1926); Gas
Light / aka Angel Street (1942); Hangover Square (1941); Impromptu in
Moribundia (1939); John Brown's Body (1930); Monday Morning (1925); Money with
Menaces (1939); Rope / aka Rope's End (1929); The Charmer / aka Mr Stimpson and
Mr Gorse (1953); The Duke in Darkness (1942); The Man Upstairs (1954); The
Midnight Bell (1929); The Plains of Cement (1934); The Siege of Pleasure (1932);
The Slaves of Solitude (1947); The West Pier (1952); Twopence Coloured (1928); Unknown
Assailant (1955).
Movies and television:
comedia (1971); Anatomie eines Unfalls (1965); Angel Street (1946); Au théâtre
ce soir (1971); BBC Sunday-Night Theatre (1950–1957); Bitter Harvest (1963); Broadway
Television Theatre (1952–1953); Craven House (1950); De strop (1965 / 1968); Der
Herr im ersten Stock (1957); Drohung bei Mondlicht (1987); El mundo del
espectáculo (1979); Encounter (1952–1954); Gas Light (1939 / 1948); Gaslicht (1956
/ 1960 / 1962 / 1977); Gaslight (1940 / 1944 / 1947 / 1958 / 1959); Gaslight / Podcast
Series (2023); Gaslys (1957); Grande Teatro Tupi (1952–1958); Hangover Square
(1945 / 2009); ITV Play of the Week / Angel Street; Rope's End (1957–1960); ITV
Television Playhouse (1963); Köysi (1967); Luce a gas (1958 / 1966); Matinee
Theatre (1958); Obsession (1966); Ponds Theater (1954); Rope (1939 / 1947 / 1948
/ 1953 / 1957 / 2020); Saturday Playhouse (1958); Shell Presents (1959); Suspense
(1963); Suspicion (1958); Teatro de misterio (1970); The Charmer (1987); The
Duke in Darkness (1948 / 1957); The Ford Theatre Hour (1950); The Governess (1949
/ 1957 / 1958); The Man Upstairs (1954); To the Public Danger (1948); To
theatro tis Defteras (1981); Twenty Thousand Streets Under the Sky (2005).
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